Only clean cars are target to Lemmy – 528 points –

Here's a scary thought. Birds have no sphincter. Meaning they have no means of clenching their butthole, and holding in their poop. Meaning, if a bird is above you, there is a 100% chance you will get pooped on if their body produces poop at that moment. The poop is ALWAYS a threat!

More fun, they have no butthole or a peehole. It's a cloaca, what is basically the combination of both and what comes out of it is also the combination of both. Dinosaurs were built the same way.

Don't forget that eggs also come out the hole!! If you've ever seen fresh farm eggs before, you have to wash them before you use them because they're covered in piss and shit. Yum!

Cloacal kissing is the actual reproductive act between mates, and it basically works the way it sounds.

If they could control it, I believe they would choose to shit on people. This makes me feel safer due to random chance.

  • Red car green shit
  • Orange car blue shit
  • Yellow car purple shit

The sequel was not as successful as Seuss's first volume in the series, One First Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish.