What would make you happy?

Clinicallydepressedpoochie@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 79 points –

Never needing to work again and actually having energy to do things would probably do the trick.

It helps, but then you have to supplant your own meaning life, or one can very quickly spiral into doing nothing and becoming depressed. Capitalism sucks, but work doesn't; it gives us direction and purpose.

My friend, I assume, and I find plenty of meaning in accomplishing simple tasks and finding interesting ways to express ourselves. No labor needed. Only little rabbit holes to constantly fall into.

Edit: btw I don't approve of all the downvotes you got. A lot of meaning can be found in, exhausting, intense, hard work. Most of that is stripped away by being forced to do it, though.

Just one day without tinnitus would make me happy.

Take care of your ears.

Mine eventually (after years) faded into the background and now it only really bothers me if I'm in a quiet place.

Just live in a loud environment! Oh god I wish I could know silence again. Nothing like going out into nature and you hear a ringing the whole time

Probably a loving partner, and enough therapy to be able to have a healthy relationship. But that's a lot of work, so I mostly try to be happy in my solitude.

I'm a person who enjoys their solitude. I know my partners not the same but I also know there are other people who very much like to stay to themselves. Maybe you can find someone who you can both be in solitude together with.

That would be great, but I'm pretty bad at meeting new people so 🤷

Same. Working on boundaries and seeing some improvement. Definitely not where I want to be, but much better than where I used to be.

I'm definitely worse lol

His name is



on the track.

He's getting back

in the black

on the attack

blocking flak

making you yak

yo slimy gak

like ipecac

cause you whack.

But in his pack

we got no lack

with H1 Jack.

A friend that both plays the same video games I like so we can play together and also fucks me.

bummer I was gonna offer the first part but i fear it's contingent on the second part

Oh yes, this might do.

Ground rules:

  1. Loser sucks
  2. Git gud if you want that chastity off.
  3. Winner buys dinner.

If I learned how to prioritize sleep without feeling guilty

Sleep's one of the best free pleasures around. It's free, it heals your body and mind, and just feels good.

I've fought a lot with insomnia in recent years and truly appreciate when I'm able to get a good night's sleep. I'd rather have a bit shorter days, but feel much better due to being well rested whenever possible. How does sleeping make you feel guilty?

A universal move towards a less judgemental and more empathetic society.

All these new science and technology advancements and our politicians are still frothing corrupt conartists lying to the public to increase their own power and wealth at the cost of humanity.

this might sound cliché, but what if the start of non-judgment is within yourself? you've already judged society to be too judgmental!

I dont mean to play tricks with you. this is the central struggle of having a mind. we constantly evaluate everything!

Indeed, it's something I think about quite a bit. The conclusion I've come to involves consent: If all people involved in something fully understand and consent to what is happening, then they should not be "judged" for it.

And yes, I know there are holes and loopholes in that conclusion, but I think it's nearly impossible to have a logically sound and consistent moral framework.

nearly impossible to have a logically sound and consistent moral framework.

Moral belief, I agree with. Framework sounds much more maleable. I think it's doable but you need tolerances. Since a framework would shape your belief and everyone have to fill in the blanks for themselves. Two different people could have wildly different conclusions working with the same moral outline. We have to allow for failings but also recognize the failings and adapt. If there is some give and allowances for people to be wrong it makes it less strenuous and easier to uphold your own personal morality.

Like or not Christianity deals with this. It's a confusing system, purposefully so church leaders can police it, but jesus offers forgiveness. They are so confident in it that Jesus can offer forgiveness for things that no normal person would be able to. I'm not saying the Christian implementation is the right one but I think it allowed the religion to flourish.

Thanks for the response!

If all people involved in something fully understand and consent to what is happening, then they should not be “judged” for it.

Here's the thing: this statement still hasn't entered into non-judgment itself. When you use the word "should" you're already holding one thing higher than the other. And again, this is natural for us to want to do! But who is consenting to this moral framework in the first place?

That's more than a loophole or caveat -- it's a limitation of all judgment. Judgments don't exist in the world; they are passed by judging creatures. So the only way to find a world without judgment is to, at the very least, practice separating yourself from your own judgments. Seeing the world for what it is, we can pause in our concern for what ought to be.

If I could turn back time.

A few thousand dollars.

I was trying to think of something before clicking on the post and money was literally the first and only thing I came up with

Got a few and it didn't make me happier past a day

I mean when a few thousand is all that stands between you and homelessness...

My daughter to be happy.

Also, for her to manage a single night with solid sleep, so I'm not replying to threads about happiness on Lemmy at 5am. That would also be nice.

