Shiiieeettt.... to Programmer – 298 points –

But because everyone is working off a 6TB Nas shared over the LAN at the office. No one really knows who changed the code. So we decided to fire 51% of the team figuring we got em.

1 more...

Plot twist: 95% of the engineering team was fired once the code was "done". Including the poor schmuck who authored this.

Obviously if team was doing agile with CI/CD to promote frequent deployments and testing they would've never encountered this mess /s

At least our programmer had the decency to comment that bit as being disabled for debugging :D

What language is that?

Guessing Go? (since no parens on the if statement)

Could also be rust (no parens on ifs there either), kind of hard to tell with just an if statement and some function calls

or Swift, Rust has semicolons while Swift doesn't

Oh true I didn't realize the semicolons were missing (that's what the compiler errors are for)

I'm gonna pretend there was a windows update at that specific time so it makes a bit more sense to me

lol. That was good