
1 Post – 341 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Homo Homini Lupus Est

They could simply

A) dislike X

B) hate/despise X

C) came to the logical conclusion, that X is bad/wrong/shouldn't be/whatever

D) genereally mistrusting against X due to a careful nature

E) have had traumatic experience with X (e.g. Being raped/attacked by a member of a specific ethnicity) and hence totally overreacting to an otherwise harmless stimulus, even forgetting the rules of civil behaviour

Those all don't mean there's the medical condition of a phobia for X.

A real xenophobic has an irrational fear of anything unknown/alien. Doesn't mean the person just hates e.g. Mexicans for no real reason. It might even like them once they get to know the better, which often just won't happen as phobics tend to avoid the cause their phobia instead of treating it.

I just dislike the lax use of medical terms until they're bereft of any real meaning.

So, a person who yanks "speak English!" to someone, could have many reasons to do. None are neither polite nor politically correct. While the asshole is probably just the uneducated asswipe, the phobic could be helped and probably even feels bad afterwards for being so compulsive and insulting.

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It's literally in the term. But yeah sure, it's easier to just smack the same label on everything. Whatever makes you happy.

Not everyone disliking something is necessarily phobic towards it. That's just one possoble explanation.

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Yeah sure whatever. Go hate the least important asset of an instrument that tramples you to death. If that makes you feel better.

Cops may be protecting my assets and my ass, but if it wouldn't be them, it would be private force i would have to pay (at least cops are free lol). I am one of those who reap the soils of your labour (because i don't work). You should fight me and those with way more dough. Not the badly paid cops. Actually why am I even arguing, i should be glad you hate them 😁

So, you're a troll, a bot or unable to comprehend my posts. Which is it?

I do understand what police is and what they do. Did you copy/paste this from r/i_am_14_and_this_is_deep?

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Absolutely the damn LED. I would love to trade the stupid never-being-used selfie-cam for a damn 5 cent LED.

And swappable batteries. And a headphone-jack. And root by default (imagine you winpc came with no admin-pwd. Lol)... And....

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I knew this guy. He always wanted to suck my Schlong or f with me. Told him i ain't gay. He replied he neither, he just finds vaginas disgusting (Women in general, Vaginas just being the "most disgusting" part) and schlongs beautiful, hence it's not gay at all. He just prefers guys coz they have said dingdongs.

Told him that was somehow very gay. He got really really really pissed at me for hinting he might be gay. He hates gays and find them repulsive. It was at this point that i realized, he verbally held me hostage. How to reply to that? I didn't know.

EDIT: That wasn't a joke or satire, he was dead-serious about it. That level of cognitive dissonance is hard to find, even in religious people :-)

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Why does anyone still use this pile of crap anyway since the kid took over?

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Wow. Isn't that like fining the regular Joe 2 bucks? Must be devastating and lifestyle-changing.

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Oh what a suprise. Maybe... Just maybe...spend some bucks on developing the store to be viable(!) competition to steam. And not just a ghastly shit-shop, where people only exist because of the freebies and partially because of the exclusives (i pirate the exclusives. Fuck exclusives).

Even GOG galaxy is a better client/store and they don't have the same budget.

Epic sucks sweaty, hairy monkeyballs. And i would welcome competition for the apex.

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For fighting pedos (or abusers in general) it would be way more helpful to fight it at the root, not the leafs.

But it's just a marketing-phrase to kill privacy, not fight abuse....

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In theory? Yes. In reality? No.

Besides all the practical reasons already mentioned, it's simply a question of marketing to get people into it. Which costs money noone wants to pay because it kills the principle of breaking free of corpo-hold. Without marketing you'll end up with the nerds that are already here (majority). And of those, the majority are probably also male.

And on top of that, you might find other people living in NYC but what about smaller cities or even foreign ones? With reddits userbase you probably could, but you don't reach them because they already prefer mainstream-stuff 😐

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Rules are for thee, not for me.

Well, it's a hobby/passion. Simple as that. I'm a nerd, i love such things. And home automation is a thing I've dreamt of since the first automatic door in star trek. Automatic lights, alarm-system, cameras, a smart AI (locally, no stupid alexa et al),a tablet at the door which tells us everything we want to know on a quick glance (weather, shopping-list, fuel-prices, status of all machines etc). And all that with some many thousand lines of code and triple redundancy 😍

When i visit other people I actually find it "retro" to use light-switches 😁

That is not the only big thing of pixels. To me it's the openness. These are, ironically, the best and easiest phones to leave google. Or at least root them without the evergrowing hassles of each iteration of samcraps.

Noone would ever buy a PC if they wouldn't get admin-access and mustn't install Linux or whatever. With phones they managed to keep us out.

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USA please get your shit together. That's so dytopian my head hurts. And you are a vision of the future for all other countries. Thank god I'll be dead by then.

