Taylor Swift fans scammed by fake AI-generated endorsement for Le Creuset cookware

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Taylor Swift fans scammed by fake AI-generated endorsement for Le Creuset cookware

Taylor Swift fans scammed by fake AI-generated endorsement for Le Creuset cookware::Deepfake ad showed an AI-generated Swift saying she was ‘thrilled’ to be handing out free cookware sets


The deepfake Swift urged viewers to click a button and answer a few questions before the end of the day. The ad then sent people to websites mimicking outlets such as the Food Network, highlighting news coverage of Le Creuset alongside testimonials from fake customers, the New York Times reported.

Participants were asked to pay a “small shipping fee of $9.96” for the cookware […]

Honestly, it’s impressive that the scam worked given the number of hoops people had to jump through. I suppose at a certain point you’re so committed that the red flags on the screen look like hearts.

Lately it seems like many Taylor Swift fans would slit someone's throat for the opportunity to look at a pan that she might have touched one time

I have a lot of trouble understanding celebrity worship for anyone.

Don't get me wrong I have favorite celebrities for movies/music. I give two shits what they do outside those mediums or what they have to say. At the end of the day we are all hopeless idiots regardless of status and I wouldn't trust any of them as much as any other stranger. Because I don't fucking KNOW them and they don't know me.

Anyhow I'm not pointing fingers at Taylor Swift or her fan club. This has perplexed me way before the current generation. People have been following strangers like silly sheep since 0 BC. I get there are some deep seed instincts in being a part of a group that get warped here... but good gravy some people need to step back and have an introspective moment to break their fixations.

For me, it’s Elon Musk. I’m a huge fan of the future that several of his companies are building and love that he made a huge impact in building them out as companies with somewhat unique approaches.

But y’all gotta stop listening to every unfiltered word he posts in the service formerly known as Twitter …. If so many people didn’t worship him, there wouldn’t be so many feeling compelled to hate him. Give it a rest … and when it is time to replace your vehicle, consider an EV; when you’re rural but need more internet, consider Starlink; when it is time to re-roof, consider solar; when it is time to launch your own satellite, hmmm

and when it is time to replace your vehicle, consider an EV

OK but EVs don't work for me, the most specialist boy in the world. I need a class-2 5-seat, 8ft-bed pickup as my daily driver because I pickup mulch every two years and my dream vacation involves driving 12 hours per day.

Be careful the HOA doesn’t fine you for not re-mulching every year 😉

Le Creuset is good shit though.

Yeah, it's high quality shit. Too bad it's so expensive.

Yeah... Maybe a random celebrity would give me some for free though?

I'm an extremely wealthy arabic numeral, and all my wealth is tied up in high quality French made cookware. If you pay shipping, I'll deliver a truckload of cookware to your commercial warehouse facility, and you can keep one pallet as payment.

I accept Steam gift cards, Bitcoins, and pork belly futures.

Hello, my name is Taylor Swift. Please send me bitcoin and I'll send you cookware and double your bitcoin back.

But it's a scam. They're not buying le cruiser. They're paying the shipping on a free gift through "Taylor's" special website. They lose $10 and the scammer never sends anything.

It's also overpriced and generally far from made in France. De Buyer, OTOH, is actually good shit at a good price. If it's tableware you want, Arc is French, good, and inexpensive.

if you buy cookware because a singer told you to, you deserve to be scammed

Well if they're going to get scammed into buying a product at least it's high quality shit

You misread. They got scammed into paying 10$ shipping for a supposedly free product that will never arrive.

Is it a scam just because it was a fake ad? Le Creuset is like the finest glazed cookware you can buy. Their dutch ovens are sick.

Edit: always read the article. It was a shipping and handling scam.

Vintage le creuset is great. Just like pyrex and the rest of them though they've gone way way downhill.

If I could bear being in a thrift shop for more than 45s I would be hunting the good stuff down.