Biden is 'old,' Trump is 'corrupt': AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch to politics – 135 points –
Biden is 'old,' Trump is 'corrupt': AP-NORC poll has ominous signs for both in possible 2024 rematch

Biden is old. Trump is a traitor. There. Fixed it for you.

Trump would be a traitor AND the oldest elected president ever.*

Biden was the oldest president ever elected. Trump is 3 years younger than Biden. If Trump theoretically wins, he'd be the oldest elected president ever beating Biden by a year.

Thank God he will be in prison. I just hope a judge finally revokes his bond after making jokes about fleeing to Russia to get pegged by Putin.

And I've seen both running. I'll say both are old.

Well yeah, they're both old, but Biden is ridiculously fit for an old guy. He works out for 45 minutes a day, which is a lot more than most Americans.

Contrast with the orange lard-bucket in a badly-fitting suit, who believes exercise "drains your batteries."

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I will take old over corrupt any day.


It's absolutely insane that this is even being debated. Biden could keel over tomorrow and he would still make the better president.

Both are old and corrupt.

Until Biden puts fucking Goya beans on the resolute desk and does a smug photo op - and still get people to support him - I don’t give a fuck about “BoTh SiDeS” argument.

Republicans have lost all moral ground for calling both-sidism.

Do you have an actual source on Biden being corrupt, or are you just a whiny loser?

It's pretty easy to point to how he's getting his son handled in court. While a far cry from trying to overthrow the government it is corruption regardless.

All politicians are corrupt to a certain degree, that is why we can't idolize and become apologists for them.

It is just how much you yourself can handle or what you are okay with keeping your head in the sand for.

"A toaster and the sun are both hot"

Damnit, you're right! This explains why you shouldn't put a toaster in the bathtub. Because you shouldn't put the sun in the bathtub!

Can we solve global warming by removing all toasters?

Most intelligent Jimmy Dore fan

Great, don't vote. I'm guessing with that rationale you're a Trump supporter anyway.

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Trump is all four. I wish we wouldn't turn every election into a years long grueling horserace.

Two out of four is still pretty bad...

We shouldn't be satisfied with "better than trump" because that's roughly 99% of the population.

Unfortunately we don't get a choice, and the people not letting us have a choice are too stupid to realize why voter turnout is constantly shit.

We shouldn’t be satisfied with “better than trump” because that’s roughly 99% of the population.

Spend some more time with his voter base and you'll bump that figure down a bit

You're basically right; They're actually smart, but not in a nice way and not that smart. First past the post voting essentially guarantees this dynamic; duopoly a la Good Cop Bad Cop.

They know they can skate by on that, but they're not afraid enough of the fact that the insurrection has not ended, and will only escalate. Their Bad Cop isn't a method actor, but an actual bad cop who already has a drop piece with their name on it.

Fascism has never yet been defeated without an actual fight. This time isn't different.

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Biden is old. Trump is old, corrupt, and a traitor.

If you don't vote Trump will likely win because old people do vote and most will vote for Trump. So get out and vote against Trump at least.

This old fuck will never vote for that Putin-sucking, diaper-filling-while-denying-it, corrupt asshole of a traitor, but I agree with your message.

Amen, PeckerBrown! Release the peepee tapes! Expose the diapers!

The only reason why I have a hard time believing that's true is that he barely won last time and he's burnt a lot of bridges since then, not to mention killed a lot of his constituency with COVID.

Not saying you're wrong I just can't wrap my brain around it.

We couldn't wrap our brains around Trump winning the first time. Just vote in every election.

I'll repeat it in case anyone has missed it.


We have to go vote in every, single, election. The right spent the last 70 years cultivating a base full of ignorant bigots so they'd turn out to vote against black people and hippies. They even got hateful fuckers to run for boring things like school boards and city councils. That shit paid dividends for them as we're all witnessing today with a gerrymandered congress and school boards deciding they're not going to teach things because the truth hurts their feelings.

The only way we win long term is to go vote in every single election and drag the country back to the left (the real left, not the current crop of milquetoast corporate-democrats) so we can have a real conversation about things that really impact peoples lives, like ranked choice, wage theft, national healthcare, and UBI.

