Biden impeachment inquiry: What we know about the case to – 72 points –
Biden impeachment inquiry: What we know about the case

Republicans want to investigate the "culture of corruption" they claim surrounds the president.


There is not one ounce of honor or decency left in the Republican party.

They've investigated this to death and found ZERO evidence and ZERO witnesses of any criminal activity, and yet they are moving to impeach.

They are cartoonishly stupid and evil, and we're forced to watch them destroy our democracy in slow motion.

There is not one ounce of honor or decency left in the Republican party

Oh that was already the case with buttery emails and before that birth certificate two, the long form-aroo. We all saw an exodus of long standing Republican Senators in middle of the road positions, because they saw the writing on the wall. Batshit crazy is the new GOP.

Don't forget the dozen or so bEnGhAzI investigations that also were a massive waste of time.

Between Benghazi and buttery males, Hillary Clinton sat for over forty hours (that's more than four tens!) testifying in front of Republicans. Guess who still hasn't been arrested?

The point isn't to seriously investigate, the point is to use the idea of an investigation itself as pretext for their "CorruPT BiDen CRIme fAMiLY" narrative they're gonna push on Fox.

That’s the issue with the two party system. You have to choose between batshit crazy extremist radicalized neo nazi party. Or the rest all into one party blended and diluted into a somewhere in the middle to please everyone but really no one is happy with party.

I hate that argument.

We became a global superpower under a two party system. We passed the New Deal under a two party system.

It's not the number of parties holding us back from greatness, and the suggestion that it is is what gets a fringe group of people to vote for Ralph Nader, and ultimately hand the country to George W Bush.

Republican lunatics absolutely love their party right now. The problem is that democrats keep voting for moderates in the primaries because they think that voting for Bernie Sanders will wind up with us losing the general election... As if Republicans don't already call Obama, Hillary, and Biden socialists and communists.

You’re right. It’s not the number of parties. It’s where the separation of this parties is. The system worked great for a very long time until a group of extremists figured out a way to pull the blankets to them a bit more every year. Gerrymandering and lobbying to tip the balance more and more. In sports, when someone finds a loophole in the rules, they change the rules to keep the game fair. In politics, when they find a hole the dig it deeper and deeper. That’s the difference. None the less, the cure t result is two parties so imbalanced that realistically it’s a single watered down party and an extremist party.

I don't even care anymore about these clowns, but this is just a case of: you impeached our god and now we impeach your guy.

What we know about the case:


You know if they actually had anything even close to evidence… they’d be screaming it from the rafters.

Because these idiots are an insult to howler monkeys.

They'd be screaming it from the rooftops, and democrats would agree with them. If not the politicians, a huge swathe of voters would.

But they think that we're just mindlessly defending our king like they are. It's saddening to see.

"The case" is the Republican Party trying to damage Biden's reelection campaign. Remember back when Kevin McCarthy bragged about creating a congressional investigation into Hillary Clinton regarding the Ansar al-Sharia attack on a State Dept building in Libya, aka "BENGHAZI!", for the express purpose of damaging her reputation?

After the first five Republican investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing by senior Obama administration officials, Republicans in 2014 opened a sixth investigation, the House Select Committee on Benghazi, chaired by Trey Gowdy. This investigation also failed to find any evidence of wrongdoing by senior Obama administration officials. A possible political motive for the investigation was revealed on September 29, 2015, when Republican House majority leader Kevin McCarthy, then vying to become Speaker of the House, told Sean Hannity on Fox News that the investigation was part of a "strategy to fight and win,' adding "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping."

Can you impeach a president for things they did before they were president?

I suppose you can impeach for anything so long as the house bites on it, but it seems pretty unusual to say the least.