Everytime I want to love , I realize that it doesn't support View Transitions API 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

nrk@mastodon.social to Firefox@lemmy.ml – -38 points –

Everytime I want to love @firefox , I realize that it doesn't support View Transitions API 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

#web #firefox #chrome #browser #javascript


Want to know the good news about Firefox? You can help with that.


Seems like it's still experimental and only supported by Chrome.

Ah, I see, you posted it a few minutes before me, while I was still researching the correct link. It's funny that they declare this feature as "experimental", because it's not supported by Firefox and this document is from Mozilla. I hope they will support it soon, because this looks like a cool feature. And yes, Firefox is my favorite browser (since version 1 back in the days).

Also doesn't seem like it's feature complete.

The View Transitions API doesn't currently enable cross-document view transitions, but this is planned for a future level of the spec and is actively being worked on.