What you're missing is that many people will have that same attitude, and use it as an excuse not to vote. We aren't as motivated because he's not in office, so we need to remember what will happen if he gets back in.

And yet, Trump got even more votes the second time around, even after spending a literal year of his presidency golfing and tanking the economy by making COVID a partisan issue.

Trump represents the strong undercurrent of white grievance mixed with class warfare and religious faux-persecution that forms the basis of American fascism, and it's gaining traction.

Trump represents the strong undercurrent of white grievance arrogance


While there is an advantage among older Voters to Vote for whomever has an R next to their name, it is no where as pronounced as you are led to believe.

Age and generation
The aging U.S. electorate: A majority of Republican voters - and half of Democrats - are 50 and older

The U.S. electorate is aging: 52% of registered voters are ages 50 and older, up from 41% in 1996. This shift has occurred in both partisan coalitions. More than half of Republican and GOP-leaning voters (56%) are ages 50 and older, up from 39% in 1996. And among Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters, half are 50 and older, up from 41% in 1996.

Another way to consider the aging of the electorate is to look at median age. The median age among all registered voters increased from 44 in 1996 to 50 in 2019. It rose from 43 to 52 among Republican registered voters and from 45 to 49 among Democratic registered voters.\_2020.06.02\_party-id\_2-01-1.png

Aren't Gen Z boys largely voting R? I don't think it works quite like you are suggesting. That presumes the party will just die out, but that's been predicted since like the 1980s and that just hasn't happened.

The general trend I've seen is older people tend to vote conservative and younger people tend to vote liberal. The senior population is expanding, and they vote.

I can't find any good data on it, but I believe seniors lean R. Either way young people need to vote.

Can we please get a non-fascist under 50?


AOC, please.

She won't meet the minimum requirements before 2024.

Minimum is being 35 and she'll hit that 23 days before the election:

October 13th, 1989.

Sure she does. The issue is that she won't run against a sitting Democratic president.

My hope is that she runs in 4 years. I can't think of anyone who would even come close to being as good a candidate or president.

No, there's literally minimum requirements to be president that she will not fulfill. Namely, her age.

She'll be 35 before the election...

The rule is you have to be 35 to assume office, not to run a campaign.

Sure she will. Someone already clarified this in this very thread.

Nope, AOC is useless just like Sanders.

Useless? Why? Because they are choosing party unity to prevent the country falling into the hands of a fascist criminal?

Give me a break. I don't like Biden one bit, but NO ONE was going to dethrone him in a primary, so it's better that they go into this with a united front.

i mean sure, but that doesn't mean it's not depressing that BIDEN is the most progressive we're allowed to be until january 2029

Biden is the most progressive we're ever gonna have until something is done about Congress (specifically the Senate) and House representation re: the Apportionment act and gerrymandering.

As long as it still takes Dems 60%+ of the vote to get a bare majority in Congress, it's not going to get any better.

Useless is useless. Only reason we were for him was to fight against the blues to push for real change.

Instead he gives in to the DNS/Biden/Obama democrats and demolishes the grassroots movement many of us put a lot of time to help build.

He is now just another politician pushing for the lesser of two evils spiel.

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There is Pete Buttigieg, though he's an incompetent hack.

The best and most accomplished Transportation secretary in U.S. History and you call him incompetent? Interesting take, can you name any former Transportation secretary that was even half as good as Pete?

Uh...really? We've got planes running into each other while on the runways. I wouldn't run around excited about his tenure in transportation.

How is the Minister of Transport responsible for cockups on runways?

It's kind of his job to put regulations in place to prevent that. Weird it became kind of an epidemic on his watch.

In what world is the Minister taking care of low level things like that? That's like blaming the commander in chief because a squad got deployed to the wrong camp.

So your issue with him is ground traffic at airports?

Good news, they are working to solve that issue where the previous Transportation Secratary ignored the issue.

"We're trying to take a bigger look and do some deeper analysis to see what's going on," Buttigieg told USA TODAY. "It's enough that I'm concerned."

Buttigieg noted that there have been a variety of causes, such as pilot error and controller training.

"That suggests that there's something happening more broadly, perhaps something related to the increase in activity and demand that took place very quickly after the sudden slowdown around COVID."

