
0 Post – 241 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Btw never do that. You're supposed to put vinegar on it, that way the jellyfish tastes way better.

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Was this about the cop who went full schizo, did two barrel rolls and magdumped the back of his police car?

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Is it just me or did the title of the article make it seem like that happened in Ukraine and not Russia?

"You proclaim to love the ocean, yet you flee from the tsunami.. Curious"

[Charlie Kirk.png]

How many tenticles do you have?

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And of course it's the fking navy... The jokes really write themselves these days

This looks like some 4chan shit lmao

Why is the neighbor living in the Harry Potter closet?

You see, this is why the westoids always underestimate the glorious Russians. Even when their system is hit, it is still reporting the artillery by sending a smoke sign that is visible for kilometers - we never stood a chance

I want that shirt

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“It's a part of me and I can wash it however fast I like!"

Apparently I'm too stupid to understand this

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I am absolutely not shocked that something like this is an issue at BSG

Is there a good reason to assume that what comes after the revolution is better than what there is right now? Asking for a friend

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It's probably organ harvesting, not abortion

That's pretty spot on, no one takes these guys too seriously here. Also, Germany has a lot more rigid ways of defending its democracy against these kinds of subversions than most other countries, since it caused a lot of ruckus when that happened the last time - not sure if any of you history buffs are aware of an obscure figure called Hitler..

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Japanese is whacky.. Like why not just pick one alphabet instead of using 3 different ones? Are they stupid?

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If anything the employees getting fired and the project being shitcanned adds another layer of social commentary

Looks like OPs mom to me

I heard Steve Jobs died from figma

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You can be critical of many things Israel does but banning Hamas doesn't seem like a terrible move to me

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I'd love to read the context for this

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Probability of precipitation

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They didn't ask for this and it's not like they'll even respond to a threat this empty.

Which part of my statement makes you think I'm saying that? All I said is banning terrorist party = good.

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How can I delete someone else's comment?

What are you doing step-ATGM?

People people not being unhinged about the royals challenge (impossible)

If this is what you took away from this then you have a mild case of severe brain damage

The guy who murdered George Floyd by kneeling on his neck

Didn't they literally have a contest to see if it was easier to kill some with DC or AC?

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Their army is comparatively old, since the way they mobilized didn't tap into the younger generations much. Many guys in their 20s and 30s were excempt from mobilization due to having either very young or three and more children

Neoliberal is going to Starbucks. Neoconservative is going to Starbucks and yelling at the hispanic barista.

Hope they got another Lord of War type figure to bail her out

This is the most smooth brained take anyone could come away with. No one benefits from the Suez canal being closed. Even the military industrial complex will keep suffering from this.

It's easy to see for people who grew up in a free country but if everything you ever see is propaganda then this can warp your perception greatly

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From what I understand, our chancellor has long claimed that we would need to control the missiles ourselves, which would possibly make us a belligerent. According to these leaks this isn't the case. This will increase pressure on shipping them to Ukraine so Russia may have shot itself in the foot once again.

Might be a dumb question but how reliable are polls in non democratic countries engaged in a hot war generally? Personally I'd be scared shitless to state anything than my utmost support for the leadership, anything else could easily get me killed..

I'm pretty sure this is just how they eat

Guy should have brought a fan