Life stability and security. If all of my bills and debts were taken care of, I would be happy. I love my job as a welder and enjoy what I do. I look forward to the new work week on Monday morning.

I would continue working as a welder, even if I didn't have to worry about money and bills.

Getting paid without having to work.

If I didn’t have a job, I’d probably still work, and I’d probably be working partly for money, partly for something to do. I just wouldn’t be answering to someone else. I think “work” is misunderstood. It doesn’t have to be a bad experience, but I understand it often is. I wish more people had jobs they liked, I think that’s a better solution.

1 more...

I wish I knew.

Need a good brain storming sesh?

I'm not sure if that will help. I've been what people would call emotionally numb for a while. Most of how I come across as feeling comes from memory of feeling that way.

I think this applies to me too. Being properly medicated helps. End of the day though I'm not really sure what would "make me happy." Personally, I'd like to reduce stressors and spend more time being creative. I usually don't have the mental capacity to stay focused enough after work.

I do get glimpses of happiness. I'm probably more in touch with my vulnerable side, though. Finding something that will release some water from my eyes always gets backfilled with a feeling of relief and joy. Last time I got high and watched the boy the mole the fox and the horse, I was balling. It felt good. I just hope you don't take pride in the hardened shell that's grown around you. You'll never be motivated to chisel away at it.

Name checks out hugs @Clinicallydepressedpoochie@lemmy.world Maybe not something I'd feel for myself, but I'd be happy being here for you if we find each other around and there's ever anything you might need, such as a favor or collab. Time spent with friends and other "apophenia" are the closest I get to being normal in this regard anyways.

To get the kids to bed and start up a video game. That's all. That's all it takes for me now a days.

If it turns out that the Nintendo Switch 2 can dispense coffee.

Jokes aside, I'm already happy! What would make me even happier is getting around to finishing this drawing...soooo many hairs 😂

Not having adhd so I could make a better use of time, for family, relaxation, chores, career advancement. So I didn’t have to lean on my wife’s emotional intelligence and knack for planning so much, and so I would be better at maintaining relationships with those who aren’t in my immediate vicinity

good news! a lot of those skills can be trained, even for someone with adhd

  • A solid, reliable, trusted, friend group. I've got a handful of people but some folks I know have like a whole crew.
  • At least one smart, hot, kind, loving, partner with at least one shared, actionable interest.
  • Power. Like, give me the infinity stones and I'll fix the world.

No other crisis at the moment, but you never know when you're going to wake up with double cancer or whatever. I try to appreciate the nice moments.

"OK, you've finished your first play through. Now go back a handful of decades and don't do the same fuck-ups."

If I could convince my friend to stop smoking.

if you hinge your life satisfaction out of how much power you have over others, imagine how satisfying life could be if you focused on the things that are actually in your control!

I know :) But here I have a special reason to care, which is too complex to explain in a short comment.

Tell him you know a way to stop paying a ton of taxes

Some choices people need to make for themselves. In particular choices involving substances seem to really have to be motivated from within to get them to stick with it.

A stable career path, a loving relationship, and permanent housing.

More concise: Stability.

It's all I ever wanted and seemingly the only thing I can never have even since childhood. I move every 2 years on average and since adulthood that's been from basement apartment to basement apartment and now to a garage with no end in sight... I finally got to the point where I could consider buying a house and then COVID, WFH, and the invesestment parasites all blew up at once and took that away from me... I gave up on the relationship bit years ago.

Well I am happy, but would be happier if the public transit here was good. Because the city would be so much better.

More money would make me less anxious but I have a reasonable lifestyle already (only took a half century and 4 wage earners in the household) and am satisfied with it.

Just enough money to pay off my car, my credit card, and give me 1 year (if that, id probably spend half the time recovering from traveling) to travel and see where I want to go in life.

Edit: funny, now that I'm thinking about it there's that venn diagram joke: Money, time, and Energy. Each stage of your life you get two.

I have no energy, not a lot of money, and plenty of time (except ADHD time blindness so it doesn't do me any fucking good.)

being a cis woman

Would you settle for being a woman?

I could try, but I'm not a woman, I'm not even on hrt yet, I'll start diy as soon as my package arrives, but even then I'll never pass. And it's all my fault, I knew it since I was 13, but didn't do anything about it, cuz I'm a fucking retard or something. everything in my live is just dark-gray and the only way to brigthen it up are drugs...

anyway, how was your day?

Wish I could support you better. I don't think it's the end of the world whether or not you pass. As we've seen lately in the media, it actually might make you feel more like a woman having people question the nature of your body.

If you can get professionals involved that would probably be safer than doing anything DIY. Even just one appointment to discuss it with someone.