Acting FAA administrator Billy Nolen, however, told reporters following a Senate Commerce Committee hearing on Wednesday that it was not clear if runway incursion incidents were on the rise.

"It’s a good question," he said, reports CNN. "We’ll take a look at these near misses and see if there are lessons to be learned."

That's way too harsh. Pete is an opportunist, and opts for politics over principle to a degree that made me dislike him in the last primary... but he's not incompetent.

Incompetent is the correct word. He's a soft R rather than a D.

Have you seen what he has done with the airlines and train disasters?

Did you miss all the news going on with airlines/trains?

He is incompetent and just like any other politician with no real values, just like all the democrats and republicans.

They give in to the fame and the wealthy class.

Sorry, what do you think a transportation secretary does? Do you think he's an air traffic controller?

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Trump is just about as old as Biden. A distinction without a difference.

Neither of those words really need to be in quotes.

I wonder if Biden's age helps him to some extent, since if that's the only bad thing you can think of while the other guy is "corrupt" that doesn't seem so bad to me. If he wasn't old maybe you'd see the "typical politician" criticisms like "phony" or something.

Not even a little bit.

Biden's age isn't just a number. The guy really acts very, very old.

Even when he gave the speech in response to the court striking down student loans, when he was all fired up, and announcing some pretty powerful policies... even then he just seemed so sleepy and low energy.

Trump, for all his many, many, many, many disqualifying flaws, still seems feisty and energetic in comparison.

That said, Bernie Sanders is even older, but I'd vote for him even if he were on his deathbed. Bernie Sanders' corpse would do a better job representing the people than would any Republican, and 90 percent of Democrats.

I'm not saying it's not a bad thing, but it crowds out some other bad thing that people would feel about him instead.

Sure Trump seems more energetic, he would win in a how-old-do-they-seem competition, but in a who-should-be-president competition I'd rather have someone slow in his competence vs energetic in his corruption.

Probably the next-worst thing wouldn't be that Biden's corrupt but conceivably it could be worse than just being old.

What I mainly see is that Biden really acts very, very wise. Nobody else could do nearly as good of a job as Biden on a whole range of issues: Covid, Ukraine, jobs, ending inflation without a recession, student debt relief, etc etc etc. I can remember 4 different Democratic presidents and Biden has done the best job of all of them.

I'd love a younger Bernie style guy to run, but he's one of a kind.

Many of the younger progressives don't seem to have the conviction and/or authenticity it seems, though it could also be due to everyone being afraid too to run against an incumbent.

It's really depressing to think there's no good options, and we're just voting for least awful.

but he’s one of a kind.

He's not, and if you think he is then you haven't been listening to him...

Care to elaborate?

His message for decades has been one person can't save the country, so his goal is motivating the next generation to be active in politics.

Even when running for president he was very open about how his goal wasn't getting elected, it's pulling the entire party left and encouraging progressives to not only run for smaller offices, but to become involved in the system and change it from within.

It almost certainly helps him appeal to older moderates, who play a pretty big part in winning elections.

Worst thing about Biden is nothing significant will change. Which pales in comparison to the best thing about every single Republican in the Election. Regardless of the Election always being between a douche and a shit show, at least the douche is trying to clean something.

Equating issues originating with Aging and issues originating with Corruption seems deeply bigoted.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Unflattering portraits of Biden and Trump emerge clearly in a new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, which asked an open-ended question about what comes to mind when people think of them.

Trump, meanwhile, has been indicted in four cases featuring 91 total criminal counts and elicits words such as “corrupt” and “crooked” (named by 15%), along with “bad” and other generally negative comments (11%).

Biden’s age was referenced frequently even among Democrats, 28% of whom mention it — a significantly higher percentage than those who point to the presidency or leadership (11%) or strength and capability (11%).

Rami Marsha, a 58-year-old CEO of a manufacturing company in Agoura Hills, California, is a registered Democrat who voted for Trump in 2016 and for Biden in 2020 — but says he’d likely leave the presidential race portion of his ballot blank if those two square off again in 2024.

Biden’s reelection campaign said the president’s age is not a top motivator for voters, especially compared to the administration’s policy accomplishments or key issues like abortion.

