Factorio got controller support in todays update

Biberkopf@feddit.de to Steam Deck@sopuli.xyz – 110 points –

If this is good, I might never talk to my family ever again. I was hesitant to get used to community control configs - no excuses anymore.


Just a heads up to anyone that didn't get an update - it's on the experimental build (v1.1.83) which you need to manually subscribe to in steam.

This is huge though - I paused my factorio-playing because I was hoping for gamepad parity with the Switch version. Time to get back into it

Is there a release date for it to move to the stable branch?

I wonder if these bindings will be better than the community ones. The communities ones are pretty damn good.

Will the demo get updated with the new controls at some point? I'd love to try them out on deck.

I have a flight coming up soon and have always wanted to play Factorio. If the demo works well on my deck then I'll definitely pick it up

I’m not on the experimental build, so will have to wait until it gets a stable release, but I wonder if it’s a similar scheme to the Switch version?

I really want to try this game, but I fear for my backlog! Would love to hear what people think of the new native controller support vs the existing community layout.

Factorio is amazing and dangerous. Its a game where there are lots of choices between useful things you could be doing at any time, so its easy to start playing and poof 'aww geez is that the sun rising?'

I once played factorio on adderall when I was in college. I literally spent 4-6 hrs fine tuning one belt in a 16-belt trunk.