257 Post – 316 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Have strong opinions, but I welcome any civil fact-based discussion.

Alt account: /u/

Original post:

Important context missing from the EFF article is that the Mastodon instance wasn't the target of the raid according to the admins.

In mid-May 2023, the home of one of's admins was raided, and all their electronics were seized by the FBI. The raid was part of an investigation into a local protest. Kolektiva was neither a subject nor target of this investigation. Today, that admin was charged in relation to their alleged participation in this protest.

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From what I have seen, it more stems from the activism vegans are engaged in more than the actual veganism.

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Blame gamers for embracing every single greedy move and asking for more. If you shout how fucked up this is and still open your wallet, you are the problem.

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I think it's a distraction from the actual interactions. Same way karma is.

I'm all for supporting instances and open source developers, but any kind of reward for a donation creates wrong incentives. Donation is called a donation because it's a gift without expecting something in return.

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His policies on economy are responsible for billionaire class existing in the US. There is a good read on America only had a handful of billionaires 40 years ago. We’re now creating ‘centibillionaires’–and unless we tax them, trillionaires.

He believed he was untouchable due to his political contributions to both sides, but he underestimated the reach some of his investors that he stole from had themselves.

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Report concluded that there might have been illegal activity, but he doesn't have authority to do anything about it, so he referred his findings and those that had power to do anything about it didn't.

Full report:

3 more... has a hard rule that all NSFW posts should be marked as NSFW. Report the post in question and instance admins or community moderators will deal with it. It shouldn't be a common issue.

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Nobody. It's a public forum, anyone can take what you said and use it as their own.

From technical side, instance admins, community moderators, and you have the ability to remove them.

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Pretty much the same as with every illegal product. It would move to black market because as long as there is demand there will always be a supply.

You can append (intext:"modlog" & "instances" & "docs" & "code" & "join lemmy") to your search query to search through all Lemmy instances. Works with Google, Startpage, SearX.

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Neither is better as they offer different things. Both are audited by third parties.

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Anyone else remember Mozilla promising to open source Pocket 6 years ago?

As a result of this strategic acquisition, Pocket will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Mozilla Corporation and will become part of the Mozilla open source project.


P.S. Sorry for out of topic comment.

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It's a news site, don't expect them to have science degree and them adding an edit note after they were corrected shows more integrity than 95% of other news sites.

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Never. Getting physical with a coworker would be a crime where I live.

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Have you bothered to read before commenting? They were compelled to release the source code before, but then they stopped doing that in December 20th, 2022.

Theater is the only thing U.S. Senate is good at. And maybe getting bribed, but that's beside the point.

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You are already defederated from them...

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You expect too much of them. They promised to open source pocket 7 years ago, maybe that will happen after another 7 years.

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Unlikely. Your political system is broken. One side wants to take it away and the other keeps saying they will prevent it, but when they get in power they do absolutely nothing.

EDIT: Just to clarify. I'm not on Republicans side, but I'm also willing to callout Democrats for their failures. I just hate money in politics and 95% of politicians are on corporate side not idealogical one.

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It was always happening and at a large scale, it's just there are new reporting requirements now, which leads to more nonspecialized publications to cover it more often.

Hi. Could you add a link to your Lemmy account to any other source? The website/GitHub/Mastodon/Liberapay doesn't mention this account.

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Google killed XMPP momentum. And while Matrix has many issues it needs to figure out, especially the development being almost exclusively supported by a for-profit company, they seem to slowly (very slowly) work towards more independence.

Matrix did some things right. Going with JSON spec instead of XML, having Element as uniform cross-platform client, offering bridges as a way to stay connected with your family and friends without needing to convince them to move (XMPP offers transports, but they function entirely differently) and offering end-to-end encryption by default.

XMPP in true open source fashion doesn't have any uniformity from user perspective. Different ways to do the same thing on different clients, different clients on different platforms. That is a benefit for a savvy tech nerd, but it's a huge inconvenience for a non-techie family member or friend.

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Quad9 if you just want to set it and forget about it.

NextDNS is you don't mind doing some tinkering.

Why other game devs don’t get that much recognition or screen time?

Probably because Geoff Keighle and Hideo Kojima are great friends. Game Awards announced 30 seconds limit for speeches, but those only apply to everyone else, not friends.

PeerTube for video, Pixelfed for images.

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That would be on brand for Musk, but I think he will stick with this one as it was his dream for a long time. After all he did buy back domain from PayPal after he merged with PayPal back in the day.

Yes you can. Go to, set your home instance at the top of the page and then just search for what you are interested it.

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That's where infosec people are these days.

Your child is lucky to have you as a parent.

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As far as I can tell mods are swift in dealing with reports. And even though the rule exists there will always be people that ignore those rules. There is no way to block whole instances at the moment and without the NSFW flag, there is no technical way to see that the post contains NSFW image.

In addition to reporting the post in question you could also block the user if you suspect that they are posting without the NSFW flag regularly.

Especially if you block the communities you are not interested in you can actually have a good experieicne.