17 Post – 174 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Avid Gamer | | Lifting connoisseur | | Completionist

I believe a difficulty slider in a game specifically Elden Ring would destroy the game design. Biggest example is my own experience after walking out the starting area seeing and having that horse fella as the first thing I saw and tried to kill for longer than I would like to admit (before going to Google) if there was just a slider to slide down so I could kill that guy I would have never learned how to play the game and explore and kill bosses to level up. Not saying sliders don't work in ANY game but I just think it would ruin the experience of elden ring.

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My understanding is that it is a complete game with no microtransactions to shove along with it. After that I believe it is because it is really really good and not a common genre to get the spot light. Mainly the first part.

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Am I misunderstanding something this actually sounds like a positive thing. Although I wish it was not just for "foreign adversary country; or any entity that is controlled by a foreign adversary." And instead just in general

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I for one didn't know about Lemmy until the redit piracy community moved here.

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Did starfield not have denuvo drm. I thought most Bethesda games did.

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They should do the same for laptops

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I had same issue a while ago and thought I was dumb for a long time people talking that the sleep feature was cool and mine was broken since getting the deck. I found this and it worked for me.

"Found a temporary work-around - it's somehow related to the "Wake Movie." In the Steam menu on the left, go to "Settings," down to "Customization," then turn off "Use as wake movie." Should work the next time you "Sleep" "

flac songs that I was unable to find on SLSK

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I might not understand the whole thing but how did Google lose when apple won. Is Google ecosystem not more open and allows side loading of apps. I have many apps not from Google Play store on my android.

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Wouldn't buy from there crap launcher anyway.

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Indeed in the article it says all battery powered devices... Does that also mean somehow headphones(wireless) earbuds, watches, etc

One thing that kills me are the "its just cosmetics" fellas. While I agree that is is the least worst option for micro transactions but for most games the drip game is half the game. I want to look cool and I want those looks to represent I did something in game.

I watched a video on this backstory a couple days ago. It's crazy

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Well looks like I won't be getting this game on release then I like to wait for bugs anyway

I know what you mean. And want to know as well.

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Crimson Desert looks hella good out of nowhere (for me at least)

Killing floor 3 was a nice to see and know is happening

Assassin's creed mirage still has no official gameplay....

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Yea one day when I tried it said I had to disable my ad blocker. So I tried with Firefox on my phone with ad block and it worked like a week later it was working on desktop again.

True. I guess I thought that because "ghost wire Tokyo" and "redfall" do. But makes sense for a game like starfield to not

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I have been loving freetube on desktop. I could never get the websites for piped or invidious to work well


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I think it is extremely likely to get a second season one reason is because it has received tax credit to be filmed. source

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sorry was unaware of what an amp link is till now.

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By pressing 'e' to edit commands? Or c for command line Edit: you the best it worked we in there with both monitors

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Rip Titanfall

Alot of the original tf team from respawn moved and made a company called gravity well source

I only miss the small community things and communitys for specific things such as single tv shows etc.

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I play on steam and have a blast still. It's a great feeling and playing game. It is extremely lacking in the earnable cosmetics and no firefight still. But everything else has been added granet should have been there from the start but here we are.

Can you work on a feather that RARBG had where you can have for example a 2 season show with the packs of full season at top and then individual EP in each so you don't have to search up show.S01E01 then show.S01E02 you can just search the show then dl each EP No idea if that made sense. If you used RARBG for TV shows you know maybeb

This will actually be the first ARPG that I play. I bought it and played 10 hours of the early access earlier this year and have decided to wait for full release.

You are going to be mega confused. The whole story from d1 is unplayable (kinda expected I guess since new game) but all the years leading up to current story is not playable. So it is going to throw you in the middle of a story that's been going on for something close to 10 years and not tell you anything and all those guns and seasonal content you will never be able to play or really have a chance to earn. And honestly worst time to play they have not added anything good or new to the game for years. No new modes or anything let's just play strikes and the most unfun pvp experience you have ever tried. Just a little rant :).

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Imo apple has some of the best Sci-Fi shows I have seen in a long time.

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Paying to advance or get "gear" that does anything more than change looks is pay to win

Won't I have to install Nvidia drivers? This is my big concern if I'm being frank (I have a Nvidia card)

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Been using Plexamp for a little over a month by myself only complaint is meta data is sometimes not the best but that might be my choice of music as well. Also still missing some features I would like to see.

Damn what a shame looked bad ass. Oh well was not going to pick it up until I finished the first one (if I do since I dropped it within a couple hours....)

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When it says abuse etc it means like actually gross more illegal than pirated content correct. I believe so but am curious.

Was really hoping it was not going to carry the 2 since it's a pvp game/evolving game. Like division 2 and destiny 2 just drop the number.

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Also from the review I watched there are skins/Armour that give buffs in game that cost real money and guns that can be bought... can be "earned" witch I love but I don't love that it affects game play

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Because they see how they failed in doing so and another company beat them to it. (The finals)

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