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Joined 12 months ago

I don't know who won, but I can tell you the American public lost. :(

Ah, gotcha. Thanks!

Video is private, can't watch?

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What's mildly infuriating here is OP... People are trying to explain how you could have saved almost 1/3 of your purchase price and you just argue with them and keep shouting from your soapbox.

Unfortunately, price shopping is a part of every transaction if you are trying to get the best deal. If you aren't invested enough to read the largest banner on the shop website to save almost 1/3 of your total, then getting the best price was clearly not a concern when you ordered. Yes, you are expected to do that yourself, just like buying anything else in the commerce system we have been using for decades. It's real boomer/privileged energy expecting that to just be done for you.

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You are expecting dominos to do it for you. That's literally what you are asking. They aren't going to do that for you because they make more money if you ignore the "deals". Even a tiny barrier is going to keep out some number of people that don't find value in spending 30 seconds to save 25% on a $30 tab because they have the money to not even notice, which increases profitability. Their line goes up. Our system forces all these companies to worry about that line going up.

That said, they aren't trying to hide it from you, it is the largest thing on their store page, and their people on the phone will happily tell you about it.

Someone else made the same analogy, it is just like going to a drive through and ordering a burger, fries, and drink separately and not asking for a combo. Same products, but most places it will cost you more to order them separately than to order the combo.

If you are still mad about it, you aren't mad at Dominos, you are mad at the core of our current economic system.

A good Tribes game is not in the cards right now. Players should try harder to be entertained.

(this is a play on a quote from the admins of an old Hi-Rez game called Global Agenda. During the nightly clan vs clan competitive "global map" window, the game was broken, matches wouldn't load or crash part-way through. Players submitted a ton of tickets, and some of them were not constructive and just said "Fix the game". Admins got butt-hurt and spammed the entire player-base with "Fixing the game is not in the cards right now. Players should try harder to win."... I am still very salty about that...)

Edit: Oddly enough, this was right after they launched Tribes: Ascend, just to bring the leap of context full circle.

Staged a coup in my Archage guild, we managed to get away with basically all of the guild assets.

Joined guild, made friends with one of the officers and his small in-group of pvpers. Was a reliable asset and helped us get a couple of merchant ships and a galleon, plus had farms just full of high value trade packs.

Problem was the GM and I didn't get along very well. She wanted to dictate how we named the ships in a way that I felt was cringe as hell and generally wasn't open to input or criticism at all. One day I logged in at like 2 or 3 am when no one else in the guild was online and I just left the guild. Next day I logged in and sent messages to the people I'd made friends with and told them the GM kicked me, since it was well known she didn't like me.

Stoked the flames for an hour or so and convinced most of the in-group to quit after we took all the assets we could. Drew a giant dick with barley plants on the front lawn of the GM's player house and then they all g-quit.

She raged for months, shouting in global chat that we were a bunch of pirates anytime she saw us, and tried to gank us multiple times, poorly. It was glorious, but I never told any of them what really happened.

We also invented boatnado. The bouancy physics had a fun glitch where you could make a merchant ship spin on its end at an ever increasing rate and the mast would just fire any ships that got too close off into the horizon. Never fully managed to weaponize this discovery, but we had a ton of fun with it.

Dude could have saved like $6+tax and gotten more food, and is still arguing that nothing could have been done...

Lead a horse to water and all that...

It's funny how small incremental changes over the years felt like nothing big was happening and then at some point we all woke up to a world where the largest advertising firm in the world basically is the internet for the vast majority of people. Everyone uses chrome and rarely types in a web address, they just type the name of the thing into Google and trust mommy to show them what's appropriate. They've back doored the entire population into basically what AOL was trying to be 20 years ago.

"we are going to help protect your privacy" from WHO Google? Is it from you? Because it seems like we need protection from you most of all. Constantly being gaslit by mega-corporations is the new American dream. It's okay because they love us, deep down, and we know that even though they don't show it.

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Find a member of staff and ask where the "human bathrooms" are. Don't let them leave until they explain. Bonus points if you piss your pants while they are trying to explain.

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Unfortunately I live in a backwards, ignorant red state represented by complete idiots. The last time I wrote to my representatives asking them to oppose something like this they wrote back saying "the agree fully" and then went on to explain that they would definitely support it and thanked me for backing them... Then went on to show a complete lack of understanding of the bill in question.

