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Joined 11 months ago

I mean Lemmy is also a bit of a cesspool at times, but it's home now at least.

It is good and reasonable to be continually skeptical of the people and organizations we get involved with, and I appreciate your warning and looking out for bad organizations.

On the other hand, my experience in politics leads me to believe that if you sit around waiting for the perfect allies, you will usually be waiting alone for a very long time.

Looking at this group, it looks like in my state (Utah) they have been key support for a couple of well respected local nonprofits that have done great work on RCV and anti gerrymandering. That doesn't sound like such a bad thing to me.

I think it's a mistake generally to view Republicans as the enemy. Even if they are in a leadership role like in the RNC. For example, in Utah, nothing gets done without Republican approval. So saying "I won't work with you because you're Republican" here is a losing strategy to make changes. And we now have the beginnings of progress on RCV.

So I think we should continue to be vigilant and watch out for the first signs that people are acting in bad faith. But if we want our ideas to be popular, we are going to need to learn to (without compromising our own values) build a bigger tent.

Yeah not a fan of it for all of the reasons you stated.

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My Jellyfin server.

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Eating some more fiber so that I can get my ELO up

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I love it.

WTF, that entire work environment seems so messed up and sexist.

The things is they aren't even that small. I visited my friend in Japan on a ski trip and he owns one of these trucks. It fit the two of us in the front seats extremely comfortably, and we put my ski bag and all my gear in the bed with tons of room to spare. It was way more comfortable than traveling with the same gear in a sedan would have been. It feels like we only have a problem with it in America because our roads and our vehicles are so goddamn gigantic.

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I've seen this on the hiring side as well, with applicants giving responses directly from chatgpt.

Soon hiring will just be LLM talking to LLM.

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They were too busy getting shit to just work.

Of course it's Mike Lee.

Fuck Mike Lee.

"Here's muh pocket constitution" Mike Lee.

We are sick of him here in Utah and made a serious effort to get an independent in Congress instead, but fell about 10 points short :(

Now that it's happening, I don't quite know how to feel.

I certainly don't feel sorry for Tiktok though.

And what about phones with a removable battery? Would be real nice to keep a couple spares instead of a big power brick I have to charge it from.

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The other bit of this is that Taylor Swift sent a C&D letter to Jack Sweeney who is the guy who has been publishing flight paths of various celebrities. Sweeney obtains this data publicly because since 2020 all aircraft (with few exceptions) are required to use ADS-B transponders. The ADS-B system has numerous safety benefits compared to previous systems, but a side effect is that every aircraft now constantly broadcasts its position, velocity, and altitude information, and anybody who wants to can build a ground station capable of receiving this information.

Generally, threatening legal action against somebody who isn't doing anything wrong or illegal is considered a dick move, and puts Taylor Swift in the same category as Elon Musk (who has also previously threatened legal action against Jack Sweeney). So we are proceeding to make fun of her without remorse, as it was her decision in the first place to fly privately, which is very bad for the environment.

Instead of threatening to sue the guy who's breaking no laws and publishing information that is already public, she could just consider another mode of transit if privacy is that important to her. But in the meantime we will enjoy the memes

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The best jobs I've had are ones with flexible schedules where morning people can start at 6 or 7 and leave in the early afternoon, while night owls can start around 11 or so and work a bit later. Everyone seems so much happier and gets along better because of it.

I know not every job can be organized that way. But it really bugs me when I'm working a job and it literally doesn't matter when the work gets done, but the schedule is still extremely rigid.


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"911 please help I'm dying"

*message disappears because you have admin rights

My friend also took some pictures. None of the ring photos came out as clear as yours, but this one from the beginning looks quite ominous.

In 303 Creative v. Elenis the answer is: the couple was manufactured. No LGBT+ couple tried to hire them. The man named in court docs who supposedly tried to hire 303 Creative first heard about the case when reporters contacted him shortly before the Supreme Court released their decision. He has been happily married (to a woman) for a long time, and had no need for a wedding website.

While I acknowledge the concept of a "carbon footprint" is complete BS, beef production does have a very high impact on climate change. Just want to point out that fact. I still eat it from time to time though. Yes, beef is high in protein and tasty.

