3 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago admin
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Keep it up db0, a lot of us across the fediverse appreciate what you've built!

This incorrectly lists as federated - we've been defederated for months.

I dont think this site is accurate.

The communities discuss piracy, not host the content. They are two different things.

The user that requested it was a troll account create dhours before. The same user then went on to create a transphobic community and post hate. Not the sort of person the admins should be knee jerking to.

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And yet they insist on keeping registrations open and tarnishing the lemmy name with their shit uptime and terrible, terrible decisions like this. Fuck them.

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I feel like i go around in circles saying this - there are literally hundreds of servers. If servers had caps, i.e. user caps and community caps, then people would be forced to spread out, rather than relying on two or three big servers. Otherwise we just have a central server, which is Reddit with extra steps.

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Just want to add - i've been using this (via my desktop!) for my instance for a little while now and its great - While the evidence shows there are false positives, i've yet to see it affect anything in real time.

Beware your B2 transaction costs though! ๐Ÿ˜ญ I'm sure there is a cheaper way to do it but backblaze costs went up quite a bit.

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same account name (different instance) is also posting transphobia on

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Its been deleted now, but that person has successfully trolled every user and is obviously full of hate and intolerance.

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They should probably add a % measure to that to show active users as a % of total users to give a more balanced look at active instances

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Warning: very bright

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My understanding (from running an instance) is that this isn't something cloudflare is going to help with, it's the database on these instances locking up. It happens to my and multiple other instances too, and i have monitoring from multiple sources so I get notified and can restart the server/docker containers. Improvements should come in the next lemmy versions.

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100% spot on. I got called all sorts of names for pointing this out, but maybe my own fault for pointing it out on one of their posts! ๐Ÿ˜…

Here's a handy site to check your federation status:

It looks like all the sites are lagging, which can sometimes mean there is an issue. What's the specs of the server? Can you try restarting it and seeing if that helps?

There are issues for servers hosted in places like Australia because of the latency in communicating with .world due to how big it is and how much data it sends because of this.

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Most other social networks allow users to select whether they are reporting a violation of community rules, or site rules as whole.

Why not take this approach to simplify it then?

Asking the user to specify who they think should receive a report feels like it will add confusion (not to mention is subjective anyway), and could create delays in responding to important stuff if the user picks the "wrong" option. If a user picks the mod option on csam report then it might get missed by an admin? At least the option between "this community" or "site rules" is a bit clearer.

This is to prevent cases of admins accidentally preventing mods from moderating according to their own community rules

As an admin I should be able to respond to a mod report on a community if I'm there first and its urgent, i.e. csam. This is a policy/discussion point between mods and admins on any given instance and shouldn't be enforced in the software. Separation for clarity's sake is fine, I even encourage that as I don't tend to touch a report for a community anyway as it stands, but I should be able to mark a report complete if I have dealt with it. Otherwise I'm just going to go to the post and sort it out anyway, so its just adding complexity.

Admins can still always explicitly take over communities by making themselves mods, in this way, they are able to handle mod reports for any abandoned communities, etc

Barriers/extra steps to administration is not the way forward here. Continuing with Admins being able to mark reports resolved just makes sense.

Alternatively, we could make reporting even more granular. It would be possible to allow users to select only a specific instances admins as the intended report audience, for example.

No. This is a step backwards in transparency and moderation efforts. Granularity and more options is not always a good thing. If you've ever had the misfortune of using Meta's report functionality you'll know how overly complex and frustrating their report system is to use with all their "granularity".

Simplicity of use and getting a report to someone who can do something about it quickly should always be the priority, adding options and functionality should be secondary and support this. If you don't want to be stepping on moderators toes, make that clear in your guidelines and processes.

I am legally on the hook for content on my instance, not the moderators, and proposing changes that make it harder to be an admin is a touch annoying.

To add: I would suggest thinking about expanding this to notify the user a report has been dealt with/resolved, optionally including rationale, because that feedback element can sometimes be lacking.

