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Joined 2 months ago


Trump is so fucking stupid he doesnt even know how his party is supposed to work.

There are no leftist corporations.

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iirc the hospital tipped the police about the abortion

which does, in fact, make me more angry

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im cis af

i like my genitals and body shape and i consider myself lucky for having a brain that matches my body

but i don't understand why theres so much hatred for people who dont feel that way.

If i had a vagina instead of a penis, and a curvy lady body instead of my chunky man bod, would i not still be myself?

Worthy of respect, worthy of love, full of ideas and dreams and stupid i not still a person in this scenario?

Its my body. i grew it myself.

I will do whatever i god damn well please with it, because its MINE.

Im not trans but im an ally and if yall need one more fist in the fight, lemme know

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i think the ambiguity is the point

Gwen is a woman.

If shes a trans woman, shes still a woman. If shes a biological woman, shes still a woman.

They dont need to announce her sex assigned at birth, shes a woman either way

thats how i see it anyway.

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i agree it would be inappropriate

why would a politician debate with a convicted felon



Eventually Microsoft is going to be forced to adapt and make an operating system that doesnt use 20% of your system resources, right?

surely they wont continue to make the same bloated, sluggish OS every year since windows 7 right?

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What if i told you that any group, organization or business that places profits and advertising revenue above objective truth and a quality product is, by default, always going to be right-wing aligned?

the words of someone DESPERATE to find a way to call libs racist

Are there any lawyers in here who could write a "politicians are not allowed to say easily disproven things in a public forum any more" law?

Something where we can legally tell morons to shut up and then they actually have to

thats good advice thanks

i dont know any terf signals because i dont talk to those people

i accidentally run into fascist dog whistles on occasion for the same reason.

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i crave decisiveness like that. it would make me so happy if that sort of behavior became the norm.

too many corpos getting away with murder because they are more convenient than their competitors or because switching is too hard

Thats crazy because in the timeline i came from, everyone knew Google was a monopoly 20 years ago!

Have you guys boycotted facebook for stealing your information yet? We started talking about that back in 2012.

And you all abandoned Youtube for being inconsistent with their copyright process and how they monetize creators, right? Right?

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that's only if you STOP stealing

if you keep stealing and get good at it, you can tell senators what to do and how to vote

i feel rad as fuck basically all the time

have you tried becoming a corvid? its a great life. Steal shiny things from big dumb humans, scream at the top of your lungs at all hours of the day, poop on cars

and occasionally torment an alcoholic horror author

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If a product says "AI" on it, and its not talking about NPCs in a videogame, i assume the product is shitty and took 30x the energy to produce than a human-made product of the same quality

i just don't understand why

We hate google for being a giant, evil corporation that bribes republicans to vote against things like net neutrality or privacy rights

Why would a republican go after google? theyre on the same side

I really dont want to catch any legal flak for saying this but i just think if we caught and abducted a billionaire real estate mogul qe could probably have this problem like 70% fixed in under a week

im astounded they were arrested

usually these news articles end with "and the police did nothing at all until a black teenager was spotted holding a churro and shot into a fine mist by 30 officers on scene"

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now that one i knew

It helps to define what processed food is, specifically what constitutes "processed"

From Wikipedia:

Food processing is the transformation of agricultural products into food, or of one form of food into other forms.

Food processing takes many forms, from grinding grain into raw flour, home cooking, and complex industrial methods used in the making of convenience foods.

Tertiary food processing is the commercial production of what is commonly called processed food.[2] These are ready-to-eat or heat-and-serve foods, such as frozen meals and re-heated airline meals.

TLDR; anything you do to a food item besides picking it up and eating it raw is considered "processing" if you want to be pedantic.

Colloquially, "processed foods" as a marketting and culinary phrase typically means "Tertiary Food Processing" but thats too many words to say every time you want to discuss potato chips

......i just want to point out that you havent needed to power off a videogame console to change games since the original playstation in 1997 (or whenever that was, my memory of the Before Times is hazy)

But spiderman was always my favorite character as a kid, i seemed to really identify with the character.....uh oh

just an endless march of black presidents at this point. how many have we had now? one? outrageous

America dominates my news feeds to the point that I just assumed law enforcement was an internationally fascist agency

thats a lot of questions im not qualified to answer, unfortunately

I didnt get any further than blind outrage at the situation and fantasies about fist-fighting the people at fault

what is that in metric?

i must be doing something wrong because to me, duckduckgo doesnt even work as well as AskJeeves did in 2001

im either joking, a liar or a time traveler

Occams Razor would suggest I'm probably not a time traveler

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I wouldnt come to America until we see how our next election goes

If the Democrats win, you might be okay in a couple years

but if not, moving to California in 2024 is gonna be like moving to Poland in 1938

We are on the precipice of launching into fully unchecked fascism, or starting twenty years of the hardest repair work conceivable in order to make this country worth living in again

oh no

that was a great summary, thank you

trying to research such a broad topic was overwhelming

is your house just an oven and a light switch?

every netsec admin i know lives like that and is DISGUSTED at how many "smart" appliances i have

this was only 2 years ago, right? like maybe last summer or the one before

if only there was a simple easy solution

wowie this federal lemming or whatever has got some EHSPICY memes

This is the funniest way I've ever seen to call someone a bot

I'm stealing it

ah yes, the internet explorer/chrome/firefox but then firefox got better but then worse again/chrome/is internet explorer good now?/opera/operagx/Microsoft edge is actually fast now/back to opera effect

i break into stores after hours and steal things

ooh a delicious Poe's Law moment

are you an idiot or hilarious?

ah but the not knowing is the fun part

edit: okay i didnt read the room, my bad. Im coming from reddit and Instagram, so im used to dealing with redditors and whoever Instagram is for. im new, I'll adjust

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