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Joined 8 months ago

half of america is going to jail due to caffine addiction /s

those who are in the budget state of mind is more likely buying a used vehicle over a brand new one. again, its the situation of a cheap new vehicle with a lot of cuts vs old vehicle that was considered premium. companies dont want to make a new cheap car because they have to compete with old premium ones.

when both the nissan leaf and chevy bolt guaged the market for a cheaper ev, they werent popular to the point where both models were canned, the leaf with no future date of return, and the bolt which chose not to have a new yearly model and will consider a newer one later. Fisker bankrupted itself out of the market, other external conpanies like kia arent importing their 20k evs like thr EV5 nor Ray EV for telling reasons, because the US market is extremely picky about what kind of car theyll buy.

the prices on cars in china are post government subsidies, and its already proven time again that when a BYD car gets moved elsewhere its real price is higher (sits closer to 20k rather than 12k) which would not put it that far from existing budget cars post federal subsidy.

keep in mind the american buyerbase is very politically charged. Conservative opinions have outright said they hate the push towards EVs, of those left, many have the common U.S mindset, that is they will only buy SUVs or Crossovers. then you have the section that will refuse to buy a car without a certain amount of capacity, which is why you can buy cars with 140-150 mi capacity outside of the U.S but its basically non existant within it. Its basically only the U.S market thats extremely picky with these kind of stuff, where drivers heavily value leg room and size over cost/efficiency

its less about the subsidies and more that budget buyers in the U.S in particular are very picky buyers.

while the federal/state EV tax credits, you can get vehicles like the Chevy Bolt for 20-22k. regardless the car still isnt that popular (meaning theres something specific about the car that buyers dont want).

for those buying used cars, theres not mamy reasons why someone would buy a say new 18k-20k EV that had many cuts in design vs an older premium EV. Used 2016 Model S for example can be found near 16k. its a new cheap car vs used premium car debate

this places a burden any any auto maker trying to make a budget car, because in order for it to sell well, they need to have razor thin margins, and sell a lot. failure to do so would spell the end of your compamy due to how many you produced.

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for some of the vehicles its due to car saftey regulations, so modifications are needed to legally be sold in some regions. the regulations on vehicles in china are less strict than some other countries.

wait till you visit(or revisit) South Koreas attempt to normalize 69 hour work weeks

i mean if you want chaos, program in whitespace

IMO the capacititive buttons with no feedback are even worse than the touch screen. at least with the touch screen, you will likely have a colored UI element on screen to press. with the cars that replace all the buttons with capacitive buttons with no feedback, theyre all the same color.

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the cancellation of the model 2 for the cybertruck may have been the worst possible decision tesla went through maybe.

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the funniest shit about the paperowrk is that nintendo indirectly says nintendo is doing illegal work because they claim a video game emulator is a piece of software that allows users to unlawfully play pirated video games that were published for a specific console on a general purpose device.

they either have to say NSO/Nes/Snes classic are not emulation, or admit their definition of emulators is not the universally accepted definition of it, else Nintendo just Claimed Nintendo is serving up and charging for an unlawful service that is NSO.

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you can have a propietary os thats secure, but the problem is once you get to the point where youre selling data and allow anything to be installed of course, its no longer secure.

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the average person usually doesnt beat the average index fund, so if you arent keen at day trading, dont do it.

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HDMi foundation is founded by companies who own the home theatre environement (mainly movie conpanies and television) who puts DRM on HDMI to make it harder to illegally copy content like movies, ao they will always want to be anti open source because thats the request of streaming services/movie businesses. Its why for example, mobile devices have widevine levels. those levels basically determine how "unlocked" the device is and services will refuse to offer full functionality to unlocked devices because of it, be it audio or video.

Members of VESA, who control the displaypprt standard are generally computer companies are mostly not in the business of media, so they value specs over drm on changes, which for example a use case is that displayport allows for daisychaining diaplays.

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Youre basically asking for people who develop on open platforms for content on a closed platform. Buying a closed platform comes with its cons, and modding is one of the largest. (As very very few devs allow modding on console, and that list is almost essentially Bethesda, and not the Switch versions)

its due to whoever paid for the R&D for the screen asked for rounded corners. Framework just took the design and retooled the connectors for their own use case, as its significantly cheaper than commissioning a entirely new panel.

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part of the reason why some communities stick and some dont is because the type of people who were willing to jump to lemmy. Users who jumped to lemmy generally were more tech forward, privacy forward, or was part of some ostracized community not very welcome on reddit, as the typical casual user does not care for site politics.

its really hard to start a small community with one main poster, and requires a few to get the ball rolling. its a game of converting those in the niche communities to make the jump

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this sounds like the most fanboy pilled post. seriously its just an emulator, i dont even thing thr main userbases of ryujinx and yuzu are antagonistic against each other, as each had a completely different philosophy on what to prioritize.

take for example, intel and amd users couldnt use ryujinx for the longest time because it took ages for ryujinx to pick up the vulkan backend, defaulting to opengl, which only nvidia until the past few years, performed well in.

a NAS(network attached storage) as the name implies is a collection of drives connected over the network. a DAS (direct attached storage) is a collection of drives connected directly, usually over thunderbolt or high bandwidth connection. A typical USB drive is functionally a DAS.

linus torvalds(linux kernel) response to nvidia (who consistently treats linux as a nobody for consumers)

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my past self is now ruined

drugs and alcohol abuse isn't just limited to pizza chefs, but chefs in general

Nobara is a Fedora distro(essentially backed by IBM) by Glorious Eggroll (developer who made Proton GE) designed to be more gaming user oriented, as many of its preincluded configs and applications were tailored to gamers.

