[Hyprland] Vibrant Green Nix Flake

MazoZen@lemmy.ml to Unixporn@lemmy.ml – 77 points –

I love how unique it looks (although it would probably be somewhat impractical to me due to the transparency). The images need to be a bit bigger though, not much is visible.

Oh yeah I notices after I posted, never using my phone to edit large images again

Pokémon Colorscript? I wired mine up to give the Pokémon name after a two second delay so I get to exercise my memory with a couple games of "who's that Pokémon" each day

That's actually a really cool idea, I'll definitely try that

Turns out it's just Python. You can import time.sleep and move the print() lower down. I also wrote the name to a file in /tmp so I could print it out later in a different pane of my multiplexer.