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Joined 1 years ago

I don't see a gauge control sticker. How do we know it meets GD&T standards?

This makes it a Banana for scale (for reference) lmao

This is bad humor based off of my industry

As the other commenter said, it would probably be for post-workout. Chocolate milk has fats, proteins, sugar, and a variety of micro nutrients. As far as I'm aware sugar is actually pretty important in liquid recovery drinks because it encourages the cells to absorb the sugar which allows other things to also join the fray. Fats and proteins also have numerous positive affects on muscle gain which I think is broadly known to some degree. IIRC this is the reason Gatorade and like drinks have the amount of sugar they do (plus palatability).

This is not a statement of fact and should be verified by primary sources*

I've been thinking about tryna help out by posting memes, but all the ones I have are gonna be reposts, albeit from reddit, potentially years ago now. If ppl are interested I know for sure I at least got over 1k saved on my computer

Grab the "2 random pills" and the "duplicate anything you own once" pill. Duplicate the "2 random pills" pill with the duplicate pill and eat both "2 random pills" pill and have 4 absolutely random abilities.

Hopefully it's pure chaos

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Hmmm I guess we have two of different types

1: late into pandemic when inflation was really bad a bunch of the workers were super upset by their wages, management got together to get a solution. The plant supervisor called a meeting and told everyone there would be a "substantial raise", it was $0.20. Less than 1%

The second, more recent, a fire broke out after a maintenance repair went awry. Someone pulled the fire alarm and it failed to work. Someone pulled a second fire alarm, it failed to fully initiate the system. Then on the last attempt it finally went off but the fire suppression system and sprinkler system did go off but not over the actually burning area. This lead to a whole region of the building getting smelted and a big investigation on the fire suppression system. After it was resolved they asked employees to continue working their shift, even in the smoked out areas. The stench was horrible and probably carcinogenic lol

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The part is greatly disliked about his books is how he glosses over the fact that he had a TON of resources at his disposal. A father figure that's already in business, that tutored him specifically, gave him many connections in the business world, and also let him sit in on business meetings for nearly a decade. The man had more exposure, teaching, and connections than most business majors before he even set foot into the business world.

For a normal person that would take years of schooling and a really tough time making those connections and is an entirely unrealistic comparison.

TL;DR You are right, basically impossible for a normal person to achieve because the resources at his disposal.

Nature is way way more vicious than most people think or believe. Rape, infanticide, necrophilia, cannibalism, etc. Are not entirely uncommon out in nature. It's a vicious race for survival and procreation and anything goes. Raccoons are the same.

My whole family is this way. For the most part we all recognize that you can live your life and not communicate every day, week, or month and still be okay with a person. We are great at picking up where we left off we just all have our own lives and that's okay.

It still feels strange to me when friends contact their parents daily or weekly and say their parents etc. Get upset for not contacting them frequently enough. I understand that's the way their relationship works but maybe my family is the odd duck Lmao

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I applaud the commit, but also, my condolences :(

Speaking in terms of the USA, the constitution was built with the intended reasonable pursuit of escalating properly-to violence If need be. Peaceful protests, voting, freedom of speech, etc. are all avenues of reprimand towards an over reaching or overbearing government. Violence was seen as acceptable and even necessary in some cases but was never intended as a first resort.

This is why right to bear arms exists along with all the other approaches. Now it's a matter or decision by the people of what methods have been exhausted, which are futile, and what is next.

Revolting, fighting, and force in the name of freedom from a truly oppressive government is a necessary sacrifice for any people who wish to live with the freedoms that brings regardless of nationality, location, or beliefs.

Clarifications: This is not against any government for any disagreement, just truly oppressive ones that strip human rights from the people.

Violence should never be a first resort, but has it's place among negotiations.

Personal opinion: These means should not be used for ones own benefit, you are upset because of the ways of life for all the people, the rights of your people, there is a fair likelihood this method will result in a world you will never see or benefit significantly from, its for others; those that follow. How else would I be able to sit here and eat bugles if someone didn't strive for a world good enough for me to do so?

