Google Messages could soon let you edit texts after sending to – 75 points –
Google Messages could soon let you edit texts after sending

This sounds like a nice step towards modernizing texting, but it's a shame that Messages doesn't have an open RCS API to encourage broad adoption across messaging apps.


How far back are they gonna allow? Like, I need to edit the evidence level or oops I misspelled that last message level?

Thirty minutes. So mostly misspelled words. Most implementations of this type of feature also have a small “Edited” flag.

Nah babe, I never said that, you must be tripping.

I don't really care for Matrix but at least Matrix is a open standard.

How about a proper backup system? I literally lost access to a group chat just because I changed phones. None of the RCS group chats migrated. Until, they fix the usability and reliability issues it will remain inferior with low usage.

Plus, whose stupid idea was it to remove the auto sort groups in message organisation? I had tabs for OTP, banking, personal, promotion, chats separated; Which was much better than the default clusterfuck you call now.

Or the fact that even enabled, the rcs does not switch to SMS when rcs is magically unavailable. They just don't send until legitimately 16 hrs later.

Well there goes another reliable source of evidence. I'm hoping that we don't end up making everything into discord where people can flat out brag about how they're abusing kids in their basement and then delete when law enforcement comes around (Yes I actually saw that happen)