McCarthy says hard-right Republicans ‘want to burn whole place down’ to politics – 496 points –
McCarthy says hard-right Republicans ‘want to burn whole place down’

Conference fails to approve procedural motion to take up defense spending bill as government shutdown looms

The House Republican speaker, Kevin McCarthy, was dealt his second humiliating defeat of the week on Thursday, when his conference again failed to approve a procedural motion as members continued to clash over government spending levels with just days left to avert a federal shutdown.

With no clear path forward in Republicans’ negotiations, the House concluded its work on Thursday without any stated plan to reconvene on Friday.

“Discussions related to [fiscal year 2024] appropriations are ongoing,” Congressman Tom Emmer, the House Republican whip, said in a statement. “Members are advised that ample notice will be given ahead of any potential votes tomorrow or this weekend.”


McCarthy: "hard-right Republicans want to burn the whole place down!"

Moderate Democrats: "so you'll work with us instead, to pass legislation that keeps the lights on, and addresses some of the problems we both agree exist?"

McCarthy: "No. Fuck you. Die in a fire."

Exactly. The path forward is clear. Work with moderate Democrats to craft a bipartisan spending bill that most Democrats and Republicans can agree upon. Well either side get everything it wants? No, but that's how compromise works.

Of course the Freedom Caucus will be angry, but let's face it - they're always angry. (Hulk Smash makes for a good movie, but not for good politics.) If McCarthy works with Democrats and the saner Republicans, though, the power of the Freedom Caucus will be blunted. They can file to remove McCarthy all they like, but part of the deal with the Democrats could be that they'll vote to keep McCarthy.

Instead, McCarthy will complain while hoping that the Freedom Caucus members suddenly become reasonable.

In an insane world it’s the sane that seem insane. This is the most logical solution to all of McCarthy’s problems but it will seem so crazy to him that he won’t go for it. Battle seat Republicans are already talking about working with Democrats to solve this problem. All of this use to be a nonissue because surprise surprise people in a long far away time once voted over party lines to get shit done, just as you said.

That was before the Republican Party adopted “owning the libs” as their only platform item.

If McCarthy does anything with any Dems, it doesn’t seem crazy to him, he just knows it’ll result in a primary battle where his opponents will roll out his record of working with the enemy (which they’ve convinced a large portion of their voters, are pedos and election thieves).

Pretty much.

Whine as he may. The effect is still the same.

Still all one big family even if some of them say the quiet parts out loud.

He is completely beholden to the far right. The approval votes by the far right were what got him just about enough votes to get him into Speakership. If they turn on him, he'll be kicked out for sure.

Not if he can get Democrat votes. He can work with them and gain their votes to keep his position.

If he tries that, even the moderate republicans will pull their votes for him.

Also, even if that somehow did work, the Democrats will likely then pull their votes because they want a Democrat as speaker. The Democrats might not be Republicans, but they sure as hell are not above this kind of partisanship

If he does that he'll be removed as speaker.

Not if the Dems agree to vote to keep him. He could play this like an intelligent human being and still keep his job, so long as he's willing to weather a bit of right-wing media blowback for the next few months. He just has to strike a bipartisan deal, like he's supposed to.

Not if the Dems agree to vote to keep him

That seems a tall order given his long history of biting the Dem's hands every time they reach out. This is a problem of his party's own making and stems from not honoring their earlier agreements around the debt ceiling.

Besides, they can't agree to something he hasn't (and won't) ask for.

That seems a tall order given his long history of biting the Dem’s hands every time they reach out. This is a problem of his party’s own making and stems from not honoring their earlier agreements around the debt ceiling.

I don't disagree. I'm just saying Dems could offer to vote to keep him in his position in exchange for a bipartisan deal. That doesn't mean they capitulate completely, just that they offer him something he wants (his job) in exchange for something they want.

Besides, they can’t agree to something he hasn’t (and won’t) ask for.

I didn't say they've asked or are responsible for agreeing to anything, please follow the whole thread. I was responding to someone who said he'd lose his job if he worked with Dems on a bipartisan deal. He wouldn't if they threw him the bone of a vote to keep him if his caucus moves to vacate him as Speaker. I'm not commenting on the likelihood of anything like this happening, simply that it's possible.

Working with the Dems will make his next Primary difficult, he hasn't got that long before that comes around again. This is what he, and a lot of the more moderate republicans are really scared of, being cut off from the grift by their own party.

You're right, but it's certainly a calculation that will change as pressure mounts. Is the political cost of working on a bipartisan compromise bigger than the cost of a shutdown he'll be blamed for? Right now, maybe not. Over time? It might very well get there. It's a lose-lose proposition at the moment, he just has to decide which loss he's more afraid of.

Not if the Dems agree to vote to keep him.

Why the hell should they??

To have a functioning government. There's 0 chance there will be a democratic speaker. There's a pretty good chance nothing works, and normal people don't get paid for weeks or months if bipartisanship is out.

To have a functioning bad government.

Bipartisanship is suicide in the long run.

The choices are the status quo or worse. There is no option for better that they're rejecting by using bipartisanship to pass a clean CR.

The status quo is going to kill everyone everywhere forever.

And how does not making a deal with McCarthy to pass a clean CR help with that exactly?

Whatever deal they make will mean more money for the military, more money for drilling, more money for mining, more money for deforestation, and more money for brinkmanship.

America has to stop destroying the world.

A lot of that falls under essential services and will continue to be done whether or not the money is there. Additionally, if the democrats had a super majority and trifecta, do you think that would actually change?

There won't be any new projects approved, though, and that coubts for something.

