Onions are a violation of the terms of service.

∟⊔⊤∦∣≶@lemmy.nz to Lemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world – 188 points –


Or maybe it was the fuck

Pretty sure it was the onions.

Gotta be the onions, no one gives a fuck about fuck.

It’s frustrating how many of these systems rely on hard coded word or even substring matching, and that in a world of large language models that can evaluate semantics.

Honestly it's a blessing, hardcoded stuff can be easily circumvented by turning to 1337-speech or inserting whitespace. An AI scanning stuff would not only produce random false positives but also make the censorship actually work

Might be something to do with a certain encryption protocol that shall remain unnamed.

this may be due to "spam" (commenting a lot). not sure. it would be helpful if they actually told you the reason. i got banned from commenting for 3 weeks lol.

I comment less times per month than days per month so.. it's not that.

If all those comments happen in the same 5 minutes, it is still spam.

Looks like you were already banned for some previous violation before you tried to post the comment.

Onions are pretty great. Even White Castle onion chips are good.

Those onion cutting ninjas at it again with their vendetta

What app?

Given the colorful circles around the profile pictures, Instagram