And I've been on his email list ever since despite clicking unsubscribe probably 30 times. The crusty sock puppet probably thinks that means "show me more" based on how he responded to my initial email.

I've been 100% on Linux since July of last year. I thought I was currently having my first major Linux fucked up situation that I just could not figure out this weekend.

It has been very depressing, after trying to convince friends and family to give Linux a chance and keep an open mind for months, I was beginning to feel like a fraud and a liar.

But, after hours of software troubleshooting turning up nothing I've discovered I'm in the early stages of a dying ssd... My first major problem, and it's hardware related. It sucks but it is also a relief in a weird way.

And I'm finding out about it way earlier than I likely would have in windows thanks to btrfs. But it's also funny because if I had been having similar issues in windows I probably would have ran hardware diag much sooner, but because I'm still a bit of a Linux newbie I assumed I broke my OS and wasted hours troubleshooting software.

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Yea, and packet size is enormous, so one lost packet is catastrophic...

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In some cars you really just need an extra set of hands to get a belt back on. One person on the tensioner and another actually moving the belt into place. Don't feel bad, feel good. You did great.

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This is just factually inaccurate corporate shill talk. In windows 10 I had to completely gut the Microsoft store using regedit to actually stop the ads that come directly from Microsoft. And then you can't use the Xbox app (for access to game pass) which is basically the only reason I would want windows to start with (among other things it completely breaks) ... And that's a pc I built with a "clean" windows install.

When it "upgraded" itself to windows 11 despite opting out several times, and being bombarded with more ads and constant bs pop-ups, the last straw broke the camel's back for me. Moved all my computers to Linux only and haven't looked back.

It's nice the EU is doing what it can to curb Microsoft's invasive crap, but it also appears it only helps people in the EU and NA customers still get the bloated "OS" displaying more ads than an old geocities warez site.

Most mass shootings in a single year so far.

They better fucking not be running on steam...

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The ups guy that delivers to my work has been marking every package as signed for by a person who quit 5 years ago... Sometimes on stuff he didn't even leave at our building...

Born in 85 and had the internet since "at least" 5 years old? How many people are you thinking had internet in their home in 1990...?

In 95 it wasn't super common, and didn't really even start to explode until after 98...

Also, people are even less tech savvy now than they were then. It's becoming a real problem and is only seeming to get worse.

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Being as I'm forced to use outlook for work... At least it's just my work persona they are tracking and selling? That guy is wild.

I hope so at some point. Drove a friend's tesla and fuck that thing, even the speedometer was on the fucking center tablet... Fuckin why? I don't want to hunt for my current speed in the bloated infotainment bs.

Anyone else notice the search (in windows 10 at least) suddenly being fucking useless? Used to be able to just type "disk man" and it defaulted to the disk management control panel, now it's defaulting to a Bing search (in edge of course even though Firefox is default browser) for the phrase... Tried it on like 4 computers and only one was even offering the control panel as an option and it wasn't the first one. Same thing with "default apps"...

Really glad I made the jump to Linux when I did, everytime I have to do something out of the usual user use case in windows at work I find myself more and more frustrated and jaded with windows.

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I once told a person undergoing multiple rounds of fertility doctors trying to have a baby that it's for the best they're barren because they'd be a terrible parent... After they went on a massively homophobic and transphobic rant out of the blue one day. I lost a friend group, but I stand by it.

Gaming on Linux is really not as bad as all that unless you play a lot of games with invasive anti-cheat; which honestly, even if you never try Linux and stick to windows, I'd recommend avoiding or at least having a separate windows install for. I'm not a fan of having to install a rootkit on my computer that constantly monitors everything I do just to prove to some mega-corp I'm an honest player (especially considering how poorly even those work to stop cheaters).

I'd highly recommend anyone upset with microsoft to at least setup dual boot with one of the popular gaming specific Linux distos and trying it out. Even if you did a few years ago, it has really come a long way in the last few years.

You're missing the point of this post... They specifically made a change to make it easier to open and put back together without damage, which is not the norm in most related industries these days. That's a good thing that we have been conditioned not to expect because of companies like Apple that fully do not want you to open your device ever for any reason.

