Derps of Tiktok

Flying Squid@lemmy.worldmod to Lemmy – 783 points –

I cannot prove this is real, but I have been assured it is.

For those who need background on who this utter numbskull is-


Reminds me of that post where they were in awe of (I believe it was) Ozzy Osbourne, and hoped someone signed him.

EDIT: It was when Post Malone featured Ozzy on a track.

Social media was a mistake

People have forgotten that the Internet is a repository of information, not just a broadcast medium.

Not any more it ain't

I'm waiting for the day Jimmy Wales gets fed up and sells Wikipedia to Amazon and every page has an Amazon link to "great products matching your interests." Can we have internet 2.0 now? One without companies and just all the weird people from the first internet who made shitty webcomics and shared waaaaaay too much about their personal lives.

Seems like you're going to the wrong places than

When I search for information, im just given Amazon and Temu results on how to buy useless shit

Where did all the information search engines go? Im tired of ecommerce search engines

You better start believing in social medias, you're in one

They say on social media...

This barely qualifies. Lemmy is essentially a link aggregator with a comment section

Anytime it gets mentioned there's always some neckbeard who defines anything on the internet as social media making that exact comment too. "Lemmy is social media hehehe" as if there's no difference between this and and FB.

Just because it is different from Facebook, it does not make it non-social.

But the point is, almost every page on the internet has a social aspect now. It’s all about engagement. Is NYT social media? They have arguments in the comment section under every article. Is healthline social media?

Good points. I would say those are examples of webpages with social media elements. I guess it is about focus of the website. NYT focus is news. Lemmy? Interaction between users. At least for me. I just can’t call lemmy a news aggregator.

I see what you’re saying, but the term “social media” applying to just a section of a website doesn’t make sense—to me. Call it whatever you want!

I, someone who was the perfect age for every iteration of what I might call “first gen” social media (MySpace/xanga/live journal in middle school, Facebook in the middle/end of my high school career into college, Instagram in college and while I traveled), only see “social media” as personalized connection sites. Sites where you are exactly who you are, connecting with others, saying exactly who they are—basically creating a “social media self.”

THAT is social media to me. But these all pose interesting questions: is a blog social media? During xanga/live journal days, it was considered social media. Are dating sites social media? Is Chatroulette? Is Facebook messenger? If that is, is telegram?

If a site where you anonymously talk to other anonymous people on the internet is social media, I stand by what I said, everything would be “social media” these days. YouTube. Is that social media? It’s all messy, I grant you, but that’s why draw the lines where I do.

Your criteria seems different. But I, as a millennial that grew up with it, I see it as a persona-first platform where people sell themselves. Lemmy is interesting because they’re technically different sites/servers about specific things, linking with other sites/servers, where people discuss the topic of the community. The focus is the subject being discussed, not the subject speaking. Social media is subjective, I think that’s where I make the distinction.

Interesting. So, if a person is anonymous, then it is not social media in your mind?

Most NYT articles do not permit comments anymore.

My point remains. So many different outlets and sites have social elements.

I'd say it's a very pure form of social media. Like Mastodon.

And if doing drugs has taught me anything pure and not psychologically affective are not synonymous, it just means you can properly dose and should be able to predict the effects.

Any media that allows you to be social is a social media.

Just because we use fake names doesn't change much about it. We are all still discussing things like the social beings we are.

By that logic any comment section on a news site is social media. If any kind of interaction with other people while consuming some kind of content on the internet qualifies the term is meaningless

I'm fairly certain these people are trolling.

If they aren't I'm supporting climate change

Entering the war on climate on the side of humans. Wait...

Doesn't matter. It's guaranteed to make multiple people I know mildly upset so I'm gonna show it to them.

Yes. That's what trolling means.

I'm attacking you with my mind.

I can't not read that without drawing it out. Like,

"I'm attacking you with my miiiiiiiiiind"

Or when the same thing happened with Paul McCartney collaborating with Rhianna on 'FourFive seconds' - apparently Paul was a new up and comer!

Wait, it's like this is some sort of joke or circle jerk because two people made the exact same "who tf is..." comment, just with different names.

Probably so. I mean, even though the b(r)ands he played at aren't what I personally listen to, I've often heard his name here and there.

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Holy damn watched the live performance for "take what you want" for first time and first it's a great song, but also I'm not sure I've ever seen happier person than Ozzy right there.

2 more...

Kurt Cobain has probably been gone longer than these people have been alive.


My dude, Cobain died in 1994. That's like anyone under 30.

No... No that can't be right. 1994 was like.. shit.

I remember how I heard about his death. I was watching MTV Europe and Ray Cokes was saying a dead person was found in Cobain's house.

And then the next days, news were all about teens who committed suicide (or failed to, ending up as vegetables) in a similar fashion.

That was weird.

Suicide is contagious. It's the reason why schools are recommended against having memorial pages in yearbooks and stuff for students who killed themselves. It encourages more suicides.

