soda rule to – 638 points –

::: spoiler alt text A cartoon depicting a mother doing dishes with her daughter beside her.

Daughter: Grandma said, in her day, she did 3 times the work you do today.

Mother: In Grandma's day, they had cocaine in the sodas. :::


Wow, fuck grandma. Why have modern convinces if you're still expected to work as hard as the last generation? Shouldn't our goal be that each generation has a shorter work week than the last?

Na, that would make old misers envious and throw a fit like a baby.

Grandma can eat shit. Every job now expects you to do the work of 3-4 jobs from Grandma's time.

You also have to do that work while being constantly monitored and recorded in most office environments, even if you work from home.

Just because physical labor jobs have more technology doesn't mean people are working less hard. Everybody is busting ass trying to make half of what Grandma made.

Get outta here with that shit, Grandma

In the mom's day, they had "diet pills" that were basically amphetamines.

And then they couldn't sleep so they did tranqs, which coupled with patriarchal beliefs, led to widespread SA and pregnancy.

A good deep dive into this whole issue is an episode of You're Wrong About, specifically the summer book club ep on The Stepford Wives ( Here on Buzzsprout ) which gets into the 1950s era notion of housewife as appliance that if your wife wasn't performing like a Maytag then the doctor would be happy to help with a Librium prescription. (Valium came later after Librium had too much of a body count.)

While the story has the science fiction element of replacing wives with mechanical robots, the culture at the time of drugging our wives to obedience was comparable enough.

Anyhow the process hasn't slowed down. While the US still is going through a mental health crisis we still approach it with a medical model. That is, we give people drugs and treatment without considering the ubiquitous toxic conditions that are literally driving everyone mad.

How ridiculous, to drug people into compliance. Now if you'll just give me a second, I need to go get a Xanax to take the edge off the Adderall I took so that I could spend 14 hours today arranging the pattern of lights on this little rectangle on my desk. If I don't, the police will tell me I have "excited delirium" and fill me full of ketamine until I die.

The lazy ones drank 7-Up.

There is a reason that a lot of normal people have secret meth addictions now-a-days...