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went to look for the article, he started at 9, and went to CC (Fullerton College)

his degrees are:

five Associate of Arts degrees: History, Social Sciences, Social Behavior and Self-Development, Arts and Human Expression, and Science and Mathematics. His GPA was 3.92

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the small detail is forgotten that those MMOs have a subscription model or are free but with pay-to-win practices. They are sustainable in that way."

horizontal progression mmos like ESO or GW2 that arent subs arent either of those.

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because its based on a curve. laptops have maybe 85% of the performance their desktop counterpart has, becauae that last 15% of performance is not power efficient.

you are also disregarding one MAJOR factor when comparing desktop and laptop gpus, noise.

laptop gpus, especially high end ones can sound like jet engines. large desktop gpus are large to minimalize noise it makes.

e. g my 7700S in my framework 16 can sound like a jet engine, the desktop equivalent of that, which is a 7600, is ridiculously power efficient and barely will make a noise because of the heatsink/die size ratio.

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the area has high theft because there are a lot of restaurants in the area, and its outside of an airport, so a lot of tourists tend to leave their luggage in their rental vehicles, making them extremely prime targets for theft.

The Raising Canes in Oakland switched to drive thru only because of the rampant thefts of people flying in and trying Raising Canes first.

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using a computer traditionally was seen as a secretary job, so it was often dominated by women. its only as of post consumer computer events where a lot more males went into the field due to the large market it offers came in.

because sony and nintendo realised having ability to have user loaded content is a vector of security vulnerbilities, so they decided the best choice to fight of exploits is not give you the feature instead of having a competent cyber security team.

for instance, neither sony nor nintendo give you an internet browser thats not hidden. Microsoft does.

the followup question is which company has the most experience developing an OS.

Sony and Nintendo care more about preventing piracy than it does giving its userbase good features.

brb flashing TempleOS to let god be my driver /s

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population decline is better for the environment, but terrible for social services. If it gets to an extreme level, suicide rates of elderly would spike (which in South Korea, is relatively speaking, higher than the rest of the world)

A fan did it, but cant release it publicly for obvious reasons

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I put them in my charger to charge them up when i need them.

i call it the dark side of idolism.

its a way to extract money very well, but it creates a toxic environment

because theres a (very) expensive R&D attached to ordering a custom screen. its why many companies on the market use the same panel when making monitors. (e.g for gen 1 woled monitors from LG, LG, Asus, MSI(?) and i think Acer used the same panel.

just "wanting a higher res screen" isnt something thats trivial to order for, especially since the FW13 uses a 3:2 screen , an aspect ratio usually used by tablets

the type for brain hijacking definately, as theres a fungus that brainhijacks ants.

the type that that works on dead people, likely not. all viruses and stuff survive by trying to keep their host alive. the ones that kill their host die off quick.

The lake was a runoff for the colorado river back when farmers over used water and the leftover was dumped ino that "lake". The lake in its current state is too saline and dried up to ecologically be stable. The buildup of farm chems over the year cause dust in problems in socal when winds picked it up.

nintendo only does reletively good when their consoles struggle.

whenever they hit something sucessful, they become shrewed and start removing features/make a worse experience at times.

3ds strugles, nintendo gives 20 retro games for free. wiiu struggles, many bogo offers. Switch is sucessful, removes paid for emulated games and pushes them into a subscription service, removes local save backups, removes browser, charges 20$ for online, objectively have a worse online experience to both the WiiU/3DS in many instances. Half asses some games, increases the price of ported games (e.g Tropical Freeze on the WiiU was 50$, then a 20$ nintendo select late in its life, was a 60$ game on the switch)

pis have gotten less exciting over the years.

for those who are purely using the compute side of the pi is not as interesting anymore due to the flood of both 3rd party options, as well as used dirt cheap micro pcs (e.g Optiplex 9020 micros, 7040 micros, thinkcentre 710q)

and for those who program , they have to split based on usecase. for pure robotics and less compute, there isnt much of a reason to use a pi over an arduino. for IoT, using ESP32 are more useful for device to device communication, so pis sat in this weird spot where you needed it for basic compute (e.g. some object detection) or you needed the community behind pi. but since pis are being bought out by corpo, doong hobby work on a pi is too expensive nowadays. to me, pis died after their pricing tiers for memory not really being great (2019)

the problem is aleays some person in marketing who tries to follow trends. For a good laugh, watch Derbauers recent video from computex about AI products and how many "AI" products were at the show.

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i always found it funny that the best method of having a privacy focused phone (without having significant tradeoffs like the pinephone) is to buy the phone from the company who violates privacy the worst, and flashing over it.

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well it doesnt necessarily need to be politics, the biggest subgroup for lemmy users are usually people into tech (a lot of tech and tech adjacent communities are fairly sized on lemmy) as they are the ones more likely to make the jump. Easiest way to tell is to go to the communities page, sort by all communities and count the number, or even just get an eyeballs search to know that a common thread between many communities is either memes or tech