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Joined 6 months ago

Just fill your time by being the guy who replies “unfortunately this niche group of people I don’t belong to can’t use your advice” on every ask post reply. Some people really get a thrill out of it.

Like for instance if someone asks how they can stay hydrated and somebody replies water you could say “unfortunately some people don’t have access to clean water”, and then just let the upvotes roll in because it’s technically true. It’s going to make you feel worse in the short term because you’ll know what you’re doing, but you won’t recognize that right away or maybe ever so it’s probably a viable strategy for a month.

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Ah, the efficiency of the private sector.

Lead to death of people by making their drugs unaffordable: now Martin, you’re not to work in the industry again

Sell drugs people literally begged you for and lead to death because you made their self treatment affordable: life in prison.

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It’s okay to be bored sometimes.

If you find yourself compelled to do something that’s not destructive to society or yourself, pay attention. Not wearing headphones I brought to disc golf led me to meeting my wife. I just had a feeling not to wear them. Then I met some cool friends. Yada yada yada, life is better.

Get out of your own way. Let things play out and act when you’re able. Try being more passive about small things and see if you’re not less stressed.

Every interaction I have I try to think “how can this go more smoothly”. Life is easy mode if you make people want to be around you.

You can say no and not give a reason and people will respect it more. Give an excuse and watch them act like it’s a puzzle to be solved.

You can’t fix everything at once. You have finite willpower. Do not stack ambitious goals or habit changes.

Understand the only way to ever be good is to fail a lot. This applies to everything. Thinking, conversation, athletics, math, baking, everything.

Garbage in, garbage out. Applies to coding, your entertainment consumption, and food.

In direct contradiction to the above rule I personally believe you MUST have some garbage guilty pleasures. How could you know what’s great otherwise?

Things are not gonna stop happening ever, prioritize.

Try to be kind. People are usually just doing their best.

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Sometimes I can tell someone is having a shit day and I cheer them up by minding my own fucking business because that’s what works for me.

You’re doing Truth social but with nice people. Very few people want to hang out in an echo chamber.

The foundation of your instance is a handful of sand, so I don’t think it matters if you stay or go.

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I tried buying a used thinkpad and putting Linux on it, but then it stopped charging correctly after 2 weeks. So I went back on adhd meds and got a new job and turned my life around.

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Coding is kind of like being a wizard. Like, y’all put a bunch of nonsense in just precisely the right order and then some electrictrified minerals bounce around and then a sandwich shows up at my door.

If the process was almost any amount sexier we would absolutely not let half the people running tech startups near it for -gestures broadly- obvious reasons.

This is a real “I took microeconomics and got a B” energy right here.

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I really liked this one. The Wii sequel “Horse Beyond Earth’s Curvature” was just a cash in though.

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Find out your sleep cycle length. Mine is 90 minutes. My life is better when I get 6, 7.5, or 9 hours (lol I wish) because I wake up at or near the end of a sleep cycle.

No electronics in bed. Bed is for sleep and sex. No TV either.

Wake up at the same time every day.

Don’t try to force yourself to sleep if it ain’t happening. Go do something boring for a bit.

Sometimes I’m worn out but can’t nap on weekends and I will just lay there trying to relax every muscle I can notice. Sometimes this makes me fall asleep and sometimes I just get some good body rest.

Make your room as dark as possible.

If you have trouble sleeping through noise, try a noise machine. It sounds counter intuitive but usually it’s new or sudden noises that are the problem, and your brain should tune out the noise machine after it becomes a usual sound.

Avoid caffeine 6 hours before bedtime.

If you get heartburn avoid acidic foods and drinks before bedtime.

Alcohol and grass will help you sleep sometimes but it will be worse quality sleep.

These are things that help me, they might not help you. Try to keep a sleep journal if you’re having trouble nailing down what might be disrupting your sleep. It’s all about being in tune with how your body works and feels. Take some time during the day to just feel how you feel.

If you try a bunch of stuff and you get sleep and drag ass every day anyways get checked for sleep apnea.

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It’s really easy to understand diabetes but it’s not something a lot of people grasp quickly if it doesn’t affect them.

