Push Notifications - What to Push, What Not to Push, and How Often

lysdexic@programming.dev to Programming@programming.dev – 39 points –
Push Notifications - What to Push, What Not to Push, and How Often

I know that some serious science goes into this but... Seriously, fuck your advertising. Push notifications that aren't specifically topically opted into get blocked so fast on my phone. I have no patience for wasting my time earning someone else advertising dollars.

Especially when they put the ads in the general channel instead of a dedicated one, makes my blood boil.

Push notifications that aren’t specifically topically opted into get blocked so fast on my phone. I have no patience for wasting my time earning someone else advertising dollars.

I agree. The article also points out this fact. Quoting the article:

Another challenge is that irrelevant or unwelcomed pushes risk having the user disable notifications, uninstall apps, or start ignoring them due to low usefulness. This results in a permanent loss of a channel for sharing timely, useful information, leading to reduced app usage. Unfortunately, as Twitter found, most recommendation engines take a myopic view, over-optimizing on immediate user responses at the cost of long-term satisfaction.

Personally, this problem is so pervasive that I kind of developed a pavlovian reflex to notification dialogs to cancel all without thinking about it.

In a similar vein, my work usually sends important info through a text like work cancellations and road closures, but they recently sent a bullshit ad for an app a few hours before work that had nothing to do with the snow and icy road weather we had that day.

Might block the number now. If there's an advisory I'm not coming in regardless.

what to push: whatever the user opted into

what not to push: everything else

you're welcome

I don’t want a single push notification that I didn’t ask for

Almost as bad as the ones that ask you to rate their app every couple of days/weeks. They all get 1 star with a comment saying they kept asking me to rate and nothing else. I'll ignore the pop-up once or twice but if it gets annoying Ill make it backfire in them.