Not denying but it sounds surprising to me. I wonder how it works

Yeah I was also really surprised by the contagiousness of suicide. When I first saw the article I linked I thought "how cruel they won't give a student a space in the yearbook, it would help the grieving family so much". Then I read it all and it made sense. I feel horrible for those families but at the same time they likely don't want to be responsible for other families suffering what they have gone through just to have a photo of their child in the yearbook.

I don't remember how I heard about it, but I was in the middle of my "fuck everyone and everything people enjoy" phase of being a teenager, so I was probably happy about it unfortunately.

I was 14 and I remember it quite well. All us teens in the park behind our apartment building had long discussion about it. I also remember all the copy cat suicides that followed his death to.

But yes Nirvana is now classic rock!

MTV Europe has a strange way of saying things

That was just what was known. Cokes had a live show and they just got the news that a dead person had been found in Kurt Cobain's house.

I guess now that I think about it, Conain probably wasn’t too easy to identify.

Kurt Cobain would have utterly hated Chaya Raichik. I don’t know about Kris Noviselic (apparently he’s gotten a bit weird politically) but I’d bet Dave Grohl despises her.

For anyone wondering, Chaya Raichik is the reactionary ghoul who runs Libs of TikTok. I actually had no idea this was a semi-famous person until you actually made a comment about them.

Reactionary ghoul is a very kind way to refer to a hateful terrorist agitator.

There's a million different ways to describe someone like that. I like mine. You like yours.

Kurt Cobain has been dead longer than Kurt Cobain was alive at this point.

Yeah probably. I think she’s about my age and I don’t care to find out. I was born a few months after Cobain died and turn 30 this year

Obvious rage bait 🪤

I wish.

This bitch is as dumb as she is xenophobic. She lives in California but for some fucking reason is on the Oklahoma Library Media Advisory Committee for equally xenophobic dumbass Ryan Walters. (Mostly hunting for materials they don't like in our school libraries and classes, probably LGBT inclusive material)

The question is less whether or not this is/was rage bait, and more if this is/was real. Considering she has said and shared far worse on her 'Libs of TikTok,' I wholeheartedly believe it was real. It's right up her alley.

Middle aged people are of the era that's Nirvana is in. Seems like a such a Twitter joke. Oh God. Oh God why.

It seems she’s devoid of personality, which explains her bile against people who have any. She’s just a useful idiot for the culture war assholes

I remember watching her first interview with Tucker Carlson and thinking "oh thank god she's a black hole for charisma." She's just a void of intellect and nuance collapsing in on itself... of course Ron DeSantis likes her.

She's the girl nobody ever liked in all of school. But instead of getting hobbies, being nice to people, and getting some therapy, she's decided instead to make her issues into everyone else's problem.

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You're right, I'm really more of a ska guy than a grunge guy. Look forward to checker shoes, cargo shorts, an open button-down over a tank top, and trillbies

Since it was the style at the time...

I... bah, nevermind.

Thanks for censoring the penis. Nobody needs to see baby dick for any reason ever.

To be fair, I didn't actually notice it wasn't the normal album cover until you said that.

I wanna see Kurt Cobain’s response to this tweet. If he was still alive he’d fucking hate her already.

If Kurt Cobain saw his fans today he would kill himself

I don't particularly like her, but I wonder what Courtney Love had to say, if she knew.

"Pass the heroin."

Probably you are right about that ... Pass the ( insert beername ) would be a close second.

I wanna see Kurt Cobain’s response to this tweet. Maybe he can claw hid way out and eat the brains of the original poster?

I'd assume that's a joke. I mean, she's an arsehole, but that doesn't change that.

After seeing her interview, I'm convinced she's genuinely too stupid or xanax'd out to create satire.

If it was a joke, why did she delete it?

Because her audience was too stupid to get it? Dunno, I can't read the minds of arseholes.

Yes, but she is also very stupid.

I guess I've been known to think things are jokes because I was unable to believe people would say them seriously, so who knows.

See Trump.

Note she's supported him for years no matter what sort of stupid thing he says or does.

A lot of clever but immoral people support Trump.

She's not one of them.

I'm not saying she isn't dumb, but those tweets prove nothing. She may be just riling up people, like grifters usually do.

Not wanting to deal with ten thousand Xitter users that didn't get the joke?

Edit: oh wait it's this bitch, dummies are her demo

Hmm, that's a tough one

that's some crazy shit.

then again,right wing nutjobs are consistently crazy.....🤣

Wait, is it no longer your era when you’re middle aged? Like decades of undeath still to go?

That's not tiktok.

Why did you editorialize your title so much? You could have just called it 'LibsofTiktok" it would have made much more sense, no one is actually familiar with minor Twitter handles anyway.

It's almost like this is a shitpost community, isn't it?

Also, it may possibly be that I can't predict what someone doesn't know.

IMO all TikTok users have a brain deficit, not just one group of people. They traded neurons for superficial knowledge or meaning

Plenty of teenagers on TikTok doing their teenager thing. I don't think they're idiots.

I respectfully disagree. 99% of teens are idiots, it comes with the territory.

Yeah, real, I see people talk about "young kids on da tok all day" and I'm like, you're just making fun of kids/teenagers mostly, the same thing you criticized the older generations of doing towards you. Let kids be kids, it's fine. Having a childhood is important, it sucks to be denied it.

