Campaign 2024: Not Left Versus Right, But Aflluent Versus Everyone Else [Pay Wall] to politics – 60 points –
Campaign 2024: Not Left Versus Right, But Aflluent Versus Everyone Else

Video interview on subject:

Matt Taibbi " It's Not LEFT vs. RIGHT" (Interview Clip)


It's not left vs. right in US politics. Leftism is not represented in US politics.

It's rights vs. theft.

The Republican Party has become the party of thieves, traitors, scammers, child-rapists, and terrorists. They represent wage-thieves, gay-bashers, pedophile pastors, Proud Boys, MLMs, crypto-bros, coal-burners, book-burners, police gangs, and the Russian Mafia-state. They are the local franchise of the international fascist movement, the conspiracy of far-right parties largely directed from Moscow.

The Democratic Party has moved into the role of a center-right party: keeping capitalism working by keeping business honest; supporting the nation's allies; expanding worker protections within the capitalist system; building infrastructure and state capacity; etc.

They represent wage-thieves, gay-bashers, pedophile pastors, Proud Boys, MLMs, crypto-bros, coal-burners, book-burners, police gangs, and the Russian Mafia-state.

It's depressing that I have to point out that you left out literal "nazis" and "the ku klux klan".

The two American parties are basically the Far Right Nutter Party and the Coalition of Everyone Else Who Bothers to Go to the Polls. While there are a few leftists in the latter, it’s not a “left party” unless compared to people who want to shoot unhoused people for sport.

It's been about the economic class the whole time.

The class war has been raging since the first time people amassed more wealth than they could spend, thousands of years ago. It's never not been fought, but often the working class doesn't realize they're fighting. The rich are always taking shots.

Matt Taibbi has taken a weird journey after his me-too moment. I seem to only catch him these days on NewsMax, where he’ll sit next to a psycho and not contest them when they’re spouting conspiracy theories.

I get that he wants to work, but he’s used there as a weapon against the libs (whom I also can’t stand) and doesn’t open his mouth against the right in these forums.

I used to follow him closely and was a fan, but getting me-too’d seems to have broken him a bit.