As an aside, I believe as environmentalists, we shouldn't shame people for doing the "wrong" things IMHO as even the best of us still contribute to the problem in some way. Everyone has their own reasons for doing what they do, and shame doesn't often change minds. Personally, I try to take my own small steps, but I'm not prepared to live like a hermit. I do try to eat meat less often, and I volunteer a considerable amount of time to lobby for more climate friendly policies. This course of action is what works well for me.

But the idea isn't to keep anyone from seeing it. The idea is simply for a lusty image not to be used in academic papers (probably also better that it's not used in college classes too).

I love pictures of scantily clad women more than almost anyone. But even I can agree that the Lena image sends the wrong message to women joining the field.

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My Google Pixel 5a died recently. To their credit, Google did extend the warranty on the 5a (probably would have been sued otherwise because these devices are dropping dead every day), but attempting to actually claim warranty was the most bizarre Kafkaesque process.

Ultimately it took me 6 weeks and at least 10 follow-ups with Google. They would forget things (like how to get information from their partner uBreakiFix) and would need me to do the legwork for them. Every time I called them I got the following impression:

  1. Customer service agents at Google have NO power to do ANYTHING but read a script and follow policy. I know this is a common complaint with big companies, but I've been on this earth awhile and dealt with a lot of companies, and it honestly shocked me how little power the agents at Google had to actually help. Never seen anything like it before.

  2. The agents similarly have no access to any information that might help you. In my case, once my RMA was delayed, every time I would call they would basically "check" on it, and the answer was basically: "well the replacement should have shipped by now, and I have no idea why it didn't, so I'm just going to add another 5 business days to the last estimate we gave you". No one was ever able to figure out the reason for the delay.

I was getting ready to file in small claims court against Google since it looked like they had no intention of honoring their warranty, but decided to give the old "get support via Tweet" method, which did actually get results. The funny thing was that Google scolded me for providing my RMA number via Twitter DMs since it's "private information" and I should have given them a case number that agents were supposed to provide me, but never did.

The social media escalation team did manage to get Google to overnight me a replacement after I reached out. However, after this experience (as you say, unhuman), I see no moral issue with stuff like blocking ads on YouTube. I think Google have fully shown their cards, at least to me, that they don't really care about service.

I realize they can't run something like YouTube like a small community website, for example, and that they do have to make money as a business. I kind of get where some of their recent actions come from. But I feel similarly to how I feel about media companies whose content I pirate. It's really not my problem, and not my job to help them figure out how to compete with piracy. Valve got shit figured out with Steam, and I've spent hundreds of dollars buying games on there. Media companies seemed like they had things figured out at one point with Netflix, but it wasn't sustainable, plus they got way too greedy. Google used to have their shit together, but they are being too heavy handed and anti consumer now.

In my position now I have at least some influence on the products that my company uses, and I would never recommend that we buy anything from Google if we can help it since the risk of being stonewalled by their support seems so high, and I've experienced that personally. In my personal life, I have a goal to get off of Google's services when I can, and pull all my data out. I don't ever want to be in a position again where I'm thinking of suing a company, but worried that they'll use my data and my reliance on their services as leverage against me the way Google can.

A left one and a right one.

You are absolutely right about all the challenges facing average Americans that keep us too busy to do a lot about issues like these.

Still, there are lots of different ways to help. Some do require more time, and are probably out of reach for someone who's just barely getting by. But some require less.

Today I dropped off at the post office 350 hand written postcards to low propensity climate voters in my state. I wrote and addressed the postcards while I was watching TV, so it didn't really take much more of my free time (I would have been watching TV anyways). Elections in my state have been decided by only a few hundred votes, so actions like this do make a difference.

Next week, I will be meeting with staff for my member of Congress in person in D.C. I have the luxury of having the time and money to make this happen, but if you pick up the phone or write an email every single month to your congressional office and mention climate change, it makes it much easier for us to get these meetings and get our point across. Pressure on congressional offices alone doesn't get the job done, but it makes them take us more seriously when we meet with them and present a bill that we want them to support.

