2 Post – 36 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Heck, it is so viral I feel pressured to share it with everyone who uses the internet, and I don't even one in U.S

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Wait until you hear about another awesome thing they're trying to do: chat control

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Ah well...

Se you guys on..


uhh, Lemmy?

Start with Cambridge Analytica for sure.

And you just had to ruin it didn't you?

The popularity of skill based matchmaking decimated game design that allows people of different skill levels to play together and progress in a multiplayer setting. Most games actually punish you for playing with better players on your team instead of allowing you to help somehow without being a liability. And when you are, the game is no longer winnable and people get extremely pissed off ensuing you won't get to play with them again.

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And there's lots of effort to "educate" people on how to identify those bots. Like, if you have to vet every message just to figure out if a human wrote it, why even bother?

How does it feel being superior to all the lame mousepad users?

Sounds like construction.

I can assure you the laptop will not incinerate itself if you cover those vents for a while. I have used my laptop in a bed as it was charging and blocking those vents made it a bit slower but that's about it.



I do. (Hot take incoming) People are absent-mindedly maxing that slider and making the game butt-ugly because they heard some pro plays the game like that to see as much of the screen as possible. That Wasn't even the same game btw.

They are not playing the game competitively so all they do is make it ugly as hell for no gain. It's like using wrist straps to deadlift. Consider getting better at the game instead.

Same for screen shake actually. Some idiot game dev overdid it 10 years ago and now everyone turns it off even though it is subtle nowadays and makes actions feel a lot more impactful.

You're not special when you say it makes your head hurt. You just played a game where screen shake was badly implemented.

Every possible Rubik's cube permutation can be solved in 20 moves.

No that's super Mario 64.

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Waterproof ratings are all nonsense anyways IMO. The way appliances are tested does not take into consideration human error.

Gotta drop the phone a couple times onto concrete to simulate how morons like me treating it, then check its water resistance.

Damn. So comments are not included. Anything that has a crapton of comments yet is controversial won't be shown despite being hot.

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Unfortunately a fiber optic wire has to dodge lawsuits. Anything you send to space won't be destroyed or repossessed because it threatens someone's Monopoly.

The absence of a bottleneck.

Well it's doing a pretty shabby job then innit?

Perhaps they're the kind of people who see anything that doesn't require at least 100 hours per month to progress as a waste of time. I used to play that often until I found a job. Went from 5+ matches of league daily to maybe 2 per week.

There's legitimately 0 purpose to playing a bit of a game when it won't change the status quo of your life.

All we want is a game that's worth wasting our life on.

I guess that is how people in monogamous relationships see polyamory...

Jesus Christ. Were those the Skullcandy crushers?

Note: this doesn't apply to sexual intercourse.

May 1997 tax returns obviously.

cries in laptop

Could be hardware unboxed FAQ actually.

Yeah. Not all that useful when people have always on displays.

Me trying to unfuck my life:

The only person who is allowed to call me retarded is me.

Helps when you're so damn handsome.

2 years ago YouTube stuttered like a motherfucker whenever I moved my mouse. Doesn't do that anymore so yes.

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What about other chromium browsers?

I like to call them Sublemmies :)

Fucking randomize everything. Make it so no two characters can be built the same. The way roguelikes do it

Just shows how much smarter and superior the people who post here actually are.

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As reddit became more mainstream, people started using gasp emojis. Like, seriously? There are so many gifs and ASCII art you can use to express yourself and you choose the most basic bitch 0 effort reaction?

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Ah, you're right! We're not downvoting unfunny content nearly as much as we should.

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