My daughter uses TikTok. It's kind of an alternative way to chat with her friends. Same with Snapchat. She's not hanging out with pedophiles or whatever. They're friends she met when she was in school or at the library or whatever. They just do the online version of hanging out with each other... which I did when I was on dialup BBSes with my friends back in the 1990s. It was just slower.

Dude, one of my friends that was a university student told me that covid vaccines made you magnetic. He believed 100%, and BTW he studied Physics. His reasoning was that he found it on TikTok, and that most famous people there told him so.

I know that being stupid cannot be instilled by a social media platform. But a social media can slowly empower your stupidity if by itself the platform mostly presents its users with absurd content.

There was a flat earth movement on TikTok too, right?

Posting the same shit to get social credits? Most people don't even know what they are even posting on tiktok. They follow the trend.

Yes it's like this in all platforms, most people follow the trend. But in TikTok the platform main goal is to post videos about trends, like NPCs. Everybody the same.

A platform goal cannot be the sole purpose of generate trends. That's like if art was generated in mass production factories.

Mass production trends are as healthy to your brain as mass produced food is to your metabolism.

Unschooled people ruling society knowledge because of TikTok.

We are flooding our universities with dumb brain filling crap, and lowering intellectual capacity of what is supposed to be society peak knowledge (university).

Educated people believed all sorts of silly things long before the internet. It's not an internet problem or a social media problem, it's a gullibility problem.

Oh yeah, you know that band I listened to before you were even fucking born? Like how I wore a Pink Floyd The Wall tshirt even though I wasn't into them at that age? The same thing kids today are doing with their fashion? Suck me off and we'll talk about how the world works when you're done. And eat my asshole while you're down there.

Fucking moron.

Hey, Anons. Pop culture windows last maybe 10-20 years at most. No one will know who Nirvana is in 5082. Get off your high-horse and share what you love instead of gatekeeping.

Ridiculing someone for trying to gatekeep something isn’t gatekeeping you spanner.

I think you missed the point of this post, my friend. Try again.

Reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit huh

Idk I posted this separately and it did fine. All I am saying is it is dumb to care about who wears what shirt. Even if the shirt has mispellings. But go on, feel strong and big.

You’re still failing to comprehend my first response to you.

Go back and read it carefully and look at the original post. At least try to comprehend comments before responding to them.

What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.


If you're implying he's not then you and I are about to have fisticuffs. His comedy is timeless in an innocent sort of way and his dramas are surprisingly good. Critics don't seem to like him for the most part but I don't think anyone likes them so who cares.

I'm with you on the drama, but after Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore, there was a major downhill slope with his comedies and once he got to Netflix, it was off a cliff.

I'm not necessarily saying they are all on the same level but rather that they all, or at least all I've seen, capture that same late 90s or early 2000s vibe pretty well. Whether or not that vibe still appeals to you is a different story.

Sounds like that means you haven't seen the many horrible movies he's made since then.

What's an example or two? I certainly haven't seen them all but I've seen a fair amount of the ones I know about.

Pixels would be the first one that comes to mind.

To give you a general idea of what is thought about it-

Interesting. Yeah I never heard of that movie so you may be correct.


Are we talking about the same Adam Sandler? Maybe I'm just too old, but none of the 90s movies of his I loved growing up hold up at all imo.

I think that has more to do with you maturing than the movies aging poorly. When I say timeless I mean they all depict a specific cultural perspective very well. It's not as common as it once was but it certainly still exists.

Just so you know, the woman being mocked in this screencap is a bigot that uses her platform to incite threats of violence against children’s hospitals and schools for supporting LGBT youth. If anything she needs to be more gatekept.

I've just seen multiple posts about t-shirts recently. Apparently its a big deal you know your shirt lore? I dont know this person. I just find the concept and associated offense kind of weird. Especially with the multiple posts about fucken band shirts.

The shirt thing is completely incidental, people were dunking on her because she’s a bigot. I know what you mean about people getting a stick up their ass about band shirts, though.

Generally, if you're wearing a shirt with logos or words in it you better understand what it is.

Hurrian Hymn No. 6 is older than that (1400BCE, so 3400 years in the past vs 3060 in the future) and composers were doing covers in 2009.

There are 3000 year old Greek depictions of Lyre players and we know of famous musicians that won competitions from 2500 years ago.

Don't be so sure no one will know.

Yeah I know people with quote tattoos from the inventor of lyric poetry in the Greek tradition

And here we are 30 years after Cobains death discussing his band.

We are, is Gen Z? Probably not that much. As evidenced by the fucken large amount of recent t shirt posts.

Gen Z is 29, so either I’m the youngest person here or yes.

Thats not even true. 29 year olds are millenials. I was born in 1994. I am 29.

Me too, but someone whose 29th birthday is today is gen z. We’re the youngest millennials by birth year.

Lost generations are still a thing. Even with the instant gratification of the internet.

In fact, a few theories posit that the internet may actually be widening the gaps again.