
4 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

DaGeek247 of https://dageek247.com/ moved to fedia.io. good luck ernest.

Is it $60 or less? Everytime one of these alternative boards with an assload of more features pops up, nobody bothers to mention the price. Obviously we could spend more money to get more features, that's what spending more money does. You can't replace something without actually offering an alternative. The pi's biggest selling point was that it was cheaper than a steak dinner. If you dont match or beat that, you aren't actually competing with the pi.

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Meh, i hate the design too, but i can absolutely support someone looking into making their linux install more personal.

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pedophilia, with excuses.

if there was an extention that could skip the sponsor segments inside the videos themselves I’d use it in a heartbeat.

sponsorblock does that. it's crowd sourced, so it doesn't always work with the small channel newest videos, but it's very good at what it does considering.

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Still waiting on the internal investigation results.

Only acoholics actually need to try to convince others that they aren't alcoholics. Nobody goes up to a person on the street to start aggressively asking if they have a drinking problem.

Any serious questions about how alcohol is affecting your life will quickly demonstrate whether it is is or isn't a problem, without you ever saying that you don't have a drinking problem.

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My parents had nine kids. The eldest still doesn't talk to them, ten years after he left. Our two experiences must mean that the average reality is somewhere in between. Resentment sounds about right. /s

Isn't it neat how we can have different experiences? Just because you are happy with your specific situation does not mean that certain actions won't tend to cause resentment in the average home.

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Forge it. Governments mostly take paperwork in good faith, and only question it beyond surface level if they are given a reason to.

Manishtushu is nearly the worst name i have ever seen. Kids would absolutely wreck that guy all the way to college.

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I use it for exactly that to keep my porn sites off my search suggestions.

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He probably killed himself because

Using someones suicide to preach about your own personal cause is a dick move.

We know. What you're asking for is the wrong to thing to ask for, here in these forums. Aint nobody got time for walking a strqnger through thw entire install process of five or eight different self hosting programs. My own personal process has taken several months and is still ongoing.

100$ isn't cheaper than 55$. That's 200% more than the pi. If someone is looking for a pi because of the price, a 100$ computer isn't an option.

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This is a lot less true than it was five years ago. Web browsing and basic word editing has not become harder to do in the past ten years, but hardware has made some major leaps. (thanks amd) So as long as it has an ssd and a semi modern (within five years) processor, it will do a great job of handling homework and 4k video. With windows replaced with linux, it'll do all those things and feel snappy while it does it.

Avoid sub 100$ laptops, and keep a skeptical eye on anything between that and 400$, but it can absolutely be done.

I'm biased, but the dell inspiron laptops that businesses offload are perfect for this sort of task. They have connectivity out the wazoo (useful for that outdated projector in the seldom used classroom) and their batteries are easily replaced.

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From the git repo;

Q) How does this work?
A) This uses the Shamir Secret Sharing Scheme to break an encryption key into parts that can be recombined to create the original key, but only requiring a certain threshold to do so. I've adapted Hashicorp's implementation from their vault repo

Heck, that's practically the unofficial linux motto.

I checked my discord, and i think this is a case of discords shitty ui, not changing privacy settings. Yes, my checkbox in that exact location was allowing other people to find based on phone number contamination. However, when i visited the privacy page that i did know existed, that permission was still turned off for me.

If you have a hard drive as your main storage, and in particular a raid array of smr hard drives, it's worth checking the 'pre-allocate disk space for all files' check box in the connection settings. it keeps disk fragmentation down and lowers raid thrashing a shitton when downloading large media files. You won't notice if it's just you using your one hard drive, but it made a huge difference on my raid5 smr setup.

Im sorry, but, for things like games, raid isn't really going to give you a perceivable speed increase. Most games today get the most use from the random read, where raid does best is with things like sequencial writes (large movies, etc).

Raid0 will add to your throughput, but your seek times will still be the same regardless of how many drives you add to it.

