Fortified terror tunnel exposed underneath Gaza's Al Shifa hospital complex to World – 36 points –
Fortified terror tunnel exposed underneath Gaza's Al Shifa hospital complex

IDF says tunnel, outfitted with blast-proof door and firing hole, found alongside booby-trapped vehicle loaded with weapons


If your enemy is using civilians as human shields you still cannot attack the civilians being used. You find better tactics that limit that tactic. Refusing to do so makes you no better than your enemy. Both should be condemned.

For another example this is like a shooter hiding behind a hostage and the cops just shooting the hostage. That's murder.

It's just the trolley problem Moral dilemma in a very real and cruel application.

It's worse than that since in this case there is plenty of time to stop the trolley before it kills anyone.

"plenty of time" is pretty generous considering this whole thing started with an attack which killed over a thousand people.

So you expect people not to shoot back when their friends are getting shot at? That's not how people work.

Hamas has engineered a situation to cause as much suffering to their own people as possible - it's great propaganda but truly one of the most horrific betrayals in history.

This is a military and they are bombing. They should be better then terrorists. Or the world will consider them thus.

Hamas is a government with an army. Your argument is basically a double standard against the IDF. They have a word for that.

It’s not a double standard at all. Where did they say that it was ok for Hamas to harm civilians?

The lack of criticism against Hamas for using human shields makes it pretty apparent which group they care about holding to standards.

Hamas is not really a government at all though. They barely have any support in Gaza. Many years ago some election was held but there was only Hamas to choose from basically. I wouldn't call Hamas in any way representing anyone else but themselves, and not the Palestinian people. Maybe more rather their Arab sponsors.

Are these the same tunnels IDF built when they occupied the area?

No, these are "terror tunnels," so they are different! If you put the word "terror" in front of something, it completely changes it.

No one should be surprised by this. It's been well known for a long time that Hamas uses civilian infrastructure to shield their operations, and civilians themselves as human shields.

Cool, still shouldn't bomb hospitals.

Two things...

First, as samokosik says, if it's being used militarily, it's a military target. But second - and more importantly - I never said Israel should bomb hospitals.

There is no "should" in this clusterfuck. Everyone is guilty. Hamas happens to be the most guilty in all this, and should definitely be eradicated, but Israel should never have oppressed the Gaza strip or deployed illegal "settlements." There is no good, clean solution now. Everything is fucked.