Password reset doesn't work to Beehaw – 2 points –

I forgot my password and would like to reset it. The "forgot password" on the login page doesn't work, tried it with Username and also email address. Please help 😔


When did you try? I think emails haven’t been working for about the last hour.

We're experiencing an issue with sending emails right now. You'll be unable to get a password reset email.

Please stay tuned while we fix that, and try again later.

Okay thanks. But the weird thing is, if I type my username or email address and press forgot password, nothing even happens. If I input a random email address though, I get a "Sent an email to reset your password" confirmation popup

Is it the same email you signed up with on the user you're trying to get a reset for? Silly question I know but sometimes...

Yes, and I just received a reset email. Thank you!

Did you look in spam in your inbox?

I think it only works with email address but you do have to have the email registered too.

Of course. But the weird thing is, if I type my username or email address and press forgot password, nothing even happens. If I input a random email address though, I get a "Sent an email to reset your password" confirmation popup

I’ve seen reports of people who haven’t tried to reset their password getting a reset notification, I bet the email issue Beehaw is having is exposing some buggy behavior in Lemmy’s notification system. The random email address “working” makes sense, as that email likely isn’t attached to a user, so the send function never gets hit. At the same time, to prevent enumeration attacks, Lemmy probably doesn’t have a motivation that says “That email address doesn’t exist”

Hmm. yeah thats weird. Are you sure you registered your email? I know its optional on beehaw.