Here in the us, a 2tb ssd is less than 50$. Im sorry its not the same where you are at.

I know the others suggest raid0, but since youre doing three drives im gonna suggest raid 5 instead. You don't lose out on read performance compared to raid0, just write speeds. More importantly, one drive failing wont actually break anything.

Weird, the ones on the app i've seen have usually been as horny as everybody else on that app. Grindr is actually a pretty okay place to find masc and transmasc people, compared to anything else i've used. If whattrees was serious about it, i would actually recomend grindr for them.

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Nope. Content creators, the ones doing all the talking on reddit, definitely left. Check out this graph of posts per day on r/askreddit

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Goddamn, looks like im switching registrars soon. Thanks for the link.

The entire purpose of my inquiry is to not sit here and waste each others’ time going back and forth for hours on end over text trying to figure it out. It’s for us to be able to have a discussion and so that you can see what I’m doing as I’m doing it.

I only post on forums because if everybody used discord and other non-searchable communication mediums, the internet would be a complete failure, or about as available as peoples secret mushroom spots. I promise you that the issues you face are not original. Everybody else who comes across this thread looking for a good place to start is going to be pissed because there's only one or two listed, when there could have been an entire thread full of good places to start, with commentary about specific tutorials and why they suck or what parts a new person could get stuck on.

These forums are not just for you to use as a dump to vaguepost and hope someone will spend several hours of their life cheering you on while you figure out how to do stuff. They are for everyone in the thread, and everyone who comes after while looking for similar solutions. Trying to take whatever support you end up getting away from everyone who comes after you is called pulling up the ladder after yourself, and is the exact opposite of why forums exist in the first place.

If people had actually been rude when you asked a basic question, it would be different. But it isn't. You're not trying to engage with the way this forums actually works and it really shows. As far as I can see, most everyone here is trying to help. You just don't want the great help that is being offered. You want an unpaid private tutor who will cheer you on and sometimes give you a tip to make things easier, while you avoid doing things like reading the manual, looking through tutorials, or heaven forbid, googling what aomething is.

Here's a website that lists trans-friendly hair places (salons, barbers, etc.): https://strandsfortrans.org/

I didnt see it on your list.

Visually lossless means I couldn't tell an image difference even when pixel peeping with imgsli. Good enough means I couldn't tell a difference in video, but could occasionally see a compression artifact in imgsli.

The VMAF results are purely objective measurements. You can read more about it here; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video\_Multimethod\_Assessment\_Fusion

The whole point of the linked video is to talk about a lot of possible reasons why.

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Similiar amounts for the literal absolute best. Most people don't spend more than 1500 total though.

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I'm sorry, but, no, you're not even close with the size comparison. Office 2021 is 4gb, libreoffice and office 365 are smaller than that. The cheapest bluray will hold 25gb.

Obviously office programs have not become easier to run (with libreoffice maybe being an exception), but processing power has vastly outpaced whatever new requirements they've gained.

Shit like teams needs a supercomputer to run well, and will be slow on everything else. There is no point in buying a top of the line laptop just to keep teams or a badly made website from lagging.

People haven't seriously used floppy disks for twenty years now.

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I'd just take the cash, honestly.

Don’t bother transcoding 4k

i have a cheap 1650 that can do four 4k transcodes on the fly with no issue. It was a 100$ upgrade. Frankly, this is a bad take. Obviously every situation is different, but unless you have a family of twenty that you're sharing your server with, 4k encoding is incredibly easy to do these days.

Ignorance is not stupidity.

the comment I replied to just said broadly "letting one sibling babysit will traumatize that child and they will hate their parents"

It's funny, i thought the exact opposite; your comment was saying that kids babysitting kids will never cause resentment, and the comment you replied to was obviously saying that kids baysitting kids is a bad habit to get into, but not terrible in moderation.

I am well aware that my family situation is an outlier, i just understood your comment to mean that kids babysitting kids will never cause resentment, so one counter example was enough to make my point, which was that you need to be careful about choosing to have enough kids so they can 'parent themselves'.