Your comment sounds like "well you can't open an iPhone without damaging it, why should you be able to open a steam deck without damaging it"... Very much corporate overlord shill vibes.

My favorite kind of math is dick math. Thank you.

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I didn't think they were affiliated with RT, except that Gavin worked for both.

Yea let me just go to the fuckin money tree and harvest 6 months of income to put in savings... Where the fuck is that supposed to come from? Wtf is this wall street journal privledged ass fucking advice?

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They use the buddy system, duh.

You have to layer the individual plys yourself. It's a build your own toilet paper kit.

That's making an assumption that a brand new Linux user knows they are running the command with superuser privileges.

Half the time you websearch a problem you are having in Linux you will find someone telling you to fix it by running a command that starts with sudo without explaining what any part of the command does. New people probably regularly run those commands without finding out what it does and it probably works (or at least does no harm) a good portion of the time because most people aren't dicks. So then you've got new people trusting that form of advice.

It's hard to blame them, they are new to the system and very few experienced users are going out of their way to explain the basics to new users.

You're thinking of Quasimodo. He's talking about a TV program where they ask contestants trivia.

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You didn't mention what kind of cpu cooler (that I see). Have you checked there is fan spin for cpu fan? Possibly in windows you've got software controlling fan speed and that link is missing in Linux so it's trying to just passively cool it? Even more complicated to diagnose if it's an aio but could be similar with no pump running.

So it's taking some of the air out of the stream, slowing it down, and putting it back in the stream... How does this not affect the performance?

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My German shepherd mic is a high energy hell raiser that you'd think is dumb as a biscuit, but has proved me wrong several times, especially as an escape artist. There was one that shocked me more than any other.

My neighborhood had been having a rash of break-in during covid lock down. Neighborhood teens mostly being bored it seemed. One day while I was at work, they tried to get in the back door, and in true guard dog fashion she went ballistic at the door, barking growling and gnawing the door handle to the point of leaving bite marks.

Invader successfully ran off, now she's just so fucking excited she has to pee. I'm at work for another 3 hours and she can't get outside. What does this doofus do? Breaks into the bathroom (that she has watched me pee in repeatedly) and jump up on the tiny guest bathroom vanity and pees in the sink. I fully believe that if I left toilet lids open she'd have peed in the toilet that day.

My guess is it's just a car with a battery 5 times bigger than their comparison vehicle, can't do over 30, go up a hill, or pass any safety standards.

Or it's fictional.

Personally, I couldn't disagree with your general statement more, as I have had the exact opposite experience in that paying more for good gaming peripherals from trustworthy brands is worth every penny - BUT to be fair, I am only comparing the gaming peripherals to other gaming peripherals. As an example, I will never buy a Razor product as every single one I've had has been cheap trash that dies in 3-6 months. I learned to pay the money for Logitech. I've been using one of their gaming mice for about 3 or 4 years now and it is just now starting to show some signs of age with wheel clicks occasionally not registering, and all like 15 other buttons still work as expected just fine. I think the big problem is that there are a lot of crappy "gaming" brands that jack the price way up for cheap crap just because they slapped some LEDs on it and give it an edgy name. They throw a ton of money at marketing and advertising, and the price point is high, so the general population start to think of them as a high-end premium brand when they are (probably) just taking a $7 walmart mouse and slapping a new outer shell on it with some cheap RGB (so they can convince you to install their bloatware while they are at it).

No hate intended, as these are all just our personal opinions and there is no "right" or "wrong" answer. I personally cringe at the idea of going back to a cheap "$7 walmart mouse", but if it works for someone else I'm not trying to tell them they are wrong. :P

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Crazy hot-takes here. I feel bad that you've had such bad experiences, but that is definitely not representative of my (or many other people's) experience using Linux (with KDE)...

If it's a touch screen then the "natural way" is more intuitive, as it feels like grabbing the actual subject matter and moving it in a direction while my view point stays the same. Once my hand is not touching the subject matter, the traditional way is the only one that makes sense to me. I also get annoyed when something has scroll wheel zoom and up is zooming out, I have to reverse that back or I just don't use it.

Even the bacteria doesn't want to eat your ass.