1 Post – 209 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good ❤️

I'm listening to Pink Floyd right now and thought that said Roger Waters, super disappointed that he's not releasing a videogame lmao

He's the angry male pattern baldness nerd

I made a weave of plastic tubings during a slow day at work

GNU will spring their plan into motion for world domination, and send anyone who has said Linux and not GNU/Linux to GNUlag

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Free dog!

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Me accidentally stumbling upon the french composer Debussy

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My favorite is the Nixon campaign buttons that says "They Can't Lick Our Dick"

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In short, tankies that won’t shut up and stop shoehorning themselves into every conversation. Feel free to block every user that will inevitably reply to this comment about how I’m not Trotskij-pilled and really a bourgeoisie Jeff Bezos semen demon, or some stupid shit like that.

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What the fuck is this supposed to mean??

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This is like the Plumbus skit from Rick & Morty, but not narrated by a wifebeater

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When the pee be "Aaa"

It do be like that

It's simple. Stop buying crap products!

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Stop supporting green washing

Stop supporting sports washing

Stop supporting whatever-makes-these-countries-look-good washing

Just taking a look at Steam Deck Top 100 tells me 2025 won't be a problem lmao

Tesla Autopilot

"Competitive" multiplayer games in general. I miss it when multiplayer games were just fun and not streamlined misery simulators where the attitude is everyone is an idiot except yourself.

I know it's popular to fart on Overwatch 2, but even when the original came out I thought it was so fucking dull. The No Man Sky quote "Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle" can very well explain the hero roster of that game.

I'd rather do a barefoot pilgrimage to Jerusalem than play CS:GO, League of Legends, Overwatch, Fartnite, Valorant, etc.

Team Fortress 2 is unbalanced and janky, and it's 1000x more fun than any of those games. It even proved that the competitive crowd could do their own thing that suit their needs, instead of ruining a game to the ground with "balance" and unfun gameplay.

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Developers need to stop using Unity AND Unreal. I miss in-house engines.

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Ditto. I hate feeling like a luddite just because I don't want anything to do with modern spyware.

A step forward is a step forward at least, still a long way to go sadly


That devious Joseph Stallman!

Jordan Peterson looks terrible, what's up with him?

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Now what this needs is a remake that removes all of the charm and atmosphere

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This is the best thing I've ever seen in a long time lmao

Me with my self ripped catalogue of over 400 albums in .flac.

Yes I'm broke, how did you know???

Fuck the Olympics, corrupt shit organisation

What's CSAM?

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Lmao why. You turn on Netflix when you want to watch movies or TV shows, the battle is already lost in less than a second if you want people to care about your video games.

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Wtf is happening hahaha

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Oh no



Voiced protagonists just limits dialogue so so much! Just look at Fallout 4 :(

The original Bloodlines is one of my all time favorite games, mostly because of the 10/10 dialogue.

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Yo! I didn’t know she was trans!

Rory is a fucking dork

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The Good, The Bad and The Ugly... by like a lot.

I watched the Dollars Trilogy in order and I love all those movies. A Fistful of Dollars feels very low budget at certain points, including one of the worst day for night edits I've ever seen, but overall it's a damn good 9/10 Yojimbo ripoff.

For a Few Dollars More is straigt up one of the best movies I have ever seen, an easy 10/10. It's a full blown high budget movie that just shocked me when I saw it for the first time, I was amazed how good it was, and it confused me too since EVERYONE said that The Good, The Bad and The Ugly is the best of the bunch, like how could something be better than this???

Well, how is it...? When I first saw The Good, The Bad and The Ugly I almost went catatonic. If For a Few Dollars More is 10/10 then this movie is 11/10, or 12/10 or even 13/10. EVERYTHING about this movie is amazing, if the previous one was made with an A24 budget then this one was made with the same production level as fucking Oppenheimer. Everything is bigger, the scale of the movie is breathtaking, the Morricone music is the best of all time, the characters are amazing, the action is amazing, the climax of the movie is the best ever put on screen, I just fucking love this movie so SO fucking much.

So yeah... watch The Good, The Bad and The Ugly if you haven't.

(Shout out to Duck, You Sucker. A movie that also blew my socks off, made by the same director.)

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Putin sucks, but russian pirates are so fucking based.

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I support more China bashing

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grafec desingn

Fuck, really? But it looks so totally not AI generated!

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