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SONOFABIT*H, I've been working on a project exactly like this with my friend for a couple years. Hella congrats they got it done and working first but damn :'( I was too slow.

Imma go sadly crush some bugles with my face stones now

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When someone doesn't understand a process and asks "can't you just do XYZ?" Usually management. "Just" is actually a 2 week project and tons of hours and trouble shooting

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If you wanna spend money, glitter mail. or if its a house, set up a flood light pointed at their house and set it up on a random timer for only at night and blast them with "security" lighting.

Attract tons of wild life with the food you need to get rid of.

Sign up for grindr and start sending people their way.

Learn the noise ordinance laws and maximize that to the fullest for a short period

Stand on the property line constantly and try looking through their windows, or watch them, if they approach, quickly leave (don't enter their property)

Sign them up for stuff. Especially if you can find their email through LinkedIn etc.

Or, just move on since they will be out of your life regardless, don't spend your energy on them,they aren't worth it

Edit: Actually rather than grindr, send scalpers, leave good people out of these shenanigans

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Meeting people, especially since I really dislike the idea of making someone uncomfortable or putting them is such a position. If I'm out in public I do not want to ask out someone who's working a service job and I rarely talk to people otherwise. So unless there's a good setting for natural talking to happen it feels rude/unwanted as they just want to do their thing in public.

I've never been to a concert, that seems to be one that people find bizarre

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Tags on clothing must be printed on, with some exceptions where sewed letters are allowed. None of that free hanging tag BS.

It needs to sell the pee data to advertisers.

Screw it, let's make the most confusing complicated movie and throw "Inception" in the mix.

Edit: grammar

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I suppose it really depends on why I'm the last person on earth. If it was nuclear fallout, I'd probably be dead pretty quick.

If we're under the assumption that everybody just poofed away and I'm the last person, absolutely a few months minimum. I'm within easy walking distance of some stores that have plethora of canned and preserved foods and liquids. I also know some places that already have full solar infrastructure already integrated.

All that being said, I'd probably off myself. I'm fairly non-social to begin with but I'd still be unhappy never being able to communicate with anyone ever again on top of major resource struggles in the future. Never find a partner, probably not even a domesticated pet as they'd all likely die within a week or so if I don't prioritize that. Sounds incredibly sad and lonely

Outside of a physiological abnormality, there is zero reason any human would be incapable of being entirely and completely fluent in any particular language.

The only potential differences could be: accent or maybe sentence structure. However if both were raised from talking age in the same place where birth origins are different those differences would never exist. Those potential differences are only for those who may learn it later in life. Even then, only a maybe.

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Evaluate how much something matters based on 1 day, 1 month, 1 year.

I.E. How upset should you be over [Thing]? Will it matter in one day? One month? One year? That helps perspective a bunch. You can use any variation of time really, the point is perspective

Be thankful we have a bar and pray that I don't remove it altogether. (/J)

My business just had two meeting recently, one was about "the seriousness of unionization", and the second was regarding a potential shift change because they are unable to fill 20+ positions and people keep leaving.

I would like to preface the seriousness of this with some historical facts about the business: they on average used to pay $12-$15 over competitors (now equal to or even less than), they used to offer pensions (Not any more), they used to have a call list of over 200 applicants (for decades) of whom they could call up and offer a job and those people would quit and jump on board (they can't hire from anywhere in the country or Puerto Rico with relocation bonuses included). And the average length of a workers term was 28 years (now just under 5).

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Pro tip: trips aren't perfect. It's life, nothing will be perfect. BUT learn to roll with things and don't take it super hard of something goes awry. Some of my best memories and stories are from agonizing parts of trips.

Also, don't plan out all you time there, leave some free time open to list about. You'll be there with your SO, you intend to spend quality time with them, it's great to have open time to go do something that catches either of your attentions rather than dismiss it due to "vacation appointments" like a tourist spot you planned.

Take pictures or memorabilia of whatever suits you, I have pictures of cool mirrors in hotels, or a wonky bathtub. Again don't dwell too much on making it perfect, the perfect spot, the perfect picture etc. I have a hilarious picture of an SO with a guy running across the shot, I got him in multiple frames. Still some of my favorites from the trip.

