13 Post – 1213 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Hail Satan.


Weird, Netflix used to compete with piracy so well that many people stopped pirating altogether, by offering a more convenient service at a reasonable price that was hard for even the most stubborn of pirates to refuse and resulted in a massive boom for its own industry. I wonder what could have changed that caused the people to leave Netflix and return to piracy. Hmm. I wonder.

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If you paste plaintext passwords into ChatGPT, the problem is not ChatGPT; the problem is you.

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While I would understand your reasoning for doing so, I would be disappointed to see it happen. There's decent discussions on Beehaw that I enjoy taking part in, however if you guys decided to defederate or switch to a different platform entirely, I doubt that I would make another account somewhere else to follow. I like Beehaw's content, but I have enough accounts to keep track of these days after everything split from Reddit, so it would ultimately be a loss for me.

I'm not sure if this is a commonly-held opinion for those of us outside of Beehaw, though.

It's true. They changed the platform and improved my overall experience by making me not want to use it.

Don't post the entire article in the OP, please. You'll end up getting C&D's sent to your instance admins if publishers keep seeing this, because it's - ironically enough in this context - copyright infringement.

Just post a snippet to stay within fair use. Don't ruin Lemmy for all of us over something so silly.

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Elon is literally everything Cyberpunk warns is about. He's the biggest corpocunt the world has ever seen. Arasaka is exactly what Elon wants X Corp to be. He's actually trying to make chips that get implanted into your brain. He wants his own Relic. He wants to be the immortal Saburo Arasaka.

The lack of self awareness is astounding.

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With this being a free service, I feel like calling it NASA+ is a bit misleading. To me, I feel like the "+" indicates a paid, premium service. If it wasn't for the title of this post that clarifies that it's free, I probably wouldn't have even considered installing the app based on the name, alone.

Either way, this is great news! I'm probably gonna check this out once it's available. I wish they'd have a release date, though. The official page just says "Coming soon".

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A watch face for a smart watch.

This one guy made a really popular Android Wear watch face that mimicked the Pixel lockscreen. It only cost a few bucks, and people loved it. Due to some personal things in his life, he had to sell the app to a new developer to make ends meet. The new developer then started charging something like $7/WEEK subscription for a watchface that he didn't even develop in the first place, and runs entirely locally on the device so it's not like he's maintaining any servers or anything.

Absolutely absurd.

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And they actively fought against it for as long as they could, tooth and nail.

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I think we can already tell which one you dislike more.

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This thread is unnecessary bullying. If you don't like his take, then downvote him and move on with your life. Posting his username and comment in another community/instance is just poor taste and makes you seem a bit like a crybaby.

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To any three-letter agencies who might be reading this post, I was uploading Linux ISOs and scientific research papers. I would never dream of uploading copyrighted material…

I'm Detective John Madden with the NFL, you're under investigation.

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Alternative title: Margarine Trailer Queen endorses treason.

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it's amazing what you see when algorithms aren't deciding it for you.

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I love wholesome stories like this.

"Counter-Protester" is a weird way to spell "Terrorist".

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The world is in a sad state when George W Bush is the voice of reason for the GOP.

I think by "some developers", they're referring more toward the AAA studios who have spent the last couple decades baking MTX into every nook and cranny they can find in their games, and not indie devs.

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I'm actually okay with this. It's only $1 extra, and somehow Spotify has managed to not get worse over time unlike a lot of other big media platforms these days, and continues to have some of the best inter-app/device compatibility out of any service I've ever used.

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Lot of bad takes and sensationalism in this thread. The real difference is that one group (prisoners) were charged with crimes, and the others (hostages) weren't.

Whether those criminal charges are valid or not is another story, but that's why they're using different terms for each group, as they're not captive under the same pretense as the other.

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He wasn't searching for it or knowingly distributing it. The way Tor exit nodes work is that you're hosting a machine that lets other people on the Tor network communicate with the internet. You're essentially routing a portion of the entire network's traffic through your machine. You can't really control who is using it or what it transmits at that point.

He got punished because somebody else shared CP, using his equipment to do so. It's like being jailed for having your car stolen and being used to hit a pedestrian.

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Jesus, that's just pure malice on the school's part. Not even through incompetence, it seems downright deliberate. Absolute sociopaths, I hope the family takes them to the fuckin' cleaners.

What is the end game here?

Bold of you to assume Elon has one.

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So, here's what probably happened.

