14 Post – 767 Comments
Joined 12 months ago


A small child nicked my keys and dropped them somewhere in a large field. A detector was cheaper than a new electronic key for my car.

That is hilarious and quite interesting!

And that stopped you from buying?

True Neutral

It doesn't necessarily have to be 'work', people used to make websites out of passion. Now everyone wants to monetize everything.

Here's the context from the linked article under that "woke reviewers" sentence:

And a follow-up:

"if a reviewer objects to a character because of identity politics, I call that woke..."

I kind of agree with him. I initially didn't want to play the game because of all the bugs people were posting on reddit and because of reviews saying the game is average and pointing out some dialogs that were supposed to be bad or cringe.

Played it later when it came to PS+ and the game was amazing! The bugs had been fixed by then, and the dialogs were actually very good. The supposed bad dialogs from reviews were taken out of context to look bad.

They better not switch date to MM-DD-YYYY format.

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That is hilarious but too much effort. A simple 'Fuck off' should suffice.

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When everyone start using adblockers then it will go away and companies will have to come with new business models. I have been using adblockers since the first adblock was released and I don't see ads so it's up to the people. Better invest in/support ways to block ads.

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I'm not interested in cloud gaming but I don't see anything bad (or ironic?) about this.

There sure are a lot of "Google enshittifies Google" articles lately.

They are trying to keep up with Microsoft.

But do they find it tasty?

Which is illegal in the EU and about to be illegal in Australia ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Ad blockers are not allowed on YouTube

  • ad blockers are not "on youtube", they are on my devices

  • allowed by whom?

  • fuck you

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In my culture that is considered a dick move.

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Breaking News at "Linux uses child labour!"

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  1. Your attitude is correct, don't support enshittification and don't do anything you're not comfortable doing

  2. Don't replace cursewords with stupid characters, this is Lemmy.

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Why is Wired writing about wireless cameras? Stay in your area of expertise!

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"You wouldn't pirate a train"

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The question was about jobs.

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Google again pretending to be the moral police. Based on accusations of something that might or might not have happened 20 years ago. Apparently they don't have a problem with him being on their platform or showing ads on his videos though, they just want to save some money and look like they're doing the right thing (they are not).

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How does one accidently holds down the down arrow for 40 minutes?

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First, I'm not going to give any social media my ID. If someone intends to expose your ID to hackers...

This doesn't have anything to do with hackers. I'm not going to give any social media my ID, period.

Try the following:

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface cursor-size 12

Or if that's too small, then a different value instead of 12.


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This is a great opportunity to mention 15th Anniversary of GOG.

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Again they are naming Fediverse services and not mentioning Lemmy! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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This is Lemmy, you can swear here. Don't be afraid to say 'What the frak'.

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someone with no social media

Doesn't Lemmy qualify? Well, it's definitely not paid.

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Pirates looking for booty, arrr!

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If there's anything they should be spooked by, it's the pitchforks!

Plot twist: OP has a body to dispose but not their own.

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It was a necessary move to incorporate support for Google+ profiles. /s

This guy selfhosts.

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Link if you rather use YT:

I'd rather read an article.

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