A Prominent Museum Obtained Items From a Massacre of Native Americans in 1895. The Survivors’ Descendants Want Them Back.

tintory@lemm.ee to politics @lemmy.world – 125 points –
A Prominent Museum Obtained Items From a Massacre of Native Americans in 1895. The Survivors’ Descendants Want Them Back.

When Christian Nationalists pearl clutch about children, know they're absolutely capable of doing as their ancestors in the past when it comes to occupation and are full of shit. That 6 year old who got stabbed for being Palestianian.....

Let’s be clear here. No sane person would do that. You have to be seriously damaged upstairs to do such thing.

And they should get them back.

Hell, they should get A LOT back.

What's the difference between a genocide and an archeology dig? 100 years, apparently