First, when you eat carbohydrates they are converted into sugar by the body. Your cells want that sugar, but they don’t want too much. Too much sugar in the blood can damage blood vessels, leading to all sorts of issues ranging from annoying to fatal.

Insulin is like UPS, it delivers the sugar to the cells, also facilitating its entry into the cells. Normal people’s pancreas release an appropriate amount of insulin to match the amount of sugar in your blood and keep your blood sugar in a safe range (70-120, guidance on this varies this is not medical advice).

Type 1: Pancreas is damaged, often by the body’s immune system, and can no longer produce insulin. It’s genetic, and it doesn’t usually present after adolescence. The only treatment for type 1 is insulin. If you don’t have a pump you take a 24-hour insulin for a baseline and then a short-acting insulin for your meals. You usually have a carbohydrate to insulin ratio. 1 unit of insulin to 15g carbs is pretty common for a starting point. If you have a pump it just releases a slow drip of insulin as a base and then you program your ratio for meals.

Type 2: Your cells become insulin resistant and your pancreas responds by upping the amount of insulin it produces. Eventually it can’t keep up and your blood sugar rises. There is a period of time where you can avoid developing type 2 with diet changes. There is a period of time where you can just take pills. The final stage is using insulin injections like a type 1.

Finally, insulin is really expensive (or was, I think there’s legislation lowering prices in my state). The retail price without insurance of 2 insulins, needle tips, and blood testing supplies can easily be $1200/month. That’s the price you pay to eat without dying as a type 1.

I’m just a simple guy but if making that much money off people who literally have no other choice isn’t evil I’m not sure what is. Do we deserve to be able to eat? Tough call I guess.

Someone who sells someone heroin they overdose on.

What kind of functioning moral system could possibly make such a distinction?

You have led to a death either way. Why is one life worth less? The only logical conclusion is classism.

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You’ve been a teenager who can’t vote and also someone who went to the mall in the past with a same sex partner and got dirty looks from older conservatives within the last few months. You live in a city with rolling blackouts in America.

As a teenager below voting age you know groceries are a luxury now compared to the past. Everything leads back to third party voting with you, again a teenager below voting age who went to the mall with someone you were dating as a social activity.

You are really bad at trolling.

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So being high all the time is remarkably similar to being sober all the time because your brain adjusts to what you throw at it.

I took 10 months off and I just read a lot of books.

Everyone is different though. You should probably try avoiding the internet news and try interacting with people in real life. People are pretty cool when they’re not a vague description of bad behavior from a stranger online who wants you to believe an entire category of people are bad.

The news literally exists to make you anxious at this point because it drives engagement.

The fucked up thing is you can know this and still not be able to stop compulsively reading it.

It’s so fucking unfair people get away with shit like this and I can’t even buy a pair of Jordan 11’s at retail price. I could buy at least 3 pairs on stockX with that kind of money.

Found me a lady who wanted an amethyst. Paid like $300, biggest issue was the stone was so big it kept getting loose. Those are our preferences though, some people want the diamond and that’s fine. It’s okay to want something dumb. Nothing you acquire will be meaningful in the long run, it’s the memories.

Surely someone will save the day at the last minute so we don’t have to do anything other than vote right? That’s what entertainment media almost exclusively promotes.

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That’s awesome! I’m glad you got some validation, I’m sure it’s hard not being able to share with family.

This is a staggering work of genius. Truly, easily the best trump I’ve read. Well done.

I qualify! While my loans aren’t as burdensome as they are for many other people this will be a big help to my small family.

Here’s hoping this program continues to evolve and expand. While this is just a band-aid on a broken education system that’s pretty much all we do around here anymore.

It’s no better with Siri.

An example:

“Hey Siri, play some Slayer on music”

“You’ll have to unlock your iPhone first”

Picks up phone to unlock with face unlock while driving so Siri will let me even use her.

“Hey siri play some slayer on Music”

“Sorry, there is no playlist called Slayer in your music library”

“Hey siri play some slayer from Apple Music”

“Okay, calling Sarah”

What I haven’t seen mentioned is that the structure of the vehicle depends on the integrity of the exterior, if Tesla’s own marketing was true. So, if it rusts easily, isn’t it more likely to be structurally unstable during impact?

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What good would money be if I can’t find the store?