Grab some local currency before you arrive so it's on hand, know what ATMs can allow you to pull money from for free (Bank of america has a bunch of partners all over Europe) and Don't let the TSA disappear it from your bag.

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Some of these things probably were recorded, then promptly lost or provided no context. Ramanujan and his mathematical equations we are still trying to parce out is one great example of this.

All the math is there, the context is not.

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I've only been offended at my work place once ever. I worked with another guy for years. We got along decently and I even went to bat against a senior in our company for him. When he retired he refused to shake my hand and my congratulations for retirement.

I still have no idea why he refused but that one got to me. I didn't even have bugle dust on my fingers!

Mine has a double triangle, I am the triforce

IIRC it was unfortunately pretty empty, discovery was very limited, and people were mighty upset that it was effectively a load zone simulator. Most things could be fast traveled to but also had load zones 10 feet from where you loaded in.

I'm sure there is more but that's the jist of what I know

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I eat bread, I drink beer too. Those technologies are both around 40k years old iirc. In terms of computing, probably a calendar, time, or a GBA depending on your definition of computing

Sadly and unfortunately true. Though the reality is that it's still bitter and acidic eating away at someone who craves connection. Luck, it seems, is really the determinate factor in much of life.

Still, I hope you get lucky and find what you want from life as much as I hope for it myself.

Since the invention of seatbelts there have been a larger number of serious injuries from car accidents.

This sounds like seatbelts are causing serious injury but in fact, these serious injuries used to be deaths. That statistics is never mentioned causing it to be misleading, just like they never mention how many bugles are in the car when an accident happens

If it doesn't come from the Camellia sinensis region of France it's not real tea, just sparkling leaf water

I did see some comments by OP, whether feigning ignorance or truly unaware, I wanted to make a comment that was unambiguous and very clear.

It seemed OP was unhappy with some of the other responses or felt like it wasn't entirely answered so this way hopefully there is no confusion that the concept they were asking about just does not exist. If it was ignorance, hopefully they learned and move on. If not, well that's a choice they made and there's nothing us internet people can do beside answer honestly and condemn poor viewpoints like eugenics.

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I've fallen out of most of my hyperfixations (yay depression) but I used to be really into:

-Words, I loved the idea you could express entire and specific meanings with a single word

-Gemstones and their mythology. More around what people used to believe and cultures rather than current day "crystal" stuff. Also, they are mad pretty

-Chemistry, I used to do backyard chemistry and loved the feeling of alchemical-like hands on stuff. chemistry feels like magic!

-Plants/Toxins/Toxic animals, what more do I gotta say? Nature is metal AF and don't give AF. It's wild the solutions it generates and how humans use them or adapt them.

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I have a bad habit of leaving comments when I want to leave none ever. So comments >0 is too many by my own reckoning. I have the free time because depression. I make these comments because I've lost my self control in that respect

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That depends on what you consider a choice, "Steal food or starve to death", "Be in debt or kill yourself" are "choices" too but they are a far cry from a rational, realistic choice. The way you phrase it made it seem like any choice of crime, no matter how ridiculous the alternative is, a fault of the person.

If that is the case, I would have to disagree. Sometimes it is truly the fault of the society for not Providing any rational alternatives or ways to attain it without crime. The two primary choices that come to mind are food and medicine.

Stan Lee has a video on this specific topic (who would win). The answer is always the same, whoever the writer wants to win. Every time.

So the question is, who do you want to win? And how do you want them to win?

For starters, I couldn't find any bugles. But I did spend a month or two over there and a few hotels had these weird showers where there was only a half pane of protection abridged to the wall. So the shower head pointed away from the coverage and there was no curtain! Every shower seemed to be just flooding the bathroom and not be in the tub. Either that or I'm an idiot. I will equally accept both scenarios

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It always was for me, the moment I realized was maybe the first move we had where we got rid of 90% of stuff we owned so it could all fit in the car.

Well, that's a thing on the internet apparently. Neat. -_-

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