October Make Something Month: Showcase

gyrfalcon@beehaw.org to Chat@beehaw.org – 10 points –

Howdy y’all! This thread is for anyone who worked on a project for the make something month to post about it. Feel free to share pictures and links, or just write about the experience. I hope people enjoyed, and I'll see you all next year!


i scarcely made any progress on the bike i’m restoring. hoping that turns around when it starts getting colder and i have fewer social activities happening!

Other than the two attempts at caramel making I did not accomplish anything else, but I am still pretty pleased with that. I had a lot of other things going on, and making something was good. I may try another batch this weekend in hopes that I can get the last refinement in before the holidays. Overall, I enjoyed running and participating in the event, and I am looking forward to next year!