Larry Haith, a 73-year-old Idahoan and retired president and general manager of an auto parts firm, is a Republican who described Biden for the poll as an “idiot” and called Trump “arrogant.” He said he doesn’t plan on voting for either next year.

The original article contains 1,236 words, the summary contains 221 words. Saved 82%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

The 2 party Blockpartei system says hello, and that if you don't like it tough luck.

well better to go with the young guy trump. sic. no serious whats with describing biden as old and trump as corrupt. Sure trump is corrupt but he is only like 2 and change years younger than biden,

Neither, really, is a good choice. But what are the alternatives?

Kamala Harris was a nightmare in California:

She hasn't been effective at all in the VP role:

Which means the inevitable "Her Turn!" 2028 cycle against Gavin Newsom is going to be super awkward.

God forbid something happens to Biden, I hope Newsom gets the nomination over Harris.

They are both old and corrupt, vote for someone else

Our only realistic hope is Biden wins and immediately drops of a heart attack. So, vote for the heart attack I guess?

I'm hoping for a third party I can vote for. As a 'right wing', 'liberal', and whatever other labels you want to put on me... the R's stated values most closely match what I want in general, but i've votes mostly thrid party for decades now as few I can trust to vote my values are running. The third party I vote for is of course wackos I wouldn't want to win, but they won't and maybe my vote sends a message.

You should just not vote. All the cool bigots are doing it

"the R's stated values most closely match what I want in general"

I mean, that's all I really know, knowing what the R's stated values are, to tell that you are not a person I ever want to associate with. Because their stated values are monstrous.

You have no idea which values I stand for, and which I have a problem with, but you have already judged me? We learned a lot about you.

You said you stand for Republican values. Nothing on the Republican party platform is defensible. Have you read it?

Green Party has Dr. Cornel West!

Libertarian Party also runs people during General Election.

Why would you bother voting for either? No one will know unless you tell them and it will change absolutely nothing.

Libertarians have a proven track record of never winning anything and Greens don't even run in down ballot races but expect to win nationally. Not even in terms of their ideology, they're useless.

Voting for Trump or Biden did not help working people.

They are both useless and corrupt.

Voting 3rd Party is a start, in the long term, instead of just looking at the short term.

Im not voting for the guy that banned collective bargaining. Mr longest stretch of no minimum wage increase in US history. But also that im not allowed to have health insurance because my wages are too low.

My life has only worsened under him as all the prices around me skyrocket while my paycheck stays the same.

Are you referring to the train workers? Whom he got the exact bargain they wanted a month or two later?

The federal minimum wage requires an amendment from Congress. Not sure what that has to do with him?

Biden is the one who got a bunch of health care and medicaid expansions done over the past 3 years. Are you complaining about the multiple states revoking those expansions a couple months ago? Because, yes, that's bullshit, but it is the exact opposite of what Biden has been doing.

He did not get their exact bargain because they werent allowed to bargain. They got less than what they couldve, later than if they were allowed to strike, and all future negotiations are poisoned by the precedent of not being allowed to strike. What fucking leverage do they have then?

The president can introduce and promote legislation, and its been involved in previous wage increases. Hes been silent of course.

Not months ago, many years ago, a hole of millions of uninsured Americans Biden promised to address. And its been nothing.

Listen, not a Biden fan, but that's not exactly his fault. Biden can't tell companies to not price gouge.

didnt mention price gouging. If my wages were higher, I'd qualify for subsidies. But if you're wages are too low, like mine, you get nothin. You gotta pay full price for private insurance for being too poor. It's a bug with the ACA Biden promised to fix but...I dont think he's even mentioned it since. Or you know, raise the minimum wage like all the other dem presidents.

He hasn't. It's one of my criticisms of Biden, that he dropped any notion of fixing healthcare the second he won. That and his refusal to push back against the parliamentarian.

Again, not a fan of Biden, but he can't unilaterally raise the minimum wage for non-federal workers or tell companies not to price gouge. He should have taken steps to put those two things on blast, but hasn't.

Edit: to people downvoting the above comment, please stop. You don't have to agree with them, but you should try to understand where they're coming from and understand that their criticism is coming from a good place. Biden isn't perfect by any means. Better than the last guy, sure. But he shouldn't be defended when he fucks up.

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