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Joined 6 months ago

JFC if good prose is enough to make you okay with pesophilia maybe you weren't that far away from it in the first place

Heh, Darth Vader is an imperial unit.

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She's so transparently working backwards from her original knee jerk judgement on her views on gender. I've never understood why people feel the need to die on this hill, change is scary sure, but it's not THAT big a deal is it?

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Stupid as this is, at least he worked it out? I'm a little impressed.

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Hey dumbasses maybe don't let a loose llm represent your company if you can't control what it's saying. It's not a real person, you can't throw blame to a non sentient being.

I'm gonna be real with you all, I'm in Australia and it's a little embarrassing how hard you think we have it over here compared to the shit I've heard from other places. Like don't fuck with the animals and don't put your hands in areas you can't see and you're golden. I've had to deal with random violence like three times in my 34 years here. It's pretty alright here.

14 more...

In general yes. I'm not going to pull exact numbers up but I think it started declining around 2018.

I've heard it said they switched to whatever was most profitable rather than what was actually useful or relevant. I still find good results when looking up niche tech issues, but if it's more mainstream I get really weird results, so that might indeed be what's happening.

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I admit if vtubers started suplexing each other I'd probably watch that.

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You are correct to be scared, my dad doesn't play games and has sunk thousands of hours into it.

God he's nice to have around

Just say melons he'll kick you out

Fuck me sometimes I felt like I was the only person on the planet to play that game

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God I'm fucking sick of this loss leading speculative investment bullshit. It's hit some bizarre zenith that has infected everybody in the tech world, but nobody has any actual intention of being practical in the making of money, or the functionality of the product. I feel like we should just can the whole damned thing and start again.

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I would be happy with a 240hz 4k that doesn't have a subtle hum when it's going that hard. It's hard to test for because shops are too loud to hear it, but in a quiet office it gets very noticeable.

Hell yeah my dude prioritise healthy art process

They did try this a while back, steam machines were around at 2015. I could see it getting a rebirth in a similar design to the steam deck in a few years though.

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God you're right and it depresses me

Honestly with how that company is going you might be better off getting a cheap rig and installing your favourite flavour of Linux. I'm still salty their implementation of surround sound and video decoding can't use the actual power of the chip it's running on.

There might still be something you can do, go to and you can see what you can do based on your country.

Nah fuck you I laughed

Very likely. I find it also has a lot to do with environment, like work is the place I go to get stuff done, home is the place I play games and chill. So when it's time to get stuff done at home, the wires get crossed a bit.

Was relocating a $10k piece of networking hardware and dropped it into another 10k VM server. Server was fine, network hardware was not. It was during a project that was a real mess, thought it was a stupid mistake though.

We were able to work around it, though we did lose the contract we were trying to make. Honestly though given how rushed and panicked that whole three months was though, we were lucky nobody suffered anything worse. Real shitshow.

Not by itself I agree. I think there's value in adding functionality that isn't needed but would still be something you could do in the real world. Half life didn't need functioning vending machines, but it adds a little layer that feels nice.

Shit that x-wing thing is really gonna bug me now.

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Ditto, and then you see people claiming they're a monopoly despite not doing anything monopolistic, supporting other launchers in steam, and allowing keys purchased through other stores to activate on steam.

Meanwhile epic is throwing around exclusivity deals, but that's fine because they're too incompetent a storefront to make an actual impact I guess?

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I don't hate the technology, I hate that I cannot chose where and when to use it. Consent is quite important.

Would love to use it, it has the incorrect channel map for my surround sound system which apparently cannot be changed like it can in pulse? After that gets sorted then sure.

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Guys that's a bit much please don't

I agree with this. We already have a situation where we don't have feasible alternatives to the primary method, Google search comes to mind. With Linux, even if every company in the world goes down, nerds will still want to play with the technology.

That's actually a really good idea

Honestly to God, while I get wanting to play an updated version of games you love, I played through the original trilogy off of gog a few months ago, and they have stood up remarkably well. I can't help but see all of this as a bit silly.

We're already riding it it I reckon. Should be like a deep breath out, but I think we'll eventually recover.

Random story, in one mission while I was searching a database for a client, I fat fingered the name and it gave me back a different person's record


Spooked the shit out of me.

Look you're right and the housing market is a catastrophe also

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I mean the real answer is that's where the sleeping bag is open so you can plug the robot in

God I hope so, but the next thing will likely be even more stupid than this, NFTs and crypto.

Frankly given what they've promised and what's already in there it could easily go to 3x. It's fucking bananas. I was 30 runs in, and still finding new NPCs and events.

I would wonder then what would be a better alternative? Like if he's going to milk being a martyr then how can he be punished?

Sparkling ethnic cleaning

That's a good tip, it probably can but I'll need a bit of learning to figure it out. The Linux audio situation is a hell of a learning curve sometimes.