Water rule

danielton@lemmy.frozeninferno.xyz to 196@lemmy.blahaj.zone – 267 points –

you know what? just to prove you wrong, I'm not going to argue about it.

Yes you are

It's a GLASS of water. Jesus christ

You can't prove that it's not vodka. So OP is obviously spreading misinformation!

Aaaand here we go again with the "that water may be vodka" strawman bullshit argument. You people cant even go 5 fucking minutes without bringing that out front and center because it's the only leg you can stand on.

Must be nice to have legs to stand on, I'm handicapped you asshole!

Not really, but if I was, you'd be an asshole, you asshole. Plus, anyone drinking vodka with a straw is an asshole, man.

All glasses are cups, but not all cups are glasses. Anyway this is more specifically a tumbler, and you can't prove what material it's made of.

Oh yeah, can you drink out of the glasses on my face??

Ceci n'est pas une cup of water

When you call bathrooms "water closets" (salle de ban) you lose your right to have an opinion on water lingo logic

I see what you're trying to say but "salle de bain" literally translates to bathroom ("room of bath").

Yeah, it was late and I pulled the wrong translation like the dumb American with a vague memory of highschool French I am... I'm gonna do the American thing and double down that I stand by what I said!

If you want to criticize how french people name that thing, you can remind them that when they want to refer to a "salle de bain", they will not only often use the english words "water closet", but they will also shorten it to "V-C". Yes. They pronounce it "VC". Not "WC". There are weird people in France.
(Note that the letter "W" is called "double v" in french, as opposed to "double u" in english.). Also note that it doesn't exist in Canada. That's a French thing.

Oh yeah lemme take half a bath in my half bathroom, rinse myself off in les toilettes

Actually, what you're referring to as "water" is in fact GNU/water, or as I've taken to calling it, GNU+water...

That GLASS of water looks like it can hold closer to 2 cups.

Wrong, it's vodka

But doesn't vodka translate to "little water" in Russian? So, it's kinda water?

Hahahaha This was fun!

I think "little water" in russian will be vodichka(водичка), but they probably share same root

That is a cup of glass. It is made of glass. It is a cup of glass that has water in it. Dumbass.

In what universe is it a cup of glass and not a glass cup, or more simply, a glass (of water)

A glass of water is an absurd notion. If you tried to make glass out of water you would just evaporate the water. It would never solidify into glass.

You are of course correct; the simple term should be, a glass of 72% silica, 15% soda, 10% lime, and 3% other impurities.

That is not a cup of water, it’s a picture of a glass of glycerin.

Is anyone else struggling to justify to themselves why the fact that is not a cup, but a glass, despite it sharing all the qualities of what you would call a cup were it made of any other material? And doing this simply to assuage the cognitive dissonance of seeing something you have never and would never call a cup, being called one - despite having no tangible reason why it isn't one?

The cup is filled with dihydrogen monoxide

DHMO can cause suffocation, severe burns or accelerated corrosion, is the main component in acid rain, can create explosions in contact with some materials and kills 320 thousand people every year.

Dihydrogen monoxide is currently unregulated. This should change

It's regulated in my town. They put all kinds of shit in it. For reasons.

That is a clear, non-flavored liquid in a silica container.

5/7 full or 2/7 empty? Please tell me which is more pessimistic.

Dude if you honestly think water is real you're just a sheep getting played by the government. Wake up!