GOP senator challenges Teamsters president to fight during hearing to Not The – 155 points –
GOP senator challenges Teamsters president to fight during hearing

Lol, Mullin is such a clown. Somehow O'Brien always gets to him and makes him look pathetic.

Some advice to the Union guy…. Fight dirty. MMA still has rules, and they train to fight with in those rules… they leave themselves open in certain ways.

Good on Bernie for stepping in though, congress people acting like drunken fratbois is embarsssing.

Some advice to anyone who is defending themselves in a fight: ALWAYS fight dirty. Rules are for the ring. If someone is attacking you, put them down however you need to. The "Gentleman's Code" isn't a real thing.


Also, it’s perfectly acceptable to take some one at their word. If they threaten immient death or bodily harm, there’s no reason not to throw the first punch.

In the spirit of my previous comment, I like to start with a swift kick to the balls and then take it from there. I find that hot headed punks that want to pick fights have a lot less fire when their balls are throbbing.

Everybody’s got a plan until they’re gasping for breath because their nuts have been booted.

He's Teamsters, I don't think you have to tell them to fight dirty lol

Maybe. Probably not. but he has become a suit, yaknow.

still, I absolutely would pay to see this duel.

Make it a pay per view event to help pay some of the national debt.