Earl Turlet

@Earl Turlet@lemmy.zip
0 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I had this set up the day it was available in my area. Never got an alert. I find it difficult to believe I wasn't "exposed" during the pandemic, so I assume this didn't really provide much value.

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Did you just assume my ¥der?

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Make a GDPR data request to reddit. You'll get all your comments and posts and a ton of other stuff in CSV format.

Then the hand-wavy part: use the Lemmy API and write a utility to post things.

But definitely get your data.

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This is my favorite Star Trek episode, too. Ruined.

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If you're a developer, read the source code. People will tell you how they remember things working, or how they think they should work. The code is what it is.

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Kagi's verbatim search does this. You will actually get no results if nothing matches. It doesn't change your search and give you something you didn't ask for.

Quoting in a normal "All results" search works, too.

What the heck did you just say about storage, you little newbie? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Computer Engineering, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on terrible cable management, and I have over 300 confirmed SSD installs. You're complaining about space on your PC like it's some sort of divine mystery? Listen up, sailor.

You're whining about dropping $120 on BG3 and Starfield? You could get a 1TB SSD for as low as 35 bucks, you scallywag. Don't even get me started on HDDs; a 1TB one is practically a steal at 22 dollars. And let's go big or go home: 2TB HDD for 40-65 dollars, or if you're feeling ritzy, a 2TB SSD at 60-90. Still less than your precious games, maggot.

You're out of SATA ports? Son, have you heard of a PCIe SATA card? Load that baby up. You've got more slots on your motherboard than you have excuses. Talking about running out of space with a setup that should give you 2-4TB at least? Don't make me laugh. You're telling me you can't find space for your precious BG3? That's only 150GB, sailor, uninstall it if you're so keen on playing Starfield.

And if you've hit the limits of both onboard SATA and PCIe, then I have one word for you: USB 3. Worst case, you get an external drive and run Starfield from there. Don't act like your OS drive is the final frontier; there are many ways to expand your digital seas, you landlubber.

So before you cry about storage again, maybe do some basic math and stop acting like you're navigating uncharted waters. Get another drive, or walk the plank.

I like black because it accentuates the goofy faces cats make sometimes. I also just like the way they look in general.

Practically, it's easy to see when there's something in their fur and when it needs brushing.

As a bonus, they're easy to adopt. Every shelter seems to have a bunch.

From one hairy situation to another, in time.

Tildes is a non-starter because I'm not cool enough to know anyone to provide an invite.

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People might have to stand behind their opinions if they choose to voice them. The horror!

(Although the user/account is still basically anonymous 🤷‍♂️)

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This is a good reason to use Dvorak

Hashicorp recently changed the license of Terraform and its other core products from MPL to BSL, restricting commercial use and preventing competitors from offering services based on the code. While this makes business sense for the now-public Hashicorp, it upset many users who saw it as undermining the open source nature of the projects. In response, the OpenTF project was launched to fork Terraform and maintain it under a truly open source license. While Terraform is not as likely to cause vendor lock-in as databases, its dominance as a developer tool could be impacted by this change and emerging alternatives. Interestingly, the video ends by humorously discouraging viewers from supporting the OpenTF project in opposition to Hashicorp's licensing change.

Via Kagi universal summarizer

I use Fossil for all of my personal projects. Having a wiki and bug tracker built-in is really nice, and I like the way repositories sync. It's perfect for small teams that want everything, but don't want to rely on a host like GitHub or set up complicated software themselves.

Contrary to some misconceptions, these SIMD capabilities did not amount to the processor being "128-bit", as neither the memory addresses nor the integers themselves were 128-bit, only the shared SIMD/integer registers. For comparison, 128-bit wide registers and SIMD instructions had been present in the 32-bit x86 architecture since 1999, with the introduction of SSE. However the internal data paths were 128bit wide, and its processors were capable of operating on 4x32bit quantities in parallel in single registers.


Lemmy already calls it a community. It's all over the UI, code, everything. Why call it something else?

Google cases always seem hit-or-miss. I just buy the same Spigen case for every phone. I know I like it.

The Pixel series have this. It's called Quick Tap.

Combined with Tasker, you can make it do anything -- if the existing options aren't enough.

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Misusing words like "setup" vs "set up", or "login" vs "log in". "Anytime" vs "any time" also steams my clams.

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Usernames checks out. This. Not a lawyer, but this is gold right here. Because science. F in the chat, my dude. That escalated quickly. ELI5? Happy cake day! 5/7 with rice. Take my upvote and go. We did it, Reddit! You. I like you. Good bot. I'm not crying, you're crying. Instructions unclear, got stuck in ceiling fan. Plot twist: OP is the real MVP. I'm here all day folks. Ah, the ol' Reddit switch-a-roo. Absolutely not me_irl. Risky click of the day. Came here to say this. OP’s mom has entered the chat. /s, but honestly, can confirm, am banana. Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

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Odd that you would get so many "Jamie" domains, Moe.

I've been on Fastmail for 10 years. It's a great service.

Playing devil's advocate, I'd be worried you'd avoid doing work you don't want to do, but is core work that needs to be done. Not all employers want or are set up to employ wildcards. You may have to make your own path here, too.

You may be fewer irritated by this with age

I use Hurl. Everything is just a text file:

POST https://example.org/api/tests
    "id": "4568",
    "evaluate": true

HTTP 200
header "X-Frame-Options" == "SAMEORIGIN"
jsonpath "$.status" == "RUNNING"    # Check the status code
jsonpath "$.tests" count == 25      # Check the number of items
jsonpath "$.id" matches /\d{4}/     # Check the format of the id
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You don't have to be on the same network. It uses WiFi Direct for files.

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The exchange rate is pretty good right now.

He can't help it. It keeps popping up outside of his control.

Sync (for the platform which shall not be named) had the ability to filter posts by keyword. I will take advantage of that feature when Sync for Lemmy is available.

Like the train kind of engineering?

0, 8

When I was working in the office, I'd put the thermostat where I like it, drink 6 K-Cups worth of something a day, and use so much TP. I hated commuting and made sure I got my money's worth. They'll regret bringing people like me back.

It's very similar to what JetBrains has and you can easily translate between the two (assuming you aren't using assertions or any Hurl-specific features), but not exactly the same syntax.

I tend to go with Hurl because it's self contained and you can do things like throw it in your CI builds.


GPT-4 writes better code than the junior developers on my team. I wish they would use it as a rubber duck, at the least.

It often requires iteration and asking for certain things (logging, error handling, simplification/maintainability, etc.) but it gets there. I think it would eventually be possible to get AI at a place where it thinks about these things automatically instead of requiring prodding.

Still doesn't replace people, but makes them more effective.

I have all of my important electronics (computers, entertainment center, network equipment) on CP1500PFCLCD. They're scattered around the house, so there are multiple CP1500PFCLCD.

...then there's a 22 kW gas generator that handles everything once it switches on.

I think these comment limits are temporary until they figure out some issues with the database usage. See https://github.com/LemmyNet/lemmy/pull/3306 as an example.

They have been making good progress on identifying areas for improvement, so these should get fixed eventually.

It may be more private, but it is not as secure. (On Android).

See https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/firefox-chromium.html and all of the linked references.

No one is forcing anyone to upvote or downvote. There's not even karma or anything here. If people don't want others to know how they feel, then they shouldn't say anything, no matter what form the speech takes.