I can't speak for the more modern cars, but my 2019 corolla had a cell phone connection which could be cut by pulling a single fuse. Idunno if it's a universal name, but it was called the DCM module. The emergency button in the roof was wired through it, and so was one of the right speakers and the built-in microphone. None of them work with the fuse removed. I'll route the speaker and mic wires around it at some point by going through the glove box, but it hasn't been a priority for me.


I'm happy i did that too. Apparently toyota is still leaking the location history of a bunch of their cars and i'd hate to see that get abused.

Stolen. Thank you.

On top of the other comments, your private tracker will have a tutorial/rulebook on exactly how new content should be labelled. It's worth checking that out before you start experimenting with encoding quality options.

You said that you have an issue with some software (you did not even bother to specify which)

Actually I did.

You didn't. You very specifically asked for someone to commit to helping you personally with nonspecific issues rather than asking for help from a general group for a specific issue (which would have been more likely to get help).

posted what I’m trying to achieve

I did.

Maybe, but what youre trying to achieve isn't getting a helpful answer for a specific question. You're trying to get someone to commit to helping you for an unspecified amount of time with an unspecified amount of problems. CriticalMass is telling you that is a bad way of obtaining help for a problem anywhere except in school and a job classroom. This is neither of those.

why I’m unable to do it so far

Did that also.

Maybe try reading more carefully before calling someone out for some bullshit.

No, he read your post just fine. You just don't like the answers you're getting. Asking for help with a specific thing is exactly what these forums are for. Asking for help getting started is even okay. We love sharing a good tutorial for getting a new user started with a specific software.

You aren't doing any of those things. You're asking for someone to spend hours of their time, in a call with you, to walk you through a process that has hundreds of online tutorials already out there. You're also getting mad when people tell you that what you're after is not what this discussion forum is for.

Maybe try reading more carefully before calling someone out for some bullshit.

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Tl:dw; aids/hiv and assholes with agendas writing magazines.

I'll share some of my perspective. It may also include a little bit of jealousy from the queer side; a bi man can hide his bisexuality while a gay man cannot. It may also have a little bit of its roots in insecurity. I've been able to find men much easier than women, so the usual limits on a hetero man with regards to finding someone to cheat on their boo with don't apply to a bisexual man. An insecure woman could see that and want to avoid bisexual men altogether due to personal insecurity in her ability to catch and keep a man.

I don't agree with these perspectives but people are human, and those are very human emotions to be feeling.

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Honestly. I'll bet there's even a web-dl version of OPs movie out there, so it's the exact same thing sans drm.

Sure, but that is a choice that couldn't be made without first checking how much space is saved by switching codecs. This helps with making that decision, but i'm well aware it is only part of the information needed.

So for example if you plan on walking into the mountains until people assume you’re dead and then leave, the right people will see and you’ll catch back on.

Only if you do something dumb like stick around in the same spot of wilderness for months on end. The whole point of disappearing is that you go to a new place and start a new life.

Made worse because we have progressed so far into forensics and many countries are using that to monitor peoples’ whereabouts.

Yes, but actually no. Just because they have the data doesn't mean they're actually using it. A government motivated to find you will be a huge problem to deal with. What exactly have you done to cause the government to want you specifically?

Soon there will be no running away from anything you want to run back to and no pretending to run.

Paranoid fearmongering. Breaking the law bad enough (regardless of how moral of a law it is) will absolutely get the government on your back, but just assuming that the law will turn into hellish big brother with motivated tracking is putting the cart before the horse. Yes, it's entirely possible that the current trajectory we have will get worse / follow a downward trend into 1984 style bullshit. Obviously that's why you prepare for that. But it does not mean it will follow a downward trend into 1984 territory, and assuming that it's impossible to stop that from happening means you've given up, and are therefore a part of the problem.

It’s why witness protection only works when it’s government-sponsored.

Citation needed.