The idea that you don’t win if you die in debt is an op.

Protip: don’t put your spouse on your credit cards.

I get extra money, I buy shit I don’t want to budget for. That’s furniture for a lot of people. Also we’re hitting the point where people are finding out just how shitty their stuff is because they’ve owned it a couple years.

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Like anything else, you have to practice to be able to ask for help. This might be the early stages of that.

It is lame, it is attention seeking. All attention seeking is a cry for help, whether one knows it or not.

I have found that the things I go out of my way to criticize are the things that hit closest to home, or that I might be afraid of being.

There always will be a divide between those who use technology as a means to an end and those whose end is technology.

If you think I’m taking a “side” with that statement you’re the latter.

If you think that’s a dig at anyone it’s probably because you think people care what phone you have, or that I’m trying to sneakily insinuate that you’re not doing anything by installing another flavor of Linux so you can get your dock to line up perfectly the way you want it to.

If you think people care what phone you have it’s probably because you know people who do.

If you think you have to be around those people I’m here to tell you I don’t know anyone who cares about what phone I have.

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I think I read that average is somewhere like 85-100 and I took note of when I felt most alert when waking up and when I felt most groggy.

I also like a weekend nap so I tried setting alarms for different amounts of time and landed on where I felt most alert and refreshed upon waking.

Bonus via edit: if you wake up during the night at the same time it might fall on a sleep cycle divisor. I wake up to pee at 4:30 a lot and 6:00 is my wake up time, 90 mins away.

If it was really common would you be reading about it?

Yes, racism is out there. Yes, it’s sometimes outrageous. Yes, there are more racists than there should be.

But most racism is subtle. It’s a higher loan rate. It’s not landing a job you’re overqualified for. It’s being watched closely at the store. It’s being treated like you’re older than you are when you’re a child.

I don’t have first hand experience to speak of in this area but I’ve seen it. It makes me sad. People are people. We’re all just trying to get by out here, I don’t know how you could look at the state of things and conclude that it’s poor people of any color making things shitty.

If they’re taking your benefits or jobs, who hands those out? Is it the poor immigrants or is it the ruling class? People are out here so brainwashed they’re blaming people who are being exploited BY THE SAME PEOPLE WHO ARE EXPLOITING THEM for their problems. Damn man it’s depressing.

It’s only even a political issue because that’s a great way to make people get mad at other people of their class.

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Wtf I played for hours and never knew that!

It’s really wild to go from real life, where I don’t know anyone who uses twitter, to online where people are very interested in what’s happening to it.

Do these people not know a ton of viewership for news shows is that the channel is just on? Who’s gonna go to twitter and watch Don Lemon talk about stuff if they have to seek it out? Maybe they think it’s a built-in audience because people are there so surely they’ll watch?

Basically it’s content that expires quickly that isn’t “just on” anywhere. I’m no genius but I wouldn’t count on it working.

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I think about disc golfing way more than most people probably do and it’s never crossed my mind to get a disc tattooed on my face.

What is it with gun people man? Like I’ve owned guns, they’re fine. I’ve not owned guns, I find that fine too. Why do they need me to know they like guns?

Sign up for a dev account and check out some of apple’s free resources while you wait, then do whatever the actually smart people on here tell you to do.

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Have you tried a wedge pillow? It didn’t work well for me but it does for some.

I have one spoon I prefer because of the thinness of it and I have had a 4 pack in my hand and not bought them because it might make it less special. How am I supposed to be an adult with a brain like this?

Life gets a lot easier if you make an effort to be kind and understanding. You have to deal with mean people either way. Sometimes the person you least expect is really cool and will open doors for you. Don’t bother yourself with the little things. Don’t feel like every situation requires action, especially if you’re feeling emotional.

Damn dawg when I was little I thought staying up late to watch Quantam Leap was what adults did but now I am an adult and reading this and I have to say…..fuckin blah blah better than this I’m so tired guys make it stop.

What if they said “US is Most Drilled Location for Oil for 6th Consecutive Year”. Would that be more honest? The US isn’t gaining from the oil being drilled, the corporations that identify as US corporations are sucking up all that profit and being subsidized to do it.

If you purchased them from the federal government they won’t have hard drives.

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