How to use the All button without constant scrolling? to Beehaw – 8 points –

Hi all! I'm new to Beehaw/Lemmy, and I think it's great so far.

However, something I find a bit frustrating at the moment is that if I select the Local button, the page is pretty static. When I come back to it again, it is mostly the same posts that were there a while ago. In contrast, if I select All, it can update near constantly, and this causes links I want to visit to keep scrolling away as I try to chase them down the screen.

Is there some happy medium where I can see new content when I want, but without having it rush down the screen?


That sounds like a bug, no?

Yep, this is a bug that should go away once websocket support is dropped in the next big release.

I saw somewhere it's a known bug and will be addressed soon. Wasn't a huge problem before so many users came along making content. A good problem to have, I guess.