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Murica. Dunno if any other country does censor such trivialities too. And to the deeper why: religious hipocrisy i guess.

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Yeah great /s

I prefer donations to the modders. Not paying 30% of it to steam for doing.... Nothing much. And also being forced to pay for a mod.

Modding made so many mediocre games fantastic. The community is always a blast. People doing it for the "fame" or just for fun, and also getting occasional donations as a heartfelt "thank you" as a cherry on top.

I can't imagine paid mods to do anything good for the scene. When does money ever....

Why are there even kids working there? How old was this "teen"? What is wrong with the USA (rethorical question)?

Your numbers (i assume correctness) are making it even more worse. Disgusting even. That's like fines not bound to income. A major kick in the nutsack for the poor and a slightly more expensive, but totally neglectable, parking-ticket for the rest.

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You egomaniac! Don't you ever think of the shareholders? Monster!

It has become really nasty for sure...

But I can't really blame them. Who wouldn't want to know? And who doesn't do it? It's just always MS who gets shit on for doing it. Everything and everyone tracks our every movement and click. If ET had been an android-phone he had been long called home before the intro started.

Don't get me wrong, i effing abhor these things from the depths of my nerdy heart and do everything to block them all. But we just can't avoid it anymore. We can just hope to get it all blocked or that it at least only sends anonymous usage-data and nothing else.

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Some parts of the USA are really more than utterly disgusting. And we all know it's not pro-life, it's pro-cheaplabour.

In the US there's at least one shop, to the best of my knowledge, that actually sells human parts like skull, femurs etc (JonsBones). So, there might be a legal source 😊

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Amen. Guess it's the curse of the unknowing youth. They grow up with this bullcrap. I hate discord so much. "oh buy nitro, have stupid stickers!" ugh.

I really really really miss IRC. What was wrong with it? Why did it die? Did we all die?

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If you CAN do both at the same time, who gets hurt?

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But also r/OrphanCrushingMashine-material.

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With the words of your Carlin: "of course it's a dream. You gotta be asleep to believe it"

If you really have to ask such things on the Internet, I really wonder who should ask about whom here.

Better leave her be. If you feel that vastly intelectually superior, that relationship would be purely based on mere looks and your physical attraction. What are you? 12? No offence meant.

Goodbye then. Was already expensive enough.

Sadly it would end the same like with reddit or netflix: The loss due to the amount of pissed-off and leaving customers is obviously way less than the gain due to the ignorant or root-problem-agnostics. Makes me a sad panda...

You're right. It's good they're competing. But to say they're doing a good job for gamers? The thing is horrible (atm) :

  • Achievments (if even there) are meaningless, you can't even check them. You unlock one and then it vanishes. "my achievos"-page remains empty
  • no rating-system, No discussions, no guides, no workshop, no nothing
  • the friends-feature doesn't even work.
  • shop-browsing is annoying af. No tabs.
  • you'll get constant questions about a game (if played long enough) but won't see any score/results. You just offer free data.

I hate steam's monopoly. Truly. But at least they're offering a solid framework.

Epic, just like gog galaxy, had an initially cool start and then... Nothing. All the years and they're still as horrible as bad then. No effort. I can understand gog, but not epic.

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That's why i stopped using those at all. It's always the same.

But screw alexa. Why would i even want a bug sending my voice to some random server? And pay for it? Wouldn't use that thing if they'd pay me....

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We (loc: krautland) totally stopped ordering take-out. It gets less and less, worse and worse, cheaper and cheaper, but also more and more expensive. It's not worth it anymore. At all.

We may be just some cheap fucks (as many still do, even those with way less moneyz), but takeout is no viable alternative to cooking anymore.

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Err... I don't ever watch ads, so forgive my question:

Is that a real ad?

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Though not really (too) old but:


But only if it'd be a worthy remake.

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I just don't fucking care.

If people prefer WhatsApp because "everyone is using it" then bad luck for them reaching me. Facebook? Am I mentally challenged? If you want to know stuff about my life, ask me. If you want to see pictures of my lovely pet, ask me. Who needs this upvote-circlejerking of fake posers?

If someone really cares, they'd jump on the platform I use or they don't.

Of course I am willing to explain and even install everything for the technically challenged. Also explain, in detail, WHY I'm so strict.

Only thing I am using mainstream with is the stupid pixel-phones. Ironically they're the easiest to un-google. And there is no (good) alternative yet.

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Was it really FUN or is it not just nostalgia? I would not reaaaally want to fiddle with the autostart-crap again. It often took soooo long. Even with those auto-optimizers...

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There are some cheap testers for that. Even om amazon

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This really is a thing missing before the regular Jane or Joe would even consider signing on. The fundamental difference (federation) makes it hard enough for the technically unsavy. The "but where do i make an account for this new reddit?"...

An SSO-solution could help eliminate that.