But yeah, even if the government was 100% Democrat they'd do the same shit, because America's evil is bipartisan.

You want to look like an unhinged melodramatic who shouldn't be taken seriously?

Because statements like that are how you look like an unhinged melodramatic who shouldn't be taken seriously.

It's the Internet, no one takes anything seriously here 🙄

Leaving that aside, extraction of fossil fuels is going to fucking kill everyone and has bipartisan support. Also making war with Russia and pushing for war with China, two nuclear powers. Also filling the ocean with plastic, chopping down the forests, making new pandemics in factory farms, and many other new horrors.

If you aren't alarmed you aren't paying attention.

Moderate Democrats: “so you’ll work with us instead, to pass legislation that keeps the lights on, and addresses some of the problems we both agree exist?”

Uhhh, isn't that kind of what McCarthy actually did? He worked closely with President Biden to put this budget together and it seems to be a big reason why the Freedom Caucus morons are pitching a fit.

Not at all. McCarthy got the deal he thought he could sell to his team.

McCarthy working with the Democrats in Congress would mean getting a deal way more Democrat friendly, and forgetting about even trying to appease the freedom Caucus.

Really Kev?

Please go on about how impossible it is to work with incorrigible dipshits who don't care about functioning government.

That must be so hard to deal with! Their refusal to negotiate in good faith must be soooo infuriating, huh Kev? It must be so frustrating to try and get a deal done and then have legislative arsonists burn the whole fuggin' thing down.

Right Kevin?!

The cult of Reagan complaining how the cult of Trump won't work with others. The missing subtext being the cult of Reagan refusing to work with anyone not in a cult. A tale as old as 2016

Man politics has gotten so silly and commercialized that it's closest analog to me is professional wrestling. All of American politics is basically rich people trying to sell the kayfabe that their audience wants.

Libs pretend they're the good guys (face), and that they are here to save all the poors from the villains. But because they're all old rich people, it just seems fake and boring.

Conservatives get to do all the fun and cartoonishly evil (heel) shit. And because they're all actually evil fucks, it all sells as more authentic

My theory is that because there's a lot of Republicans trying to out heel each other, and because their kayfabe is more closely aligned with their political reality, a lot of them have forgotten that it's all kayfabe, or have grown up with it for so long they don't even know about the kayfabe.

Always have.


"I should know, I'm one of them!"

Republicans are learning what it's like to deal with Republicans, and surprise, they don't like it.

Tell me you just read the Republican Party Platform without saying you just read the Republican Party Platform.

You invited them into the house and let them shit in your bed. Now lie on it.

Sadly they also shat in all of our beds. We're all going to be harmed by their actions. Sure, the republican party is going to face some large political issues, but all of us are going to be hurt by them.

They also broke in and shit up the place on Jan 6. Such fine people.

This is what happens when you acquiesce to the Jan 6er's who literally wanted to burn the place down.

Yeah, no kidding Kevin. That's your entire fucking party, though. Even the so-called "moderates" want extremely radical policies that are designed to ruin what this country is supposed to be about.

McCarthy, you made your bed, and you made it out of anti-personnel mines. It’s time to lie down in it. You’ll get no sympathy from anyone. This was entirely predictable.

McCarthy, included. The piece of shit wouldn't even allow himself to be photographed with Zelenskyy and is playing straight into Putin's hand. Disgusting.

That's it. I am headed to DC with a ripe avocado in one hand, a piece of toast in the other, and a knife between my teeth.

No shit, so ignore then like the crazy people screaming on the street corner you fucking idiot.

The nihilist party.

Nihilist? Yeah right. Either the Toddler party, the Bought Party(tm) or both.

They’re the contrarian party. They exist in a perpetual state of doing the opposite of Democrats and being angry about it.

Nihilists? Fuck me...I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude. At least it's an ethos!

Republicans doing everything they can to disrupt the lives of everyday Americans.

thanks for getting wise to the politics of the republican party since 2010 kev!

He was later quoted as saying "The Day after Thanksgiving is, in my opinion, one of the busiest shopping days of the year"

This is the best summary I could come up with:

The House Republican speaker, Kevin McCarthy, was dealt his second humiliating defeat of the week on Thursday, when his conference again failed to approve a procedural motion as members continued to clash over government spending levels with just days left to avert a federal shutdown.

A proposal to take up House Republicans’ defense spending bill failed in a vote of 216 to 212, with five hard-right members joining Democrats in opposing the motion.

The defeat was interpreted as a dismal sign for House Republicans’ prospects of approving a separate stopgap spending bill before government funding runs out at the end of the month.

The Democratic House minority leader, Hakeem Jeffries, chastised his Republican colleagues over their internal divisions, accusing them of jeopardizing Americans’ wellbeing for the sake of a political stunt.

“Republicans in Congress can and must defund all aspects of Crooked Joe Biden’s weaponized Government that refuses to close the Border, and treats half the Country as Enemies of the State.”

The former president, who faces 91 criminal charges over election subversion, retention of classified information and hush-money payments, as well as assorted civil lawsuits, added: “This is also the last chance to defund these political prosecutions against me and other patriots.”

The original article contains 827 words, the summary contains 203 words. Saved 75%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Yeah, they got that idea from you slightly less insane idiots.

I mean, that's your whole party right now, I'm not sure what the expectation was.

That’s just what F Tier Boss Babes and their F Tier Daddys do señor McCarthy, get a clue dingbat.

Hope they do. Will blow back in their faces so hard. They are anti-American bitches, let's let them show everyone how much they are willing to betray their own country's security and safety.