YEEET to Lemmy – 542 points –

I remember seeing an article where they presented animals the way archaeologists would if they only had their bones.

It was quite enlightening.

Thank you for making me google it, I also remembered it and it was worth looking it up again


What is that game? It looks sick!

I do believe that is Monster Hunter: World. Great game!

and a masterpiece, some people have qualms about how overpowered the clutch claw ended up being with iceborne, but it didn't bother me too much. I started a new character 2 months ago and beat the grand finale boss 2 weeks ago (Fatalis). If anyone is new to the series or thinks this one looks cool I definitely encourage them to play it. It's also one of those games that's 10x better with friends, tho it's plenty of fun solo.

And on sale currently! I’ve been debating BUT I have so many other things to do

It is yes and the pickle that is doing the flipping is a Deviljho

2 more...

This meme has a 'haha, wouldn't that be funny' quality to it, but for real though, is it a possibility?

Nah, you can tell from the bones what kind of muscles were (& how they were) attached to it.

but a buffalo has the spines crossing the shoulder and onto the neck, the spinasaurus spines are all on the back

That means the muscles are for bending the spine, a.k.a twerking

As i understand the current consensus on Spinosaurus:
• it walked on all fours, not on two legs.
• it was probably similar to a giant croc as is mouth is design for catching fish.
• the tail looks like it could be used for swimming, but didn't have the muscle attachments for croc/gator tail swimming.
• which is weird because that should put it in an ideal situation to give fantastic skeletons(similar to the duck billed dinosaurs), but we barely have any. Worse is that the most complete skeleton was destroyed by allied bombing in WW2.
• and all of that raises the question of what the hell was the sail for. Since that doesn't make sense on an aquatic ambush predator.
• moreover, the sail wasn't a one-off, but a feature of half of the spinosaurids, so it was selected for. So it served some useful purpose.

In birds this sort of seemingly bad adaptation is usually related to mating. Like male cardinals being bright red or a peacock's tail. An fragile and energy-expensive appendage like that would be very indicative of the health of the individual, especially because it would get damaged pretty easily.

Or hell, maybe they used it to shade the water to see fish better. Or they used it to absorb heat from the sun to stay active in cool water. Or it helped them see other members of their species from a distance. I love mysteries like this!