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Ah, but did you get the RetroAchievements for it? I've been on a retro game binge lately, and it's been really cool to get achievements. Definitely helped me stick with a couple games and finish them, and they've encouraged me to do things in game that I wouldn't have otherwise bothered with.

For individuals, particularly those without piles of cash, you're probably right.

For large corporations and the owner class, though? Eh, that's not so true. Being able to fund an army of lawyers means knowing exactly when you can tell the government to get fucked and being able to fight about it if the government wants to.

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They're probably clearing out leftover stock from the first model. I suspect they're moving to just the OLED model once the LCD models are gone. So maybe, but I wouldn't consider this a sign it's coming.

Aren't there currently more empty homes than homeless in the US? Like, by a decent margin, too? I think that statistic is getting a bit dated, but I also don't expect it to have improved. What we really need is to treat homes as homes, as essentials for life, instead of as investments. But, of course, that'd cost rich people money instead of giving them a way to make even more money, so we can't do that. I'm sure some towns and cities could benefit from more homes, but the core of the problem is societal, not material.

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You're focusing on the non victory and ignoring the failures. Cowards.

That's not true, they successfully did their job of protecting capital and the owner class. Same reason they don't go after Trump. He's in the owner class, so their job is to serve and protect him.

A two party system is the natural result of the American voting system. A first past the post voting system will always eventually lead to a two party system. If you want to avoid that eventuality, you need to use a different voting system.

So then our problem is that we allow moneyed interests to monopolize home ownership so they can extract wealth from people who actually generate it. It is quite literally the definition of rent seeking behavior.

I didn't realize I needed to have a formal policy plan before I opener my mouth. I'll freely admit I don't fully understand the intricacies of how we handle real estate, but the general belief that real estate prices must be protected and they must generally trend upwards is the unhealthy core of the problem. It prioritizes profits over human needs.

even though the fidelity is lower.

That's the trade off you make with AM. With just about all wireless transmission techs, really. There seems to be an inverse relationship between range and bandwidth. If you want one, you sacrifice the other. Compared to FM, AM radio leans more towards max range, so the audio quality isn't quite as good, but it goes for miles.

Misinformation and election interference efforts from Republicans. They were studying those things in general, not just from Republicans, and Republicans fought to silence them because they're the primary offenders. If they weren't, they'd be lauding the results for an opportunity to skewer their opponents.

Aw poor corporate behemoth doesn't want to spend the pennies (compared to profits) to do things right. If we're being fair, fuck them for cheaping out at our expense.

You may enjoy Zero-K more than most other RTS, at least. It's in the Total Annihilation style like Supreme Commander or Beyond All Reason. One of the ways it sets itself apart is with a diverse array of commands you can issue to your units so they can micro themselves. I haven't played much of it, so I can't give a ton of examples, but it has commands to do stuff attack while maintaining distance, compared to how StarCraft 2 forced you to learn to stutter step your Marines, manually alternating between moving and shooting.

It's also free and open source, based on the Spring engine, and available on Steam. It felt like it played well and was filled out well in terms of mechanics and units when I gave it a try a year or so ago, but I just haven't been playing any RTS lately.

Trigun is a fucking classic. I need to start Trigun Stampede and see how that is... I'm skeptical, but it deserves a shot.

It's a genuinely nice thing you're trying to do, so on the one hand, I don't want to discourage it, but on the other hand, every tip workers get is an incentive to not raise wages. Hell, if they make enough in tips, they'll start actively lowering wages for new hires. Someone I know always likes to tip, but I just see management thanking them for covering their labor costs for them.

I'm still disappointed we never got the Dr. Horrible sequel...

I have no idea why you're being downvoted because you're right. You don't really own hardly any of the software you buy. You don't buy the software, you buy a license to use it in almost all commercial cases. It would be financial suicide for companies to revoke those licenses in most cases, but it still is what it is.

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Tangentially, John Dies at the End is fucking great, easily one of my top book series. Kinda prefer the original online version of the sequel, but that's hard to find these days, and the print version is still good. The movie's pretty good, although it's a shame they cut so much. I get why, movies can only be so long, but would have been cool to see all the stories from the book get told.

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Sure, but I'm not making a statement about the ethics of it. I'm just stating that that's the current reality. That's how commercial software is sold. I'll freely agree it's a bullshit practice and we should actually be able to own things, but that's a whole different discussion.

Battery life seems a tad low unless you're playing somewhat demanding games. The Steam Deck does have some power optimization settings you can use to up your battery life, and you can set them on a per-game basis. I haven't played with them myself, but I think they're in the menu that comes up with the ... Button on the right side.

Yeah, the core plot idea was pretty much the same, but the way it played out was pretty different. The whole thing stays way more low key, and I wanna say the whole jail thing never happened. It's been a long time since I read either version, so I'm fuzzy on the details, but it definitely got a significant rework for publication.

I've tried to find a copy of the original before, and I think I found a poorly cloned website with the original links a few years ago, not updated to point at the new clone so I had to tweak it every time to continue. I'd love to get it converted to an ebook so I could archive it, but I haven't tried in years now.

I've been playing QuakeWorld for a few months, and I started playing EverQuest on Project Quarm. Been kinda wild playing EQ to see how the MMO genre has evolved over time. Only level like 8 or 9, but it's been fun.

How does it stay net negative? Carbon goes into the fuel, which is good, but doesn't like all of it come back out when burned for fuel? My understanding is that these fuels can only really achieve neutrality, and that assumes clean energy used to make the fuel.

But if it's used as fuel, wouldn't that typically return the CO~2~? Just about all fuels are burned, which creates the CO~2~, and you have to make sure the energy you use to make and transport the fuel is clean, too.

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Can confirm, finally got around to starting New Vegas last night because of the show. Barely into it, but off to a decent start.