5 Post – 55 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Imagine using discord without Vencord, I'm sure someone will add a plug-in to remove all its crap at least I hope so, it already has some really good ones that give you access to free nitro bs.

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At least you use those for other games, what are you using your PSN acc with no PlayStation for?

Everything reminds me of her...

I am afraid to admit that I can finish a sizeable jar of mayo in 2-3 days less sometimes, but I don't do it every week I promise... Please stop calling me out. It's just comfort food I swear

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The boobs or the car?

This is the sort of person I want to be until mid way through, my crisis begins, as I understand that there are people way better than me at insert current task because I must completely be good at it or it isn't worth it, I just lose my will power at that point and get depressed, give up and repeat the cycle with something new.

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John...I'm watching you...

Well, I wasn't trying to be toxic as a person with diagnosed ADHD myself, simply sharing that my brain thinks it can "beat" it by not resorting to any help( meds in this case) , which is why I used that analogy because it's similar to games, I do not recommend on skipping on help tho medicine exist for a reason, you are not alone and you don't have to fight it alone either.

Ohhh wise one, tell us one of your many tales.

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And for an added 59.99$ we will also enable your airbags, subscribe now and get a cup holder for free.

The little fur ball bastards do seem to know this sort of stuf, like they can sense it, hugging them makes stuff feel better the purring is therapeutic.

My excuse would be ADHD, I constantly lose track of what I'm focusing on and when I do focus on something I want to explore every part of it, that means exploring every path/solution/fact etc about it, then it's a I want to have this open because I will need in the future like tomorrow or I want to explore it more later so I don't want to bookmark it because I will lose my thought process, but time goes on and I will focus on something else and the cycle repeat. I find it very hard to just close them because I keep thinking, I will need it soon but soon never comes or when it does I already closed it and now I'm blaming myself I didn't have it open. It's a silly issue to have but it's how my brain works.

Back to OG times in gaming where you would have stupid hats saying pirate or other weird things happening in game like not being able to complete it if it was cracked, good times.

A real one mind you, none of that 2D

I would gladly travel back in time to 2012 tbh

Imagine now NPCs in gaming being bound to always being online and a company can choose to turn the cloud computing off for the npcs making the game unplayable after like a year, can't wait /s

Also been playing League too now(urf is up) aside from warframe because I'm that sad lol

Are you going to rub him out?

I was more of a bubbles sort of kid rubbing shampoo on my hands and then mouth, do not recommend, soapy mouth and burning lips is not fun 10/10 kept doing it again.

I understand the sentiment that everyone has overall but it seems that most aren't aware that He was cunt 90% of the time. What he did was commendable but I'm sure it was more of a "leave me alone" sort of situation.

Yes and no, if you enjoyed your time why not? If you are thinking about features then no... The game is still very early open beta sort of feel atm it has the core gameplay but some things might feel off, and most game modes are missing, granted you haven't played in a while so you might not notice any of this, I say give it a shot, the skill difference exists in all games but I'm a believer that it is what makes you passively get better.

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Are you collecting them all?

Besides, we have pizza and ninja turtles

Some MOST things just shouldn’t be connected to the internet.

Maybe this will be the actual sale I pull the trigger on Sonic Frontiers I said I wasn't going to spend any money on games for a while but I really sonic and they seemed to have nailed this one.

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So the way I fixed this and I am in no way sponsored by them was to get a Gulikit King Kong 2 Pro, I also got tired of stick drift and expensive controllers, I have heavy fingers so my joysticks do not last I made some research about it and it turns out magnetic joysticks are a thing they do not get drift and are more accurate allegedly, I can confirm the deadzone on the them is basically 0 it's nuts, it has the Xbox layout of a controller and the price is around the same, I love the thing to bits I do have some complaints tho if you press the joysticks with your nails a lot the covers usually get pretty marked up the buttons can feel low quality for sure you can tell the main focus of the controller is the joystick , the battery life is okish nothing that special but none of that AA battery bs that I hate, I had it for around 2y now and it's still going strong. I don't see myself ever going back to Playstation or Xbox jacked up controllers.

I can give more info on this if you need.

EDIT: I also totally forgot in my excitement to say I'm a PC user so this might not even help OP.

I was just checking if anyone had typed this because I was going to, after a couple of months in hiatus I'm hooked on it again.

I don't think I can ever get enjoyment out of a battlefield game again after 3, I don't know if the times were different or the game itself was just that fun to play, I did get the new one in hopes of having that feeling again but it doesn't feel like battlefield anymore.

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I guess he really took that chance to pop

Make sure to talk with your Doctor and express that feeling, I've been also in testing meds cycle it sucks but I'm sure I'll find something that works, you got this.


Maybe all of them are in Australia in the first place

That's what she said... sighs

It's really not whining tho? You've been able to play without one since the beginning even having an option to skip such a step, I don't own a PlayStation and don't intend to I shouldn't have to make an account for it, it's that simple, a game shouldn't be able to lock you out of something you paid for just because they now want to force you to make an account, even more stupid is allowing the game to be sold on countries where you can't make an PSN account knowing it would be mandatory in the future.

Glad to hear! I'm also enjoying it, don't let others opinions ruin your fun, I'm eager for the release of workshop things and server content so I can play around with them on my own server.


This also shows if you have Firefox, source: someone that only uses Firefox and got this message today.

Mine would have to be Hollow man (2000) it was on TV at the time and for some reason as a kid watching the shifting both the animal and the human scene where they turn invisible where the skin disappeared then his muscles and veins, was absolutely terrifying, I don't remember well but my parents said I wouldn't let them sleep for weeks.

I don't think his friend can do that so you good

Playing Goku and Vegeta is a blast on that game.