Congress is pretty dysfunctional right now, but we still have managed to get some climate friendly legislation through. Every bit of help and support we get along the way makes a difference.

The group I volunteer with is Citizens' Climate Lobby, and I think they are the best, but there are other groups out there. The American Conversation Coalition is more right-leaning and has been gaining traction recently. The Sunrise Movement is more left-leaning, though for some reason I haven't heard much from them recently, at least in my state. I'm sure there are other groups out there besides those three.

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I will try to do my part and ask some stupid questions as well. I have a whole lifetime of experience in being stupid so it shouldn't be a problem.

Best I can do is 45 miles.

Awhile back I was at an event where I happened to sit next to a Moms for Liberty chapter leader, and she turned to me and uttered the most insane conspiracy theory I'd ever heard about how "they" deliberately sunk the Titanic because everyone who opposed the creation of the fed was on board.

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Google and the banks can eat my whole asshole.

Yours is the best take.

My guilty pleasure is the Air Crash Investigation series, or more recently Mentour Pilot on YouTube. It scratches both itches in my brain -- the logic / engineer side, and the morbid curiosity & fascination with disaster.

The Roy thing is maybe pushing a little into weird. But if this sort of thing wasn't normal then there wouldn't be whole shows, subreddits, etc dedicated to disasters.

Yeah but Google started putting these home screen ads on Nvidia shield also.

Not super up to date with that though because the second they did I switched to a custom launcher.

VPN drains my phone battery like crazy, plus eventually I'd like to be able to share my services with some less technical people, and want to keep the barrier to entry low for them, so I've been looking at what I'd want in order to be comfortable exposing services publicly.

Services are running on Truenas Scale (k3s).

What I've been thinking is:

  1. Isolate services' network access to each other and to my local network.
  2. Reverse proxy in front of all services (probably Caddy)
  3. Coraza as a WAF
  4. Crowdsec Caddy module
  5. Some sort of auth layer in the proxy, like oauth2-proxy (kind of tricky because not every service would work well with this, especially without client support). Probably would start with a 3rd party identity provider rather than rolling my own, especially since 3rd party will probably do a lot more monitoring around logins, patterns, etc.

Thinking of hosting the reverse proxy piece on a VPS. Probably not completely necessary because I don't think hiding my home IP really buys me much security, but Caddy might be easier to configure on the VPS compared to Truenas (though I guess I could run it in a VM on Truenas).

Each app could run a wireguard sidecar to connect it to the VPS.

Curious what others think about this setup, or if the recommendation is still to keep things behind a VPN.

This engine is McCarthyism.

Rail also has a sort of hidden economic benefit in that once you overcome the network effect, it boosts economics on a larger scale. Some people in China thought it was crazy for the government to build high speed rail at the speed and scale that they did, and that it would never compete with flights, etc. And yes, the line all the way out to Xinjiang is not profitable and subsidized by other lines. But the overall benefit to the Chinese economy by connecting all the major cities together can't be underestimated.

Sure, I have an idea. How about we talk about beans...

Nice, I ended up just taping a fan on underneath using HVAC tape applied directly to the heatsink.

The plastic screw thing that holds the heatsink on can become brittle and break after some years. It might be worth picking up some small nylon bolts online before that happens.

Edit: or I guess zip ties would work if it comes to that....

  1. Install Kitsune Mask (just like Magisk install)

  2. Install PIF Next. It will automatically download new device fingerprints as Google bans old ones

  3. Google, banks, Microsoft, whoever else is aggressively checking for root. Please consider to eat my entire asshole. Thank you.

Edit: nvm I'm bad at reading, I missed that you couldn't even root your phone.

You are 100% correct, but multiple unconstitutional "think of the children" style laws have already been passed in several states. The status quo of pornography being protected speech is only a result of multiple litigations on behalf of the ACLU over the years. The reality is unconstitutional laws will keep being passed, and challenging them takes a lot of time and money, without any guarantee of success.

I have been happy to get outside my bubble a little bit. But at the same time, many of the Marxists here seem to be in their own bubble.