Are user upvotes and downvotes anonymous/private, or are they public, similar to Likes on Twitter.

Dick to – 11 points –

I googled this, and one of the top results gave me the impression that they are not private. I just wanted to get confirmation one way or t'other if possible.


looking at profiles, not seeing anything that would show up/downvotes; just posts and comments.

No, they're not private at all, the federation shares anyone's activity so instances can be in sync, and they need to share everything.
For example looking at the logs of my instance I see this one

  "id": "<uuid>", 
  "type": "Like", 
  "actor": "<user>",
  "object": "<id>", 
  "audience": "<community>"

Edit: I misclicked and replayed to the comment instead of the post 😅