Major Conservative Pollster (Rasmussen) Cited by Media Secretly Worked With Trump Team to politics – 163 points –
Major Conservative Poll Cited by Media Secretly Worked With Trump Team

Everyone put on your shocked face that the Republicans are cheating.

And I still see people dooming about Rasmussen polls despite the fact that they've been booted from most polling agragates a while ago because of their terrible methodology and terrible transparency

I fully support whatever media outlet wants to boost flawed polls to drive clicks or engagement or whatever bullshit KPIs they use for money. I want Democrats (justifiably) terrified that Trump will win. I want people voting like their lives, their freedoms depend on it, because they do. I want to win the Senate and the House and every Governor's race because people everywhere showed up to say we're not going back. I want every attempt at electoral malfeasance to be so obvious that everyone involved is immediately convicted.

And if a bullshit propaganda poll gets the job done, then we can laugh about how biased and wrong Rasmussen was after the election.

I'm not so sure it necessarily does that. I think sometimes people dooming about polls makes them think "what's the point" and demotivates action

Certainly complacency is bad too though of course

I think complacency had a lot to do with 2016. So I'm not letting my guard down.

I'll verify anecdotally it did for me. I've regretted it every day since.

Rasmussen has long been criticized for its polling, which focuses on “likely voters,” and for skewing toward older Americans and providing favorable results to conservatives. During the Trump administration, its website became overtly supportive of the right wing, with many of its polls sponsored by conservative personalities and causes. On social media, Rasmussen appeared to legitimize many conspiracy theories on the right, such as election fraud and vaccine denialism.

Yank their non-profit status.