Che Banana

1 Post – 422 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

species temoved from endangered list


because they are extinct


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Ah, i see she has invoked the famous "I know you are but what am i" talking point

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I mean, by all means you have the right to take yourself out however you want, but to take others with you is what they call "a dick move".

I mean, I hate speaking ill of the dead, but fuck this guy.

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Hahaha the onion always deliv....waitaminute

You mean, the country that still has Lords, Ladies, Barons, Dukes, Dutchesses and a Royal Family are.... financially classist ?????

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She ain't wrong (huuuge edit: ON THIS SUBJECT QUOTE)

The only thing [the companies] know how to do to survive is try to merge and cut costs.>

I mean, you could put out some quality programming...naaahhhhhhh

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FUCK Nazis

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The far right vow to "Make Spain Great Again".

...where have i heard this super nifty phrase before???

Oh yeah, lets march back to where they would pick you up in the middle of the night, handcuff, blindfold then chuck you off a cliff.

Great times.

As if our little town just didn't lay to rest the remains of some such people less than a year ago.

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Fuck this guy. This was the asshole who made the Dems water down the health care bill into nothing. Seriously, fuck this guy.

Are you saying that IM67118 Theorem is not recognized?

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Gaetz comes out rocking the turtleneck Theodore sweater and they stare uncomfortably at each other for a long while

He probably thinks that will keep him out of jail

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How DARE you!


Also, dishwasher gigs are always in high demand and Chefs DNGAF if you're down & out, 9 out of 10 times if there's an opening you get a shot, show up on time, do the work, what you do on your own time is up to you. Not the most ideal job for some, you'll figure that out soon enough. but it gives you some time to get your shit together.

I've been in the kitchen for 35 years and still spend my time in the dish pit (but now the dishes are MINE).

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That sounds like the cops

same =same

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As an end user to PLEX, I can say its just the easiest thing to do-navigation wise for your parents. We have a friend in the US that had setting up the server as a hobby but (after 4 years) finally asked for a small monthly maintenance fee. Since moving out of the US it is the only streaming service we use.

Just my 2 cents. -the pirate ship cook

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Headline: Rich VS. Poor.
Article: [paywall]...fucking perfect.

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Call it Camp Piss Baby

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depends on the cancelation clause, usually there would be a time frame before the event they could cancel. There should also be a deposit-especially for events this large...non refundable would have been ideal especially if you need to get materials & OT for staff.

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If you were not going to commit crimes, why would you want to give the police...

...the slip?

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Dunno about you, but godsamn i feel sooooo much better about how (young) i look compared to these guys...that being said Archie Bunkers easy chair is my spirit animal.

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Follow up story: 10 year olds' gun charges dropped after being sentenced to 55 years on the mara-juannas.

No, it's an HP and they keep running out of Magenta

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Me: loud, wet fart

Alexa: Playing "Beatles Radio" for 10 hours

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Is this not a case of an unavailable accusers? In other words, Traffic Cams have time and again been overturned as unconstitutional because you have the right to face your accusers?

Pretty sure Tom from IT can rustle up a laptop to take to court but...Facial Recog. is some bullshit 1984 bullshit.

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Lists. always lists. A hot sheet of 4 quarters, what I need to take care of soonest (top left), what can wait (top right), shit I forgot (bottom left), things that can keep in mind but have to be taken care of later/long term projects. Also, if I get to this list later in the morning and I have completed some items, I always write them down and then cross them's a trick to keep your mind progressing.

should be doom

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Fourty nine million just staggers my brain. Like, thats not even a blip in the production.


Probably because they have been around long enough to read and see the news/information about how predatory the business is... do you really need citations?

No! It must be the societies fault!

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Yes, but your bosses don't know/understand that, why pay you when they can have 3 interns & AI for freeeeeeeeeeee???

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That's fine though, if you're too busy trying to make a living being a human piece of shit you're too busy to tell the world you are a human piece of shit.


Every. Single. Rube that still sends him money.

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Look at the long term benefits/advancement and opportunities in the career field.

As a personal account, my first position out of college there were McDonald's employees making more than me, however 3 years there and that was the last time I worked as an hourly employee and moved up to management, also the company I worked for was very prestigious so the opportunities to move and work overseas was available.

Granted, the 3 years was a goddamn grind...

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Let's see how it plays out...

Might as well fucking go for it.