Have only seen the clip of the LMG employee saying what they said from GN's video, but seems quite an over-reaction from GN and the other company IMO. Definitely some form of baiting for views, even if parts of the video are valid.

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c/ rule 3:

Donโ€™t request or link to specific pirated titles

Literally wasn't even an issue. Its a bad take by power tripping admins spurred on by a troll. All-round terrible decision.

Also comparing a Lemmy community to Pirate Bay is a gross exaggeration.

Yeah, I had the email yesterday, but they don't mention if this is specifically their download charge, or if the class b and class c transactions are included in this - I mean I'll be honest, I haven't had time to properly look into yet, but either way it should help.

It has

Or do you have an existing project that requires additional effort to enable further development?

So I assume the Lemmy devs should be good to reapply.

There is a dedicated site which will be announced on the date - creator is adding a way for kbin users to authenticate and join in.

Badger is the OG, but Pork holds a special place in my heart.

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Everything looks wrong for a minute or two afterwards

I can only hope that in some senior Meta management meeting they pulled this website up as an issue/concern, and a bunch of overpaid middle managers had to stare at the pinkness for hours upon end in a depressing corporate boardroom.

I mean they'll probably benefit from some sort of CDN, and CF being free really helps keep costs down. Are there alternatives you'd suggest?

It kind of amazes me that they've not been using one up until recently given their size. I'm but I do sympathise with their technical issues.

+1 for pop, used it for 2 years with very few issues on an nvidia gpu

Hard agree also - and the sign up button on each instance should just link to that randomised list, and people can join from there. Too many people go to "big" communities on the two or three big servers and want to be part of that - its a misunderstanding of how federation works and the UI needs to teach people that it doesnt really matter.

I'm on hetzner who also block port 25. I finally worked out what I needed to change to get it to work. As your using the ansible playback, all you need to change the lines inside the .hjson file to match those of an external mail service. I used Mailersend (3000 free emails once you're verified). If you're using port 587 use starttls as your encryption.

Would love to install this on my instance too!

There is already an update. 0.18.2-rc1

You can apply it now.

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It is :)

Just can't be beaten for price/quality at this scale

This has definitely been a problem with communities being created on the bigger instances and not utilising smaller instances. Happy for someone to say I'm wrong etc, but I think there would be merit in capping instances to x number of users or communities, to force the user base to spread out.

Also, the way signups work, (ie you find a community you like then click sign up but that signs you up to that instance), further exacerbates the issue and the confusion around how federation works. The sign up links on each instance should lead either to a page with an instance finder, or to a random instance that matches the profile of, and is already federated with, the instance you were on. Otherwise the larger instances have a monopoly and are just going to lead to a bad user experience when they can't cope with the traffic.

It's a self defeating prophecy if users only want to sign up to the instances with the big communities, because then everyone is going to keep creating communities there and nobody is going to want to join a smaller instance.

I might be talking nonsense and am happy to be told why that is all wrong :)

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Thanks again - when the bots came for my instance, they were stopped because all the email addresses were fake and they couldnt pass validation. I'm hoping the combination of email and manual verification helps to stop the wave. Seeing what you've posted in the image is really useful, im going to look back at our applications and see if any are similar, which would mean they may have got around the email validation.

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You can!

Yeah they're kept in the database.

A sufficiently complex captcha might do it. I've seen something else that verifies you're not a bot based on PoW calculation, although I don't know how reliable that would be personally.

A split verification method might be a good way forwards for the privacy conscious instances.

Can you share some of the generic messages in the applications are so we can compare?

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Nice, I'd seen you'd stopped a while ago but I'll look at hosting it if it's back alive.

I'd say Nginx Proxy Manager is the easiest reverse proxy I've used.

No, neither Is his mastadon server

Came here looking for a new home too!

Thats incredibly helpful, thank you. Do you have email verification turned on on your instance?

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