Getting rid of 35kg of fat.

Long term, low intencity depression doesn't make it easy though.

Be able to be there for those that need me and simultaneously have a job

I feel for you.. When you're at one you feel guilty for not being at the other and you constantly feel like you're failing at both. Everyone told me to make time for myself and i didn't even know what that meant. Try not to let the frustration and guilt get to you. Sleep when you can.

In the US: Universal healthcare. Having kids and having to think about healthcare even when we're not sick or injured is such a mental drain.

getting rid of Schizophrenia

I feel this one bud ❤️ its manageable condition, don't give up hope, and remember that no human has perfect perception

Less stress. Less worry. More time free to recuperate and enjoy things.

Ugh, how to tell a depressed dog person I want three cute catgirl girlfriends…

Hah, I made this username as tribute to the best dog I ever had. We put her down 2 years ago today. Depression was something we had in common. Her sigh was more recognizable than her bark. When she passed we had to get our aging cat a new friend and got her the most skittish little kitten pal. They get along ok, bout the same as with the dog.

Eitherway, it's just cats from now on. The dog took up too much space in my heart and don't want to have to make room for another.

Good luck with 3 catgirls, tho. If they are anything like my cat they will leave a mark.

Since hitting my 30s I've started getting really invested in middle aged man shit like sports and history podcasts. It's a cliche and basic in its own way but I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of joy these relatively simple things are bringing me. Especially when I could not have been less interested in sports as a youngster.

Yeah, never been a big football fan my entire life. After starting a serious career I kinda got swept up into it.

I realized in my early 20s I do actually enjoy spectating when I started following e-sports. I was disaffected for a while when that whole space got taken over by influencers, though.

To me it comes down to story lines. I love a great story, as we all do, and professional competition you get to see them unfold in real time. You get to root for your side as it happens and then connect with the people who were there too.

So, hoping to expand my list of topics for small talk football seemed like an easy win. I dunno, not everyone needs social lubricant but it helps for me to have something to ease my anxiety.

I still am a bit behind on all the mechanics but started playing fantasy and it helps get more fimilar with the players.

People reading this probably think I'm a real doofus because this comes natural to them. For me though, it's like discovering a whole new genre of music and getting to hear the hits for the first time.

I had a very similar experience.

Comparing my TV habits to my partner's I came to the conclusion that following sports is actually very similar to following a soap opera or reality show: you as the viewer are trying to predict the dynamics between the characters and what the outcome will be from a limited selection of possible outcomes. I think it's the combination of it being unpredictable - you don't know who will win - but also bounded in terms of possibilities (someone is going to win). That combination lets you kind of switch off your brain while watching it whilst at the same time being pure drama.

Not sure if that makes sense but thanks for reading my wacky theory!

The exact amount of money I have in debts at the moment.

If I was 100% debt free I could work 3-4 days a week with the same amount of money left as with debts.

This would reduce stress and give me more time and energy to improve myself

A job that: I'd love, is at a desk, pays well, is project based, asks me to set my own goals, holds me accountable, makes me feel like I'm contributing something positive for other people.

Right now, I would feel more fulfilled in life with something like that.

Someone who occasionally makes me feel special. It'd be nice to feel special all the time, but I think that's unrealistic. It'd be nice if I could feel special or important on a semi regular basis. Not just useful, like a wrench is useful, but treasured.

The older I get, the more I understand the "lone old man and his dog" stereotype. The dog thinks you're great and everyone else just sees you like a machine that is disposable when they're done with you.

Mentoring is the fast track to feeling useful. It takes a bit of humility. No one wants to learn from someone who is intolerabley self righteous, but passing on knowledge will always be rewarding.

You're missing the point. I already do something like that. I'm very useful to those around me. I just wish people liked me whether I'm useful or not, and made it obvious. I feel like if I stopped being useful, then people would stop liking me.

Having no needs that anyone else can leverage against me.

Relief of stress, which is currently made by lack of money. So money, I guess. I think in smaller terms this chocolate chip banana bread will make me short term happy though.

the only thing that could "make" me happy is a change in mindset, perhaps forced by brain damage.

as far as how I will make my own happiness, it comes down to making choices informed by my own values, painstakingly discovered through mistakes, introspection, and connections with others

Not having to go into the office. I like my job.

I'm already happy, so happier than this?maybe some more money but just for practical purposes.

Being well off enough and free of my money problems so that I could quit my night job and devote my free time to helping my friends. I'd also like to have a life where I could become a foster parent because I think I'd be good at that and help families well.

That is the million dollar question, isn't it...

Being actually listened to.

Also, if bureaucracy wasn't such a clusterfuck.