motivation, please to – 10 points –

i get off work in 4 hours for a 2 week vacation and ive got one last project i just cant seem to motivate myself to do. 2 weeks!

what do you do for that last minute motivation, cuz im out of ideas.

edit: followup - i did get into the project with useful tips, but discovered it need far more work than expected so i did what i could. boss wasnt even mad.


Leave it as a problem for future you. Enjoy your time off.

I promise myself a reward, something a bit unusual that will directly activates the reward circuit, like a handcrafted pastry from a good bakery.

OK, ive broken through maybe.. by throwing everything i know at the problem:

  • change scenery
  • Baby steps into something useful (bob wiley would open the document first)
  • put C.H.U.D. on in the background

usually I smoke a fat bowl and then do a slightly lower quality of work, but then i have more fun doing it. Idk about your job, but i've learned that after a fairly-low baseline, my employer doesn't really care about the quality so much as the quantity. Putting on an uptempo playlist also helps - here's one i'm fond of:

Depends on what the project is, but if you're going to postpone it make sure you leave notes on your currently-planned solution for your future self.

Probably not sit around on Lemmy 😉

But hell, 4hrs left? On a Friday? I think you know the real answer. There's always two weeks, anyway. Enjoy the vacation!