Physical GameStop stores will usually open a handful of new games that they receive, so that they can put the boxes on the shelves. But the boxes are empty. You take the box from the shelf for the game you want to buy, bring it to the counter, and they go into a locked drawer that has their stock of games, and they put the game into the box, and then sell it to you. This is assuming that they don't have any unopened copies available; usually they will, but if you're unlucky and happen to catch them at the end of their stock for a particular title, you might get one that's been opened so that the box can be used on display.

Unfortunately, a lot of would-be thieves don't realize that the boxes on the shelves are empty, and steal them. So if you're really unlucky, you'll get a generic box that they print out like this if they don't have any originals left. Usually these boxes are only used for used games (where they bought the game without the box), but sometimes they use them with new copies if they absolutely have to. Depending on the store and the cashier, you can sometimes get them to give you a small discount for the missing box, but I'm not sure if that's a corporate policy or not.

I believe that they can technically still sell these as "new" product, as opposed to "unused", because the product never left the store's possession during this opening/storing process, and isn't the same as a returned product being resold. So what likely went down here is that when OP ordered this game, due to availability or logistics or whatever, they sent a copy that was being held at a physical GameStop store, instead of from some warehouse.

If you're really worried about it, OP, you can probably contact GameStop and request a return or replacement for an unopened copy. In my experience, they're usually pretty understanding about that. It's an annoying extra hoop to jump through, but unfortunately that's just always been a risk one takes when buying from GameStop.

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There will never be a real competitor to YouTube, because nobody else is willing to run at a net loss for a decade before seeing their first profitable quarter, like Google did with YouTube.

Turns out, free video hosting is expensive as fuck.

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Or you could just post piracy-related things in a piracy-focused community. This isn't Facebook, go post your drama there.

Man, the gatekeeping is wild these days.

You're allowed to like a story you grew up with as a child and also dislike its bigot author, they're not mutually exclusive. Talking about Harry Potter doesn't give Rowling magical transphobe powers; Voldemort logic doesn't work in real life. The rightsholders have already taken great strides to distance the HP property from Rowling and adopt it to be more inclusive in spite of her TERF bullshit. It's not a hate crime to like a story about child wizards anymore.

If people want to geek out about some books or movies they like, they should be allowed to do so without the insinuation that they're by default enabling transphobia or something. But the beauty of the Fediverse is that your community has just as much right to exist as any other, so as long as you can maintain a healthy, hate-free community that isn't posting a bunch of pro-Rowling bullshit, I say go for it. Anyone who would block your instance for merely existing probably isn't worth your time, anyway.

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The Internet has become soulless

Gee, I wonder what could've contributed to that.

Edit: In case the screenshot doesn't sync to all instances, the screenshot is OP's article immediately asking to send notifications to my device for a site I've never been to before that moment. If you want to know what killed the internet we used to know, it's shit like this. As soon as a page asks to send me notifications, I immediately lose trust in that page and have no inclination to spend any more time there.

For taking about big corpos disrespecting the user experience, this is certainly an ironic move.

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Unity saw how Reddit killed off free users by raising prices to absurd rates, and how Reddit was largely unaffected by it as a whole. Not going to be surprised to see other types of platforms also follow suit.

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Good on them for cracking down on disposables. Absolute waste of plastics, and leaves completely viable li-ion batteries scattered around in the streets, and cause garbage trucks to catch on fire.

Shit move on restricting flavors, though. I'm an adult, I like fruity flavors, just let me have something that tastes nice. They restricted flavors here in the US, and that did absolutely nothing to mitigate teen vaping.

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If you wanna go really casual, there's sites like which will let you stream most movies in decent quality.

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Thanks for providing a comment to test the report feature with.

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Elon deliberately acted against a US ally and his actions directly led to the deaths of innocent civilians. He ought to have his citizenship revoked and be tried for treason.

I feel like this was an exception to the rule, since he was still at large for a while and it was imperative to the public safety that people knew who he was and what he looked like.

That said, yes, the media does need to pull back on publishing details about the killers in these situations.

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"Hurry up, we're gonna be late for our reservation."

"Hold on, my dress has to install an update!"

Some family traditions should be upheld.

I actually like the recommendations. I usually only get content that's relevant to my interests, and I'm always finding new channels that are interesting and worth my sub.

Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing differently from everybody else, because I never see much of the spammy/irrelevant content everyone else seems to be getting. Or maybe I'm just easy to please.

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This looks awful, like that Pooh movie. This "make a horror story out of expired copyrights" trend is gonna get old, fast.

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Maybe I'm missing something, but why would this be illegal?

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It's not that they wanted GameStop to win. They wanted Wall Street to lose.

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