Trump dodges question on pulling Mark Robinson endorsement to politics – 82 points –

He sure seems to be ignorant of a lot of critically fucking important things within his own party/cabinet. I should want someone with slightly more curiosity and awareness if I seriously expect them to handle being the president of the goddamned united states.

Only one thing matters to Trump: Trump. Everything and everyone else is disposable.

I can almost guarantee you trump doesn't remember who that is or why he should or shouldn't support him.

Will probably be a, "never heard of him... Though I wish him well."

Strange trend with Donnie when he's trying to distance himself from someone he definitely knows. Like Ghislaine Maxwell.

How does one forget about "MLK on steroids"?

Eh.....I'm willing to bet that he said that because Mark Robinson is black.

Not because he's any sort of civil rights activist.

hell, given this political cycle I barely remember who that is. "The guy from fifty horrifying headlines ago" doesn't stick around as much as you'd hope, at a certain age...

"We all too often have socialism for the rich and rugged free market capitalism for the poor"

"Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God's children."

  • Mark Robinson, The Black Nazi

edit these are random MLK Jr. quotes you loonies

edit these are random MLK Jr. quotes you loonies

Simply quoting great leaders, does not a great leader make. This is especially true when the person being quoted would would be furious to be associated with the person saying the quote. Dr. King spoke out for equal rights for all. Mark Robinson bizarrely advocates for slavery. These two men are not the same. The downvotes are for Mark Robinson.