Northern folk rule to – 407 points –

It's less cold than it looks, i've tried that.

Snow is an excellent thermal insulator, and the air in that chamber can be quite warm, like 15°C, without really melting the snow.

I oh also love not wearing clothes as soon as the room temperature hits 15C. Now it all make sense.

Warm sun + 0 wind chill + being acclimatised to 5C or less. Same deal as people suffering from heat stroke in 29C when parts of the world regularly don't fall below that for months out of the year.

15 C is easily tolerable in summer clothes, if you don't have a bunch of wind.

Depends on wind and humidity

Also depends if it’s the end of summer or the end of winter. If it’s the end of summer I would freeze my balls off, if it is the end of winter I’m sweating my balls off. It’s that brown fat that makes a huge difference and you make a lot more of it with cold exposure, many adults barely have any of it during the summer.

Well, she certainly planned this. Snowmobile to location. Big winter boots in the hole with her. Insulated liner to lie down on. Hole deep enough to hide from the wing. Probably just outside the frame is a snowmobile, shovel, and her snowsuit.

Source: lived in the arctic for almost a decade. This doesn't seem that foolish in May when the sun is nice and warm but the snow is still out.

If you want you can xpost to ! because it would fit. :p

Feel free to crosspost it! I'm always wary of posting in more places myself because I feel like I'm too omnipresent in the communities I already post in, lol.